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To All WineCape Tourney Vets

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I'm reading these postings and I'm liking a lot of the ideas floating around.

The idea of a series of battles that (may) have non-balanced force combinations against new and randomly selected opponents on a brand new game platform sounds groovy. Real groovy!!

The waiting is the hardest part.

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I've been thinking about the "waiting" part too. I've come to the conclusion, based mainly on the sheer volume of new vehicle modelling work and the fairly recent conclusion of the 3D modelling contest, that CMBB probably won't be out for 3-4 more months, maybe even more.

The last thing I want to see happen is for CMBB to be released right in the middle of a tourney; but I'm starting to think I can get away with one more CMBO tourney. It's real tempting.

A lot would depend on if I could get scenarios for a CMBO tourney that would be ready by, say D-Day. Interest in CMBO scenario design may be waning at this point, with CMBB being more or less around the corner.

I can put together fun scenarios from a gaming perspective, but historical/semi-historical stuff I couldn't do. IOW, my scenarios would tend to lack that realistic "feel". I'm just not grog enough to know what realistic is.


This thread is a good thing for improving the tourneys. Whatever tourney comes next will be better because of it. Let's keep chatting. I will probably have to start a new thread soon, so be ready.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:


If you want your guys to devote time & energy to an unbalanced scenario, fine by me. If you would rather not, then Nabla and I can take care of that one. I'm aware that deliberately "bad" scenarios is not what Boots & Tracks is all about. smile.gif Thanks, Nabla, for volunteering here if Boots & Tracks would rather not spend time on it...

...Someone mentioned keeping the scenario designers anonymous. This is a good idea IMO. Some are familiar enough with some designers to devise tactics based on that knowledge of design style. The scenario designers would have their names put in "lights" at the end, before the scores are revealed...

Treeburst155 out.


Actually, it will be no problem getting them all done. Also, removing the names will be easy too.

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Just a quick thought as I read your last post TB.

Now I am for random draw but…..

If it is possible to have a CMBO tourney using small, fast scenarios you could use it as a way to seed the players for the CMBB tourney. Just another option of course (as if there aren’t enough). Kind of like the time trials for the pole position in racing.

I say small and fast (20 turns or less) mainly because I don’t think some of us would want to be in a CMBO tournament when CMBB comes out.

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I'm in favour of the full random unbalanced scenerio concept. To get better, you must play againt better players. And I love the mystery of those unbalanced scenerios. Makes scouting so much more important.

And I'd like to squeeze it in as cmbo before cmbb comes out.


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A couple things here.

1) I've decided to split the 48 player tourney into two 24 player tourneys. The prize will be split too. Six bottles of wine will go to each tourney winner. The reason for this is the hassles I foresee with the final showdown between the last two. For two players, this final game just isn't worth the effort involved. The problem is perceived scenario imbalance, and lack of an accurate median for that final clash to remove reasonable doubt as to where that balance lies. So, two tourneys of 24 it will be, with six bottles of wine to the winner of each.

This brings us again to the question of who gets placed into which tourney. Here again, I would like to have an upper division tourney and a lower division tourney based on prior performance. Within the individual tourneys the Section assignments would be completely randomized by drawing names out of a hat.

Players in the lower tourney could switch with players in the LOWER HALF of the higher tourney as long as they found someone who was willing to do the switch. This gives the lower guys a chance at the big guns if they want, and the higher guys could possibly move down if they didn't want to take on the big guns. The top twelve in the high tourney would be frozen to the high tourney.

OK, you "random" fans, let me hear from you on this idea.

2) Who wants to chance a CMBO tourney while we wait for the new game? If enough are interested I will try to make it happen.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

von Lucke,

Since you voted, does that mean you want to get on the waiting list for this tourney? Yep, that's right. You're too late for the main event. You are number four on the waiting list.

Have no fear however. There will be an overflow tourney consisting of all the guys who don't get into this one. It will be an exact duplicate except for the prize. I will provide the overflow tourney prize.

Ack! Say it ain't so! I've been a bit behind in my reading I'm afraid, and wasn't aware all slots had already been ceded.

Put me down for the second tier then please Monsieur.

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I believe CMBB would arrive in the middle of the tourney if the tourney would start in the next few weeks. Nordic is still underway and I cant see the next tourney to finish any sooner.

Either way, I'm interested. I'm not about to uninstall CMBO as soon as CMBB arrives or anything..

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

A couple things here.

2) Who wants to chance a CMBO tourney while we wait for the new game? If enough are interested I will try to make it happen.

Treeburst155 out.

[Waving hands]

If u can take the load ( God bless you ), than please I would like to join the Pre-CMBB CMBO tourney.

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(I'd be interested in a CMBO tourney.)

As for the CMBB tourney, I highly recommend that we target for an early start date. Almost all people here should be able to get and install a game rather quickly. I we start waiting for this and that, we have months passed rather sooner than later.

More importantly, I think it adds a lot of thrill to have your very first CMBB games in a serious competition, kinda of realism thing. You enter the war totally green, and if you make too many mistakes, you are doomed for the rest of it. if you're careful, you may grow into it and come to a satisfying result.

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Hey TB,

I am all for a CMBO tourney, CMBB might not be out for awhile yet and I think we have enough zealots who will play another scenario based tourney (trust me boys the RoW was the best)

Even is CMBB comes out I for one will commit to finishing of the CMBO one. I mean, what a send off for the old girl. One last great tourney before it get retired, sounds like a plan.

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I'd be in for another CMBO tourney.

Also, I think allowing only one month between teh release of CMBB and the start of any tourney based on it might be a bit ... optimistic.



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Hey, I'm all for a CMBO tournament provided it doesn't start until after my exam on the 15th May. Once that's out of the way I'm free for another 2 to 3 months again.

Just one thing with the unbalanced scenario's, I hope there will be some ability to tweak the scenario allocation method that is used as I ended up playing the (more boring) Allied forces in 4 out of the 5 games and the much weaker of the forces in both "The Aftermath" (my only German game) and "Gotta Get Up" scenario's, so I never really had the chance to enjoy greatly superior forces in either of the 2 most one sided games.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the challenges that they presented me but I'm coming more from the point of view of trying to ensure a bit more variety for all players concerned, whether it be with force nationality or which side has the superior force.

Whichever way you do it, I'll still enjoy myself and appreciate the experience but I just thought that if there was an easy way to achieve force variety for all participants then it would be good if it could be implemented.


Jim R.

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The Waiting List (Overflow Tourney)

1) Ari Maenpaa

2) Tuomas

3) Tabpub

4) von Lucke

5) Pixelmaster


The main goal of the scheduling program is to make sure that each player plays every other player one time, and also plays each scenario one time.

The next priority for the scheduling program is to make it so each player finds his scores compared to the others in his section an equal number of times as far as this is possible (plays same side of a scenario).

Only then does the scheduling program try to even out the sides a player commands. It does NOT go on from there to determine attack/defend duties or who gets the weak side in an imbalanced scenario. These two things just fall where they fall. You might get lucky. You might not. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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