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That Olde Peng Challenge Has Me In It's Spell

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Pooh pooh to you all, I will defy you, and btw the generals don't win the wars, it's us bloody NCO's at the sharp end that comes up with the goods. Joe "old womans" Shawl" too dangerous to bomb Germany at night? (I'd have thought it was far more dangerous during daylight, but who am I to say, I was only a grunt, not a poncy Fly Boy) :D Oh, and just to enlighten me, what the hell is an SSN?? (Not that I give a flying f***)! tongue.gif

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Originally posted by athkatla:

{snipped because there's just too much of him} Joe "old womans" Shawl" too dangerous to bomb Germany at night? (I'd have thought it was far more dangerous during daylight, but who am I to say, I was only a grunt, not a poncy Fly Boy) CENSORED Oh, and just to enlighten me, what the hell is an SSN?? (Not that I give a flying f***)! CENSORED

There are crowds and crowds, AthoverteaKettle. ONE crowd was the one that Berli mentioned, the other is the crowd that I mentioned. Obviously our "poncy flyboys" didn't have the moxie to attack Germany at night when it was REALLY tough and had to resort to that cowardly, daylight bombing routine.

But we miss the point lad, we were discussing the brave British troops (which, btw, is an phrase I'm in full agreement with) WHO NEVER SURRENDER (to paraphrase your words). I'd like to mention ... oh ... Saratoga, Crete ... you were the one who started this you know.

An SSN, if you'd read the bloody rules that were posted FOR YOUR BENEFIT, is a Scum Sucking Newbie. YOU are a prime example of that particular growth.


[ June 26, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Joe, Joe, Moe, Mojo, has it come to this? Wiping the noses of fresh SSN's who flagrantly throw smilies in our face? Where is the exclusion, Joe, where is the discernment of the Justicariate that you so flagrantly wave in our faces? Are you turning soft, Joe? Is it Alzheimer's Joe?

Or is it simple laziness on your part? Edify us, Joe. Why the love, Joe, why the love?

Really, Joe get a grip and buck-up.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Later on I'll act out this post with finger puppets, so you get the jist of it.

Be sure to wash your fingers well after the third act. And remind me to never let you fix me a sandwich.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

Joe, Joe, Moe, Mojo, has it come to this? Wiping the noses of fresh SSN's who flagrantly throw smilies in our face? Where is the exclusion, Joe, where is the discernment of the Justicariate that you so flagrantly wave in our faces? Are you turning soft, Joe? Is it Alzheimer's Joe?

Or is it simple laziness on your part? Edify us, Joe. Why the love, Joe, why the love?

Really, Joe get a grip and buck-up.

Good point Leeo ... damn, that HURT to say that, luckily I won't have to say it very OFTEN.

Unfortunately the use of smilies, while long considered passe' and not quite the thing in the CessPool, have never been, ipso facto and de rigur, cause for Coventry. In the case of AthoverteaKettle, however, I'm willing to start a precedent if that's the will of the CessPool.


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Originally posted by Geier:

Ooo. Olde Ones engaged in a nationalistic chest-beating contest with a SSN. Wonderful.

Go to Coventry the lot of ye.


Excuse me Mr. "Oh ... we're neutral ... don't mind us." Too damn many ferriners around here if you ask me.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Later on I'll act out this post with finger puppets, so you get the jist of it.

Be sure to wash your fingers well after the third act. And remind me to never let you fix me a sandwich.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{large sigh of pure satisfaction} I love it when a plan comes together. It's my tactical genius at work again of course. I'd like to point out that he is GROSSLY exaggerating the number of Jabos actually flying around ... I'll bet there aren't more than 15 or 16 airstrikes IN ALL! Typical Serf sniffling and whining, he just can't admit that he's being bettered by a superior player.


Quick update of ongoing game.


- Jabos!

Force Allotments:

- The glorious forces of the Fatherland, arrayed in all their power and splendor, Me.

- The pathetic alliance of wayward Yankees, refugees, and the Coalition of Wal-Mart Greeters, Joe Shaw.

Turn 3: More Jabos.

The good news is, these pilots appear not to have the same ability at marksmanship that last batch had. Might I be able to sneak through on the Ami left and defeat this soggy old bird with his toe blisters and rump callouses and seemingly endless supply of aerial ordnance?

Turn 4: We appear to advance without further harrassment for half a minute or so. I may make it through. I just might do it!

Whats this? What is this, this THING in my path?

Curses!! Tis none other than Jocular Joe himself, adorned in his tiny blue smock and that d*mned annoying Welcome to Wal-Mart button. Cover up that button, Joe! It reflects the sunlight!! You're going to attract more of those d*mn Jabos!


This must be the initial batch of chicken hawking Jabo jockeys returning for another pass. Because these suckers can AIM. They wreak much havoc amongst my dowdy young Huns.

Indeed, now I am reduced to gesturing frantically at my troops from the cupola of my command tank (well to the rear, I might add). I scream RUN LITTLE HUNS, RUN!!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Too damn many ferriners around here if you ask me.

Since you were discussing history earlier I would like, no scratch that, love to point out that all merricans, in a historical sense and barring the occasional injuns, are ferriners.

Wherever they are.

You see I'm from Europe. Where History comes from.

I'm also barely conscious, but hey, not for long.

I also agree with Lars. Which must mean I'm really really ti

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Papa Khann (spelt but not bolded), is it MY fault that your Tigers can't evade a silly little fighter-bomber? Is it MY fault that those 155mm barrages target that parking lot of PzIVs ... (did I forget to mention the arty in the briefing ... my bad)? Is is MY fault that your tanks were ambushed just as they were about to cross the exit zone by that company of Pers ... uh ... never mind.

Geier, need I remind you that all RIGHT THINKING Euros LEFT Europe for the hope, promise and dream of AMERICA! All of MY ancestors left Europe, don't blame me that yours were too lazy and or fraidy-cats. Hell, your lot started the stampede when Lucky Lief Erickson found Vinland!


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Left? Or were asked to leave?

There was no asking involved with Joe's ancestors. Straight onto the prison-ship with the rest of the tiresome blowhards.
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Left? Or were asked to leave?

There was no asking involved with Joe's ancestors. Straight onto the prison-ship with the rest of the tiresome blowhards.</font>
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Point of order, sir cyanobacter. Yankland got the religious freaks, while we became the "hulk that could not be filled". Meanwhile, the effete, public school, bad-toothed crowd cowered at home and collected the taxes.

Personally, I'd rather live with the crims, thank you very much.

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An SSN, if you'd read the bloody rules that were posted FOR YOUR BENEFIT, is a Scum Sucking Newbie. YOU are a prime example of that particular growth.

Ohhhhhh, at last I've been recognised and join the ever decreasing ranks of the SSN's, for how long can a newbie be a newbie! And where are my fellow country men when I need them, leaving me to muster a defence against the pond waders.

On another point, I don't have much time for you fellows at the moment, as I'm currently playing my first PBEM, isn't it fun? So toodle pip, and rant and rave on (there's a Buddy Holly song in there) for I will return :cool:

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Guest PondScum

Goanna: did I ever say those prison ships could sail straight? I mean, if YOU had the ancestors of Joe Shaw in your hold, clapped in irons, blathering and pomposticating and demanding to be made justicar, could you stand the whinin' all the way to Oz? Of course you couldn't. Quick right turn, across the Atlantic, drop 'em off in the Americas, and then take all the honest god-fearing criminals on their luxury cruise to the land of their dreams, where they can breed little Stukas to their heart's content.

Yeah, yeah, ok, the QUICKEST route - and the kinder one, for the sake of humanity - would have been to just drop the buggers overboard, but hindsight is 20/20.

And if you think any different, I'll have to make you change your sig yet again.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You're thinking of the Aussies ... the description is certainly apt though ... Mace, Stuka, Aussie Jeff, Noba, Goanna, Stuka ... I know I said Stuka twice but he's twice as tiresome as the rest put together.


Does not compute.

Naturally, I agree that Australians are, on the whole, a bunch of vacuous societal misfits and a plague upon the human condition. But how on earth could anyone be TWICE as tiresome as AussieJeff? Much less twice as tiresome as he and the rest of their shiftless lot combined.

Joe, you impotent old geezer, you're even more of a dolt than I thought you were. You've gone and stated something that is a mathmatical impossibility.


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