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Skorzeny revisited.

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While waiting with bells on for the partisan actions that CMBB promises and I intend to flood Der Kessel with (or try), I took a walk down memory lane and came across Otto and the boys. Their new adventure, 'Polish Sausage', will be available soon at the depot. Like the Commando Skorzeny scenarios before it, this one is intended to be played Single Player as the Germans. After being tested to the nth degree, it's about ready. Here's a look at the general briefing:

Size: Medium (toward the smallish side).

Type: single player commando raid.

Location: just north of Trier am Mosel.

Weather: chilly with a soupy fog.

Ground condition: damp.

Length: 32 turns.

(NOTE: This scenario is for single player play only with the AI in the role of the Allied Polish troops. The AI should be set to "stick to scenario default" in setup. Victory flags should be turned OFF. They're intended to influence the AI, not determine victory.)

Before we begin, it should be noted that this scenario is ENTIRELY fictional. The action afforded by this scenario is intended to evoke a 'war movie' feel, as opposed to any serious attempt at recreating an ultra-realistic battlefield environment. End Disclaimer.

After a three day bivouac in a black, damp wood north of Trier, a line of a hundred plus figures crouched silently just inside the treeline of a tract fronted by this or that small hamlet.

While on-site, these grizzled and scarred veterans of the shadowy Commando Skorzeny had observed everything of the village's comings, goings, and patterns of activity. The sentry posts, the watch commander's stations, the infantry company doing garrison duty, the refurbishment garage and its stable of AT guns, the pair of L/L Sherman V's... all scrutinized for days by the intrepid Germans.

This morning saw the arrival of the prize. Three battalion level Polish officer cadre's had rolled quietly into the sleepy burg just after 3 A.M. for a micro-summit of sorts. Shortly thereafter the town had been set abustle. Polish security teams had scouted their immediate perimeters, albeit with little enthusiasm or serious consideration of any threat. Vehicles had cruised the access roads, half-heartedly sweeping search-lights through the blanket of fog in the general direction of this clump of trees or that wall of shadow.

And after a time, the pace had slowed again. The sentries back at their posts, the tanks back to the motor pool, the infantrymen tucked back into their bunks, and the big-wigs, their meeting brought to order, hatching their schemes.

The Poles were, after all, "in the rear with the gear" with the nearest massed German threat many leagues to the east and reportedly in full retreat. In this quaint little village, their strategic plans could be mulled over in... safety.

From the trees, through the soup of fog and oh so quietly came the desperate wrath of a Reich in its death throes.

'Polish Sausage' by Clubfoot.


Do it at Der Kessel.

[ August 01, 2002, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Have enjoyed your past scenarios. This one sounds like it will be a lot of fun. One totally nitpicking comment on the briefing from someone who has read too many undergraduate papers: the word "its" only takes an apostrophe when it means "it is." Otherwise, it's already possessive and should be written "its." Just a little pet peeve of mine.


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Originally posted by Dook:

: the word "its" only takes an apostrophe when it means "it is." Otherwise, it's already possessive and should be written "its." Just a little pet peeve of mine.

I suggest you look around the board, because there are a lot of people do a lot worse than "it's" instead of "its." Like the people who don't know how to spell tank, Panzerschreck, or my personal favorite, Nahverteidigungswaffe. Or the people who don't capitalize anything...


[ August 01, 2002, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Panther G ]

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I suggest you look around the board, because there are a lot of people do a lot worse than "it's" instead of "its."
I know that all too well. I don't generally bother with cases where the problem is poor typing, English as a second (or 3rd or 4th) language, or general illiteracy, but Clubfoot's briefing was quite good and I was just trying to help.
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Yeah, you know how it goes. The ol' insperado starts to flag and we move on to what we think will be greener pastures only to find ourselves terribly homesick. Regardless of my intentions to move along, that fat CM magnet always pulls me back. I just can't get this damned game out of my system and probably never will. smile.gif Expect to see Polish Sausage in your in-box this weekend. You'll be the first to get it.


Mistakes noted and corrected. Thanks for the heads-up! I completely understand pet peeves associated with the misuse of the English language. I'm surprised you didn't hammer me for beginning a sentence with "And". My tone was conversational, however, so that may have been quibbling. "It's" however was just your good eye. Thanks. smile.gif

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