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The One, The Only WHINE I DIDN'T GET IT YET thread

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Alrighty then, we have the official whine thread. I'm sure I'll be posting here for weeks, if not a month or more. It's my destiny, or maybe my karma?

Anyhoo, let the whining begin. I didn't get mine yet, but the CDV Euros are just having a ball right now. I knew it would happen. If you want something bad enough, you WILL be the last to get it.

Let the whining commence!

If you have the game, and you post here, you are truly a thoughtless SOB. Leave us to our misery, please. Go play your CMBB.

Treeburst155 out.

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Last time I checked, scandinavia was part of Europe. I didn't get my copy of the game. The germans are the lucky ones who got the game early (those who pre-ordered). You lot in the US of A should get your's in the next few days. But we scandinavians will have to wait for our waffengrenadier and DVD-box mutilated copy of CMBB two more full weeks, maybe even longer. This just to say, that not all of us europeans are the lucky, LUCKY "CDV euros". :mad:

But nevertheless, I'm gonna be happy as a teletubbie (?) when I get my hands on that shiny (?) DVD-box and see my first glances of the high-ress waffengrenadiers and their vehicles smile.gif and then I'll forget 'em and start playing a QB with Finns against soviets ;)


Back to the topic 'tho: whine whine whine, didn't get my CMBB and now I'm gonna cry (boohoo) tongue.gif

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(grumble grumble)... don't have it yet... (grumble grumble)

It's just as well, really. This weekend my in-laws are visiting and I have lots of grading to do. NEXT weekend, however, my beloved spouse is going out of town for three days and two nights. smile.gif

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This is so unfair. We Mac Users here in Germany are left behind again. :mad:

Instead of being able to order from the fine folks at CDV, we have to order from the greedy guys at Battlefront who don't want to let the distributors get their fair share. No wonder they have to resort to selling crack and other such stuff to earn a living. :(

BTS please fix or do somefink!

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I'll open myself to ridicule here - no doubt from those with impressive Cess-pool credentials - by saying I hope I don't get it until Sept. 30 (being in Canada that is almost a given though ;) ). My in-laws (very nice people BTW) are coming to visit and when it comes to CM I am a weak, weak man. Remove the temptation while her parents are visiting and I should have a long, happy marriage. If it should arrive next week....well, let's just say they'll get a good look at how a crack addict acts.



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Checked the mail. No CMBB. Hoped for it, but did not expect it.

Although... in my fantasies, somewhere in the eastern US a sleeper cell of German agents taxis their Junkers JU 52 from its secret hanger to fly one last mission: a load of CMBB games to be dropped on the unwary heads of Texans. Look to the skies ! They may be coming !

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Someone is talking about wine? Someone is talking about whining? :confused:

Some people love wine. Some people love to whine. ;)

Personally, I prefer a good bier, like a stout or porter. Guinness is certainly wonderful & I love it. :D

In fact, later today, I get a nice bier or two and watch the Saints (I'm in New Orleans) vs da Bears. It should be a good game. smile.gif

I'll just quitely wimper until CMBB comes. :(

But tomorrow is a new day of anticipation and waiting with bated breath. ;)

Cheers, Richard :D

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