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The Caen-Bayeux Road -- Putot

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Here's an epic scenario based upon battles fought between the 12th SS Panzer (HJ) and Commonwealth on 8 June, 1944.

The recreated HJ unit is the '2nd Abteilung, 26th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, 12th SS Panzer Division.' The Battalion is reinforced with various FOs and guns. There are 88s, 75s (sIG and AT), and 20mm AA assets. There are also 5 SdKfz 7/2 (37mm). All weapons have vehicle transport available.

The bulk of the Panzergrenadiers also have SPW 251/1s for transport. I keep the Grenadiers dismounted and use the SPW 251/1s in fire support, myself. The default setup has the Grenadiers dismounted but the MG42s loaded onto the halftracks... we're talking a 1.5km move here to get into the town.

Later the Germans receive 10 Tigers from the '501st Heavy Tank Abteilung.'

The Allies start with 3 companies of the 'Winnipeg Rifles,' as well as the Battalion MGs, AT Guns, and Engineer Platoon.

Later the Allies receive air support, and the 'Canadian-Scot Battalion,' plus tanks from the '6th Brigade,' and FOs from the '12th and 13th Artillery Regiments.'

The board is 2 km in depth, and 1.36km wide.


German: 9694

Allied: 12559

75 Turns. Germans start on the attack and end up on the defensive.

Soon at a download site near you.





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The 26th Regiment, 2nd Battalion under Siebken moves forward.

The panzergrenadiers are dismounted and march steadily across the fields and through the patches of woods.

The halftracks, some 50 of all types, churn forward ahead of the foot infantry.

They approach the embankment which hides the town behind it. Beyond Putot is the Caen-Bayeux Road. The HJ must cut that in order to have any chance of driving to the Sea.

From the German hill positions the 88s crack, systematically demolishing the building fronts of 'Putot.' Siebken directs his rocket observers to lay down a preparatory barrage. The 81mm and 105mm FOs are on standby.

A Canadian 57mm rings out. A halftrack, then another, go up in flames. The Germans are being hit at 1.5 km from the embankment!

The 57mm position is revealed. All guns pour HE into it, but before the position is silenced, 5 halftracks - including 2 of the 6 available SPW 251/9s - are knocked out.

The mass of SPW 251/1s, interspersed with 251/9s and 251/2s, continues unabated. Within minutes they've reached the embankment and literally hose down the Allied positions.

Now what lies beyond the embankment?

It is steep, rough terrain only passable by infantry. The only passage for vehicles into the town is beneath the rail bridge.

The halftracks put down the remaining pockets of Allied troops on the embankment as the infantry struggles to catch up.

After about 10 or 15 minutes the infantry and vehicles are ready to make a simultaneous push, over and through the embankment. The infantry - an entire battalion, surges over, supported by MG 42s which were moved up in turns prior, into firing positions along the tracks.

The halftracks pour through the openings under the bridge. Another AT gun sounds off, and more halftracks die. Still, casualties are relatively light.

After about 20 more minutes of fairly intense fighting, the 2nd Abteilung has routed the Winnipeg Rifles. Tigers have since linked up with the Grenadiers in the town, hastening the rout or surrender of the remaining few defenders. The town is cleared.

2 Tigers were lost; not good.

Only 8 remain and the sounds of many Allied vehicles can be heard in the distance.

By now Allied aircraft are buzzing overhead. They've already accounted for one of the two lost Tigers.

The Germans form defensive positions around the town, but almost before they can finish, an Allied counterattack is underway.

It's the Canadian-Scots, the tanks from the 6th, and the FOs from the 12th and 13th Regiments!

Now's the time to hold on for dear life, over the already half-shattered town.

Where's that *()&)&)* 105 fire!! We needed it a minute ago!!

Notes: It's not ready for prime time yet, because the Allied tanks aren't aggressive enough when controlled by the AI. The placement probably needs to be changed.

Don't get me wrong; it appears to a be a fairly tough attack to make; but from what I've seen the AI wasn't handling its tanks as well as it could have; this is why I consider it to be a 'beta version;' the kinks with the reinforcements need to be ironed out.

Also, the map needs some minor mods. If you want to test a 'beta' version, man this thing rocks!

I've tried recreating the narrow streets of a European town, using large buildings and forested roads. It looks strange but it actually plays like a cramped town with narrow streets!

It's like two battles in one: As the Germans, you have to get into the town within a reasonable amount of time, in order to set up your defense before the Allied reinforcements arrive. You're fighting against roughly two battalions with only one of your own; but you're fighting one of them at a time. On the other hand, you're outnumbered 3:1 in tanks (30:10). If you set the AI to +3 it is a decent challenge.

What I like about it is the scope; it's almost 'oprational-level' in its feel. There are 'major decisions' to be made. With such a large and varied force, you have a lot of flexibility in the attack. I intend to discuss this further in the actual battle briefing.

If you're interested in testing it out, drop me a line at andyt@pacifier.com

Andy (formerly Grunto)

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