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Peng Tripods: Challenging The Myth

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well DUH! Of COURSE he doesn't have a tripod, it's a Tommy Gun!...clearly a superior weapon...I shouldn't have to explain these things to you Patch...my...apologize...

As to Picard, my point was that a mere movie star can't compare to a gallant and brilliant startship captain like...KIRK, for example, I'd have to be in full agreement with you.

I knew you'd see things my way Joe.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />"Him? He's harmless. Back in the '60s he was part of the peace movement at Berkeley. I think he did a little too much LDS"

Note the transposition of LSD which Kirk intended to use (more proof of his substandard ability as a starship captain) and the actual usage of LDS. This is particularly important when watching the film in Salt Lake City as the predominate religion (i.e Mormons or the Church of Jesus Christ of LATTER DAY SAINTS) is referred to locally as ... wait for it ... L.D.S.! Apropos, I thought at the time.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Persephone:



Dalem doesn't need no stinkin' tripod!

Typical. Mon petite liege does the crime, and I do the time:

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well DUH! Of COURSE he doesn't have a tripod, it's a Tommy Gun!...clearly a superior weapon...I shouldn't have to explain these things to you Patch...my...apologize...

As to Picard, my point was that a mere movie star can't compare to a gallant and brilliant startship captain like...KIRK, for example, I'd have to be in full agreement with you.

I knew you'd see things my way Joe.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw

Patch, Patch, Patch and of course Patch. I am SO disappointed in you. You seemed such a bright, witty lass in Minneapolis (well, except for accompanying Berli) but now you stoop to the lowest of the low tricks in the taunter's tradecraft. You have deliberately and with malice aforethought altered the post of another! Am I the epitome of verbal flatulance? Prick me, do I not squeal like a pig and cry like a little girl? Do my flabby buttocks frighten you? What if I shake them to and fro with great heaving motions?

My head hangs in sadness and I'm even too depressed to change that so that some simpleton (Croda probably, though there are other candidates who fit the description) won't break a finger or two trying to come up with some comment about my head and hanging. I'm just too down in the dumps to care.


I agree Joe. Maybe it's time to say goodby to this cold, cruel world. I would offer to snatch your dentures once more and you could chase me around the sofa. Would that help, or would your hip give out again? We could sing some of your old WWI songs until your inevitable nap time. Somehow, I don't think that would really entertain you any more. It's time to bequeath your hot air to Berli and your fuzzy bunny slippers to Croda. I've had my eye on your snazzy wrist watch.

Want me to speak at the funeral? I'll be nice. I promise.

Poor Joe is dead

Poor Joe Shaw is dead

Let's all gather round this wind-bag now to cry

Well, he wasn't very old (yeah right)

But he had a heart of gold

ahem...I forgot the rest...need beer

Edited to purposesly misquote Joe cause it's fun and I have so little fun these days.

[ April 22, 2002, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I agree Joe. Maybe it's time to say goodby to this cold, cruel world. {remainder snipped as the "boredom quotient" kicked in especially early}

Oime gettin' better!

I have come to realize that I'M not the one to blame, it's Patch that we should be blaming. After all, she's the one with the fake beard and handful of stones, as opposed to Berli who has the REAL beard and (apparently) NO stones, if you get my drift.


Ohh, I hate wearing these beards.


Why aren't women allowed to go to stonings, Dear?


It's written. That's why. ...


Stones, sir?

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Poor Joe is dead

Poor Joe Shaw is dead

Let's all gather round this wind-bag now to cry

Well, he wasn't very old (yeah right)

But he had a heart of gold

So, it's finally come to this, has it? Misquoting show tunes.

Oh, the shame, the shame.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I agree Joe. Maybe it's time to say goodby to this cold, cruel world. {remainder snipped as the "boredom quotient" kicked in especially early}

Oime gettin' better!

I have come to realize that I'M not the one to blame, it's Patch that we should be blaming. After all, she's the one with the fake beard and handful of stones, as opposed to Berli who has the REAL beard and (apparently) NO stones, if you get my drift.


Ohh, I hate wearing these beards.


Why aren't women allowed to go to stonings, Dear?


It's written. That's why. ...


Stones, sir?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You amazing twit, kirk (not capatalized nor bolded because kirk is the worst captain in Starfleet) is from Iowa. He, therefore, sucks. Picard is an icon.

Twelth) Picard is from France. 'Nuff said.

Previously) DS9 and Voyager are creations of Berli.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Twelth) Picard is from France. 'Nuff said.

Dammit Sneezy, I was gonna use that line. My hatred of all things French is only slightly lower than my hatred for all things Oddstraylyun!

You used your Vulcan mind powers to steal that from me, didn't you? C'mon, admit it -- we all know the truth.


[ April 22, 2002, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You amazing twit, kirk (not capatalized nor bolded because kirk is the worst captain in Starfleet) is from Iowa. He, therefore, sucks. Picard is an icon.

Twelth) Picard is from France. 'Nuff said.</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've fallen and I can't get up


Shaw get over here. I’ve had enough of your toothless ramblings. So, you claim to be the “Knight Champion” of the Cesspool and yet you natter on like a feeble old jewish grandmother. Your bold letters and caps lock won’t save you now. Try to stand up and face the music for the sake of the Peng Thread. You have done a grave disservice to what you hold most dear. We all know that you have no life outside of this thread. We also know that an adult diaper is your constant companion as you travel to the drugstore to refill your prescription of Viagra. So, put on your spectacles and read this little bit of advice from a concerned citizen. Please, for the sake of what is left of your faltering ego, we kindly ask that you stop barking at the monitor. It embarrasses us and makes us think that we should have put you in an old folks home years ago. Have you noticed how the squires no longer take you to the park any more to play with the pigeons? We only change you once a day and the shortest straw always seems to belong to Dalem.

If you concentrate real hard, you might remember the last visit of a friend who wore a petticoat and recited poetry. He gently fed you your strained prunes and told you that it’s okay to be the Justicar and live in a fantasy world where you matter.

He lied to you, Joe. He was trying to gain your trust so we could stand in line while poking you in the forehead and calling you a loser. If you truly wish to unleash whatever weak version of whit and ire you may still have, let me be the target. I can take it. In fact, I sit here chuckling about how easily it is to get you riled up just by hiding your Geritol. I remember that one day how red your face got when I snuck up behind you and kicked you as hard as I could in your old, wrinkled can. You dropped your walker and fell over. Good times!!

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Captain Kirk was cooler than you or I can be in our lifetimes combined. His shirt hardly ever fit him, he wore lifts, and a toopee. But, he was cool. I know your scaley hide. It was you who said we landed on the moon. It was you who started that viscious rumor about Y2K. Your nefarious machinations are known to us. Cease your duplicitious prattling about our beloved Captain/Admiral/Captain.

I now see why you and Joe get along so well. Hmm...

Have you gone mad???!! Janeway was an even better captain than Kirk! At least her hair was believable...somewhat.

That scenery chewing Canadian posing as an Iowan had all the good taste of a Van Halen song fully realized. Watching him mince around the bridge...giving those...vacuous.......speeches...in that...skull-crushingly...annoying manner of his was enough to make any sane human want to clean their ears with an ice pick!

To this day, I am still flabbergasted that the randy goat-boy's own crew didn't hog-tie him and stuff him down a Jeffries Tube.

Kirk had all the class and sophistication of a lounge singer, but without the talent.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Have you gone mad???!! Janeway was an even better captain than Kirk! At least her hair was believable...somewhat.

For this you will die horribly. A setup will be coming your way.

The only thing remotely acceptable about the Berman/Braga abortion known as "Voyager" is that it ended.

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I hates Telstra, I hates it, I hates it, I hates it.

Thursday night my internet connection failed to work it has taken them till now, Tuesday morning, for them to reset their software at the local exchange. I think I better go and download the AA demo I was all keyed up for and ready to download on Friday ...hrumph.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I hates Telstra, I hates it, I hates it, I hates it.

Thursday night my internet connection failed to work it has taken them till now, Tuesday morning, for them to reset their software at the local exchange. I think I better go and download the AA demo I was all keyed up for and ready to download on Friday ...hrumph.

Where's mah feckin' turn, Jimmy??
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Originally posted by dalem:

For this you will die horribly. A setup will be coming your way.

Okey-dokey dalem (said backwards is Mela-D). I'll be hoping you can put away your Kirk action figure so's you can concentrate on a set-up.

[ April 22, 2002, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Ahem. Much as I would desire to remain above this sort of 'Pop Culure' cheapening of our sacred Peng Challenge Thread values, it behooves me to say that James T. Kirk was the lowest and most feeble Garden Gnome of Starfleet Captains.

Everything about Kirk was hateful in the eyes of the gods.

From his horrendous 'over-the-top' pretenses at acting, to his willingness (shared by 'Next Generation's' Riker) to have it off with everything in space, he defamed and belittled everything that would have made Mankind's leaving this planet worthwhile. As our 'First Ambassador', the only 'logical' response of every race encountered would have been the genocide of humanity.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

However I point to Picard's British accent...

Furthermore the one episode in which Picard went "home" had him in a vineyard, yes, but THEY ALL SPOKE WITH BRITISH ACCENTS! My guess is that by that time England had finally gotten damned good and tired of the snail eaters and did a Henry V on them and this time made it stick.


Normally, I would have bridled at this remark of Shaw's. But the latest news regarding La Pen has left me despondent. I will not believe that so great a nation will take such a path to perdition. It is not to be borne.
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