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The Magnificent Bastards.*

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Originally posted by WineCape:

[...]All in favour, vote here, show some support by posting here and, if possible, tell us why you appreciate these MAGNIFICENT BASTARDS*


Charl Theron

Because without them, I'd still be swearing at the CC series, wishing to get down to ground level to _see_ the terrain, cursing tank movement, and wondering if WWII mortar rounds really did have GPS-based guidance systems.
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Thus, I propose, with the vote of forum members here in this thread, to send 12 bottles of wine (heck, what else!)

With so many people foaming at the mouth waiting for the release of CM:BB, may I humbly request that you delay this well deserved gift until AFTER the release date? 12 bottles of wine divided by 5 people could mean some seriously deranged last-minute code getting into the new game.
What about....coffee?! Sharpens the mind, you know.

Sorry. Didn't mean to hijack the idea of wine. I vote YES to that idea, by the way.

I happen to have access to some of the world's finest coffee beans, and a roaster. The fellers can have their little wine party, and then, I think, the coffee might come in handy the following morning. ;)

Somebody tell me where to send it (the coffee, not the roaster) and it's done. Where's BTS HQ?

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I vote "NO" as this is clearly a cunning plan to get the first copy shipped to SA of CMBB.

Those SA's will use any means to gain their evil ends...


I also vote "NO" as I do not want BTS to be befuddled by decent alcohol and hence have a chance of not completing their mammoth task.

So join me in and say "NO" to this devious plan.

Well someone had to offer a counter view or this would be all one sided.



P.s. I will say Yes if BTS turn round and put me on the slow list....

Bugger they already have.... Eeek

Please BTS I will be good... :(

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So I suppose MikeT is going to remind me what a hippocrite I am, lambasting his Pacific mod for its wildly inappropriate title which includes the word "bastards", now that Winecape has quoted me as using it in reference to BTS....

Actually MikeT is far too much of a diplomat for that, so I suppose I am safe.

Though I can think of one person who is probably bursting to point it out....

I vote to send the wine AFTER the CMBB release, in celebration. Tell me where to send my donation towards your costs, Winecape - I'd be proud to contribute.

[ May 28, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Yes! Three cheers and a toast to those "magnificent bastards". Send me your address and I'll even chip in a few bucks to help cover the cost. How many of you guys voting yes would be willing to send a $1.00 money order to help cover the cost? Sign up below.

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I vote yes to the idea of sending some to the whole bts crew.

P.S. I'm sorry but I have been spoiled...by this game and it's great design!! I try playing an older game with my little brother and I find nyself jerking at the mouse trying to change to view on the screen. I don't know how my life could have gone on without the intervention of this game into my life. (OK maybe my life could have gone on...maybe) Great work BTS!!!

P.P.S (kinda of a long P.S. don't ya think?)

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This concept, of sending a case of good South African wine to a game manufacturer from a gratified customer, is one of the things that makes this Forum the priceless place it is.

No one can deny what a priceless gem Combat Mission is for the wargaming community.

This is the game that I and my friends used to daydream about when we were young.

This is the game that has attracted an unbelievable following of enthusiasists, historians, wargamers, and, er, well, Grogs (the bastards).

WineCape, you are to be commended for this gesture of generosity.

Now, of course, it would be similarly appropriate to contribute, say, 4 bottles to each of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread.

We're not phillistines, you know.

We like a good bottle of wine as much as the next person.

Well, think about it.

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Might I suggest that each of the old timers with a small amount of spare money and a desire to say thanks to BTS e-mail WindCape on the side and offer to subsidize a single bottle or part of the bottle of wine to BTS. I assume he will give us a nice deal of course, but this could be a community expression of thanks.

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While you're at it get the Directions and the Passcode for Cheyenne Mountain, Please
Oh, so it's a secret? Well, they can't hide from our FREE GIFTS for ever, can they?! Oh, they'll get their presents. Yes, yes they will.

Ok BTS, hand over the address! Don't make Winecape come up there!

Not to worry. Operation Brownnose, I mean....Operation Grateful Booze will succeed, one way or another.

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I would like to suggest that not only are these bastards magnificent, but that they are complete as well.

I preordered the game. Got it shortly after the release, and have bought exactly 1 (one, un, ein, {10 - [that's ten minus nine] 9}) games (that's one - Black & White, which I played for one night and asked myself "why, why, WHY!?") and have played NOTHING else since.

Oh sure I dabbled in Panzer Elite when CMBO was just the gold demo and that damned cabbage SS_PL was whinging and poncing around the board, but this game, this one game has just about completely ruined my family life. So I suggest that they are also complete bastards. Just an idea. And by the way, I vote for the Wine.


PS and Seanachai, I like a joke as much as the next fat person too, what has that got to do with getting a free bottle of wine?

[ May 29, 2002, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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Originally posted by WineCape:

Thus, I propose, with the vote of forum members here in this thread, to send 12 bottles of wine (heck, what else!) to BTS' headquarters as appreciation for their work in this field of gaming.

But not until after CM:BB is finished and in the mail!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:


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A big YES for BTS.

I want to share with you a little story about my first contact with BTS.

Once upon a time...

I first read about CM:BO in the now defunct french publication Cyberstratège. Needless to say, excitation grew and as soon as I learned the game was released I ordered 3 copies of CMBO and added 2 of TacOps (for me and friends). But, poor me, I made 2 separate orders. Ack...

To save precious cash, I immediately mailed to BTS asking if it may be possible to send CMBO and TacOps together. To my surprise, I very quickly received a nice answer by a person named Steve. I was very happy with the quality of the service, and said so.

Then, a few weeks later, I learned Steve was THE Steve from BTS, and BTS was 2 (two) people!! I was amazed and delighted: I felt I was not simply an anonymous number on a list, but a customer they were CARING for.

Seems like nothing? Not for me! I value a company which treats it's customers as grown adults and not simply numbers on an Excel sheet. Two people, they were...TWO people...I still can't believe it..these guys are..yes, MAGNIFICENT bastards :D !!


PS: Winecape, this wine idea is a great idea! smile.gif

(This message has NOT been edited. Why not? Because!)

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

We like a good bottle of wine as much as the next person.

Baloney. Screwtop is good enough for the Slime Creatures.



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Thank you all for your gracious financial assistance in either the willingness to sponsor the bottles or the freight thereof. Much obliged. But I must decline graciously in turn. I didn't post originally to solicit financial help on the forum for the sending of the wine, but should’ve foreseen this as an obvious and natural consequence on this bulletin board anyway! smile.gif

However, I you all here on the forum DO want to help/support me, just drop me “BTS support/thank you” e-mail at WineCape@global.co.za]WineCape@global.co.za and I’ll promise to print out all those emails thus received, stick it in the 12-bottle wine box and send it of to the Magnificent Bastards. They then owe us at least that as stated by Dirtweasle, so that WE CAN ALL TOAST THEM HERE ON THE FORUM AT ROUGHLY THE SAME GMT/EST TIME.


You sir, are ascribing a cunningness to me that is beyond my most imaginative mind. smile.gif Our dearest friends in Pengville might be upset if I upstage them in this cunningness of mind. :D I do have a secret aspiration to become an honory member of Pengville, able to wade into the cesspool without, I repeat WITHOUT, as per orders from the old ones themselves, anybody hurling abuse/taint this delicate soul.


Your fingerslip as to “WindCape” did not go unnoticed, but I do suspect that you are under severe stress due to your trial (still pending?), so you are excused for any transgression of the mind smile.gif


Your dealings with Steve echo my experience with this small company called BTS. Bloody Magnificent Bastards!

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Aye, the bastards more then deserve it!

Aye, nuff said. Excellent idea, it would show that CM was more than 'just another game'.

Also I have no experience with money orders but i will be happy to donate for this worthy cause, just tell me how.

Grtz S.

PS well, i just wanted to add a PS tongue.gif

[ May 29, 2002, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Bakker@home ]

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Originally posted by redwolf:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aaronb:

and wondering if WWII mortar rounds really did have GPS-based guidance systems.

Didn't you know what the 2+ combat bonus in a HQ means?

Laser target designator :D </font>

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