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That Olde Peng Challenge Has Me In It's Spell

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Damn, there's a foul wind coming down from the North these days. The 'Pool makes Fresh Kills look like Martha Stewart's guest room.

Joe Shaw send me a fecking turn. If you've enough time to post, you've enough time to Die-a-Lot™.

You cretin, did you have to study to get that stupid or are you just naturally gifted that way?

YOU sent a turn (finally) on Thursday June 20th stating that you would be out of town Friday through Sunday. I replied THE SAME DAY with my turn. Has it taken this long for it to dawn on your feeble little brain that something was missing? Like maybe YOUR RETURN FILE TO ME?

Tell you what pal, I'm feeling generous today (a damned lie but I was lying when I said it so it kind of fits) so I'll RESEND the turn that you will no doubt claim you never got because space aliens intercepted the email ... or something equally bizarre.

I don't know why I bother with you.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

I assume Mr Boo that this piece of drivel has something to do with the game you call football! I have news for you.............IT IS NOT FOOTBALL...............WE PLAY FOOTBALL WITH A ROUND BALL AND SCORE GOALS.........NOT TOUCHDOWNS OR ANY OTHER DOWNS!!

There, now I feel better

My dear AthaThtupidQuethtion-GetAThtupidAnther,

There's no need to shout. I can quite easily read those close fisted bangings of yours that resemble typing only in that some form of keyboard must be involved.

Now, as to Soccer, Rugby. Football, what's in a name as long as it provides us with an opportunity to watch microcephalic gorillas pound on each other?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


[serious] Hope things are going well for you, old man. Keep your chin up, and don't burn ANYTHING!


The rest of you: SOD OFF!

Oops, that last line should have been in the srious part. Whoops, this one too! And this one! And this...

Thanks. Hanging in there.
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Hakko Ichiu is a swine of the first order ... I know, I know, big surprise right. First he accuses me of not sending a turn, then, AFTER I sent the turn AGAIN he responds with a transparent forgery of what he claims is the turn he sent immediately after! Can you believe the nerve of that man?

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

I assume Mr Boo that this piece of drivel has something to do with the game you call football! I have news for you.............IT IS NOT FOOTBALL...............WE PLAY FOOTBALL WITH A ROUND BALL AND SCORE GOALS.........NOT TOUCHDOWNS OR ANY OTHER DOWNS!!

There, now I feel better

My dear AthaThtupidQuethtion-GetAThtupidAnther,

There's no need to shout. I can quite easily read those close fisted bangings of yours that resemble typing only in that some form of keyboard must be involved.

Now, as to Soccer, Rugby. Football, what's in a name as long as it provides us with an opportunity to watch microcephalic gorillas pound on each other?</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Joe Pshaw is a swine of the first order ... I know, I know, big surprise right. First, I accuse Gack! IChew of not sending a turn, then, AFTER he sent the turn AGAIN I respond with a transparent forgery of what I claim is the turn I sent immediately after! Can you believe my nerve?

He told me that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride me for my feeble efforts to make him look bad ... well?


Do you REALLY want the answer to that????


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hakko Ichiu is a swine of the first order ... I know, I know, big surprise right. First he accuses me of not sending a turn, then, AFTER I sent the turn AGAIN he responds with a transparent forgery of what he claims is the turn he sent immediately after! Can you believe the nerve of that man?

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?


Crickets chirping, the sorrowful sound of a night bird, the wind sighing through the trees...and all else is silence...
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?

Way to go, Hakko Ichiu! We, the lowly denizens of the 'pool all salute you. I raise my glass in toast.

Enough derision, Joe?

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Originally posted by athkatla:

So Mr Boo Hoo, { Sounds of cacaphonous braying, empty posturings, mind-numbingly tepid taunts}......get a beer.......

Thank you, I believe I will. By George, I knew if I let you prattle on long enough you'd manage to grunt out ONE intelligent thing.

Million monkeys, million typewriters theory, you know.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hakko Ichiu is a swine of the first order ... I know, I know, big surprise right. First he accuses me of not sending a turn, then, AFTER I sent the turn AGAIN he responds with a transparent forgery of what he claims is the turn he sent immediately after! Can you believe the nerve of that man?

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?


Since when does it take any sort of effort to make you look bad, Joe?


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Way to go, Hakko Ichiu! We, the lowly denizens of the 'pool all salute you. I raise my glass in toast.

Enough derision, Joe?

R_Leete, I see you've finally scrounged up the courage to show your face again after my poetic yet stinging CHALLENGE. Excellent.

Now stop wasting time prattling on at Joe (the rest of us can handle that quite nicely, but thankyou for the thought) and go prepare your next turn. The PBEM file is back in your court. No more attempting to delay your inevitable humiliation at the hands of my superior tactical awareness.

Panzer Armee Khann awaits your feeble approach.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hakko Ichiu is a swine of the first order ... I know, I know, big surprise right. First he accuses me of not sending a turn, then, AFTER I sent the turn AGAIN he responds with a transparent forgery of what he claims is the turn he sent immediately after! Can you believe the nerve of that man?

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?


Since when does it take any sort of effort to make you look bad, Joe?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, I wasn't going to mention it, you being new and all, but now you've forced my hand ... Papa Khann (spelt but not bolded) USES SMOKE! That's right, smoke to conceal his tanks from my righteous wrath. Next he'll be using tactics, there's no shame to some of these Serfs you know.


Joe, that is not actually SMOKE. At least not in the conventional sense you are implying.

My troops and I merely made a brief stop in aisle 19 prior to the battle to procure braziers, charcoal, and weenies (yep, seen some of the Australians there, but none of them would fit in the cart). And the only reason your blasted Jabos and arty is doing so well is because we've been preoccupied barbecueing on the engine deck of every Hun tank since turn 2.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread the ENTIRE thread, mind you, has no authority over the House of Surly (not bolded because the courtesy doesn't apply to the House but only to the individual) then where does it stop? Next even dalem will claim that the Justicariate has no authority over the House of Mucilage ... Hell Berli (note the appropriate reference), even the Australians can claim exemption.

And your point is?
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I told him that the entire CessPool would raise up as one and deride him for his feeble efforts to make me look bad ... well?

Hello darkness, my old friend,

I've come to talk with you again,

Because a vision softly creeping,

Left its seeds while I was sleeping,

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Next he'll be using tactics, there's no shame to some of these Serfs you know.

Then you'll be happy to know that your squire Harv most definitely does not believe in any of them foreign -isms and ideologies like tactics or doctrine. Nope he takes it simple and Amurican-like, which is quite unusual in a Canadian. For example, if one of his AFVs is on fire, he drives another, more expensive one to the same place. You gotta to admire that spunk.

Just thought I'd tell you that, to make you proud of the boy.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

So Mr Boo Hoo, { Sounds of cacaphonous braying, empty posturings, mind-numbingly tepid taunts}......get a beer.......

Thank you, I believe I will. By George, I knew if I let you prattle on long enough you'd manage to grunt out ONE intelligent thing.

Million monkeys, million typewriters theory, you know.</font>

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Quick update of ongoing game.


- Jabos!

Force Allotments:

- The glorious forces of the Fatherland, arrayed in all their power and splendor (well, what is left of them, anyway), Me.

- The pathetic alliance of wayward Yankees, refugees, and the Coalition of Wal-Mart Greeters, Joe Shaw.

Turns 5 - 8: Most of my stuff is (redneck mode) blowned up REEL gud! (/redneck mode) If I concentrate, I think I can get another crew off the map.

Joe, on the other hand, appears not to have any stuff. His air power strikes like the wind (or is that Joe being flatulent again?) and is gone before my dowdy young Huns are able to answer. Cowards. Land those d*mn Jabos!, draw your sidearms, and fight us like men!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I don't know why I bother with you.


You bother with him because you are dying to play that wonderful scenario, HakkoShaw, through to its finish. The valiant American armored reconnaisance group, the resolute German SS wielding their 88's and Tiger tanks, the sounds of engines in the night, the roar of the big guns and moaning minnies, the ...

Oh, wait a minute, wrong scenario.

For Ethan-whose-name-sounds-like-a-sneeze, four barrels of water balloons, one of those new-fangled hotdog cooking sticks and three cardboard fire engines from Romper Room for transport...

For Herr Xia, two, nay, make it three pointy sticks, and the entire set of residents of the fourth floor of the Sunshine Home for Senile Dementia...

To each according to his abilities...

Enjoy gentlemen.

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