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To All WineCape Tourney Vets

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Count me in.

Place me in the same section with battle scarred veteran Joseph Porta :D . In Nordic scenarios me and Porta managed to get 1,5 megabyte file when our forces clashed. It wasn't pretty, but it was pure fun!

Our tanks didn't sissily peek over hills, we charged! Suprise we didn't qualify for the next round :cool:

- Ali

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Ari has plenty of time to respond. No WineCape tourney vet will be left out. smile.gif


Are you sure you play bad enough to be in J. Porta's section? :D

.....and the MIGHTY Cogust steps into the ring. I have a nice section of Uber players to put him in. Hehehe.....

Treeburst155 out.

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I'm bad and I belong to Uber category.

I'm just hoping Porta will qualify to uber category as well :confused:

Nah, Porta is from Norway, they got truck loads of money. Porta will pay his way to Uber category if everything else fails ;)

- Ali

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Is that what you wanted to see, Grog Dorosh? :D

Surely there is SOMEONE on this list you can at least get a draw with, eh? :D

Don't lie to him like that. It's akin to telling a child that his pet "went off to the country to play in the fields" when you really took the blasted useless mutt to the vet's for a shot followed by a long dirt nap.
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It will be very difficult to be the winner of the Uber section. I don't think J. Porta would want to play in that section. :D

I see we have another strong player from the original WineCape tourney. Welcome Mike8g!! It's good to have you aboard.

Mr Spkr,

Take it easy on Mr. Dorosh. He MIGHT be able to get a draw ONCE if the scenario is imbalanced enough in his favor. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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This will give you a hint as to who you might have to do battle with in the next tourney. There will be eight sections of six players in the end. I have just divided the players into four different brackets based on prior performance and guesswork.

You will notice one new name, John Jelinek. John and I have exchanged several emails discussing the time committment involved. He has provided me with both a work and a home phone. I think he has the right stuff to finish the war. We have discussed his skill level, and I've a feeling he may be fairly tough to beat so he has been placed accordingly.

Keep in mind this division of players according to skill is a lot of guesswork, even though I have scores for most players. We will have to play MANY more tourneys before skill can really be assessed accurately IMO.

The Gladiators







Cpl Carrot



Ari Maenpaa

Where the Iron Crosses Grow










J. Jelinek


The Purple Heart Brigade


Jon Sowden




Juha Ahoniemi


Jack Trap


John "Katyusha" Kettler

Officer Candidate School

Michael Dorosh

Jeff Wilder

Joseph porta

Tom Norton







Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The Gladiators


Where the Iron Crosses Grow


The Purple Heart Brigade


Officer Candidate School



Treeburst155 out.

I kow that I would stand out of the crowd one way or another ... :D
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You all have guaranteed slots as WineCape Tourney vets in good standing. The worst that could happen is I would have to split it into two tourneys, but I don't think that will be necessary. I have a plan!

BTW, part of my plan is to have specific game results reporting procedures, and AAR submission procedures too. By following a few little rules you guys can reduce my processing time of incoming tourney mail substantially, and I would REALLY appreciate it. Less work, more fun for me!

I will post these simple game reporting and AAR rules in due time.

Treeburst155 out.

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It appears my tourney structure is more limited than I originally thought if I want to keep it down to five games per player(not including playoffs), which is important to do IMO. We're going to have to stick to multiples of 24 players. Since 72 people is too many for me to handle in one tourney, and causes problems with the playoffs, we're left with a max of 48.

I had no idea I was bound to multiples of 24! We could do 56 with each player playing seven games, but that makes the tourney on the long side, and requires eleven scenarios rather than just the nine we need for 48 players. This is a hefty load of work for designers.

At present we have 44 players on the list, with one of those being unconfirmed (Ari Maenpaa). IOW, there are only four or five slots remaining.

Anyone who signs up after that will be put on a waiting list for the time being. Chances are some of the players will have to back out before the tourney actually starts. The slots will be filled from the waiting list.

Once the tourney is fully underway, and my workload thereby diminished, I will kick off an overflow tourney with the same scenarios for the orphaned tourney vets. I will CAREFULLY recruit people to bring the total to 24. We should be able to kick off this overflow tourney within two weeks of the big one. I need the two weeks to do proper screening of tourney newbies. I will sponsor the prize for this overflow tourney.

So, all WineCape Tourney Vets still get to play; but not necessarily in the main event.


I will be recruiting at least 12 alternates for the inevitable drop-outs due to Real Life. The alternates will have some fun while they wait.

They will be playing the Grand Finale scenario double-blind! Their scores will determine the median for each side of the scenario. When the two Finalists have their showdown with that scenario, the one who does best in comparison to his side's median (as determined by the Alternate games) wins the South African Wines.

Alternates would be expected to finish the Grand Finale scenario even if they replace a fallen commander at the front. We MUST have that accurate median for the Grand Finale scenario.

Some, who like to think of problems, may ask, "What if an Alternate turned Player makes it to the final showdown?". Well, I have a plan for that too.

In that unlikely event (although Cogust did it in the Nordic Championships) the Grand Finale would have to be discarded. Instead, the finalist with the highest "regular season" tourney score will decide whether he wants to choose a scenario out of the eight already played, or if he would rather let his opponent choose a scenario out of the eight and instead choose the side he wishes to play. Once this has been determined, one finalist will pick the scenario, the other will pick the side. IOW, the final showdown would be a replay of one of the scenarios should an Alternate make it to the Final Two.

Thank you, SuperTed, for the concept of "active alternates".

If anyone can think of any flaws in my plan, feel free to speak up. I may have missed a drawback or two somewhere.

Treeburst155 out.

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