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dalem we make you a Squire, but you learn not. We make you a Knight, but you learn not. We GIVE you a Squire of your own, but HE learns better than you.

Yes, fine ME QBs Armor all around, fine, fine, fine, BUT ... an SSN is not a Squire and a Squire is not an SSN. You cannot, therefore, have an SSN Squire! Nor, I apparently MUST point out, is there such a thing as a "registered" SSN. SSNs just ... are! Much like the fungal growths around a toilet, they simply exist.

Furthermore, Papa Khann really should be allowed to fight against other Squires as well, that's just common CessPool usage.

Go, go on your vacation but DO take a map, dalem! Based on what we've seen so far you'll need it.


[ July 02, 2002, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Furthermore, Papa Khann really should be allowed to fight against other Squires as well, that's just common CessPool usage.

Well, yeah, that's what I meant, of course. And stuff.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

mass snippage of mindless drivel... oh looky looky everybody, Panzer Leader is speaking blah, blah, blah

(Note: the movie character's name is here-in boldened, not the foolish git who is currently reading this.)

Now, what this all means, PK, is that I offered you a challenge yesterday, and you FAILED TO RESPOND!!! And that, friends, is a slight worth shouting about. PK, check back a page or two, wipe the sweat from your brow, show due contrition, and step forward to meet this challenge! You sir, have been named, and found wanting.

Panzer Leader, I feel obliged to refer you to the post of the Justicar of the MBT, which predates your challenge by one full day.

I quote:

"I hereby grant the Squiredom of Papa Khann (spelt AND bolded as befits a Squire of the CessPool) to dalem."

Since you failed to observe the forms in your so called CHALLENGE (and like as not a more lame one has never been issued here) by refusing to bold my moniker, and continue to perpetrate this wrong upon me in your subsequent posts, I feel my hands are tied. Needless to say, when you have finished your remedial reading regarding the proper forms and customs associated with a CHALLENGE, I shall love nothing greater than to exercise my superior tactical awareness upon your unsuspecting Huns. And by "Huns" I refer to your pixilated (and no, I don't mean made up of pixels here, boyo) troops, not the inebriated trollops you most likely spend the lion's share of your time with.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Since you failed to observe the forms in your so called CHALLENGE (and like as not a more lame one has never been issued here) by refusing to bold my moniker, and continue to perpetrate this wrong upon me in your subsequent posts, I feel my hands are tied.

Here, let me untie your hands, Papa Smurf...

Bolding and correct spelling are a Joe Shaw thing, and in no way required. Incorrect spelling is, in fact, a tradition which stretches back to the days before there was a MBT

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Panzer Leader, I feel obliged to...

An unbelievable amount of screamingly vapid remarks, self-justifications and neanderthalic grunts SNIPPED! Because reading this stuff is like having bees live inside my head. Now to the only worthwhile thing in the whole post:

I feel my hands are tied.

Ohhhh, if only 'twere true!. Then perhaps we could bind his feet. And gag him! Yes, gag him indeed! Then make him go visit Luca Brazzi. This would be a worthwhile endeavor.

Oh, and then he goes on some more in his post. I don't know what he said, probably just more mindless yammering.


Yeah, sez you.
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

mass snippage of mindless drivel... oh looky looky everybody, Panzer Leader is speaking blah, blah, blah

(Note: the movie character's name is here-in boldened, not the foolish git who is currently reading this.)

Now, what this all means, PK, is that I offered you a challenge yesterday, and you FAILED TO RESPOND!!! And that, friends, is a slight worth shouting about. PK, check back a page or two, wipe the sweat from your brow, show due contrition, and step forward to meet this challenge! You sir, have been named, and found wanting.

Panzer Leader, I feel obliged to refer you to the post of the Justicar of the MBT, which predates your challenge by one full day.

I quote:

"I hereby grant the Squiredom of Papa Khann (spelt AND bolded as befits a Squire of the CessPool) to dalem."

Since you failed to observe the forms in your so called CHALLENGE (and like as not a more lame one has never been issued here) by refusing to bold my moniker, and continue to perpetrate this wrong upon me in your subsequent posts, I feel my hands are tied. Needless to say, when you have finished your remedial reading regarding the proper forms and customs associated with a CHALLENGE, I shall love nothing greater than to exercise my superior tactical awareness upon your unsuspecting Huns. And by "Huns" I refer to your pixilated (and no, I don't mean made up of pixels here, boyo) troops, not the inebriated trollops you most likely spend the lion's share of your time with.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Well, yeah, that's what I meant, of course. And stuff.

Fear not, oh munificent one. I have understood the meaning (if not the exact wording) of each any every phrase uttered from your pristine lips. Let not the ramblings of that impotent old geezer, Joe Shaw distract from the pulchritudinous spectacle that is my Liege.

I shall sally forth in search of my prey, oh Master.

Your loyal underling,



Master, might my predatory endeavor conclude somewhat more successfully if you were to remind yourself to unlock The Box and let me out?


Shut the h*ll up, ALL of you (but not you, of course, Master). I want OUT of this d*mn Box.

[ July 02, 2002, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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My dear Papa Khann (name italicized out of the remotest dollop of grudging respect for form, rather than character) allow me to elucidate you on the two rules which apply to what Dalem might refer to as his Squire-SSN.

Rule the First: Squires names may be boldened or not at the worthy addressers leisure. Italics is an option, but name-calling is frowned upon, unless warrented by extreme doltishness on the squire's part.


Rule Omnipotnce: Squires takes it wheres they can gets it, smile and say "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

No Check?!

Now then, Poop: I can! must I show you with pictures where your many faults lie? Mayhaps instead you can regain what iota of reason you may possess and allow your betters to mold you into something more worthy than the dregs and skalliwags you count as boon companions presently?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Since you failed to observe the forms in your so called CHALLENGE (and like as not a more lame one has never been issued here) by refusing to bold my moniker, and continue to perpetrate this wrong upon me in your subsequent posts, I feel my hands are tied.

Here, let me untie your hands, Papa Smurf...

Bolding and correct spelling are a Joe Shaw thing, and in no way required. Incorrect spelling is, in fact, a tradition which stretches back to the days before there was a MBT</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

By George this one is turning out well! Note that he's already tumbled to the importance of a PROPER challenge. It was, of course, I who first brought this important matter to the attention of the CessPool and insisted that challenges be issued in the proper form.

Papa Khann I'll be sending you a link to the Code Duello that specifies the proper forms for challenges and so forth. Perhaps between the two of us we can bring the CessPool around and make challenges what they were meant to be. Well Done Lad!


Did I say "impotent old geezer"? Sorry, Joe, what I actually meant to say was, "potent opponent squeezer".

It just came out funny.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

That's a bit strong coming from an American, whose country holds the "World Series" of baseball, when only American teams are invited to take part!!

No, the Canadians play too.

But, being Canadians, they suck and are going out of business to boot.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Fear not, oh munificent one. I have understood the meaning (if not the exact wording) of each any every phrase uttered from your pristine lips. Let not the ramblings of that impotent old geezer, Joe Shaw distract from the pulchritudinous spectacle that is my Liege.

I shall sally forth in search of my prey, oh Master.

Your loyal underling,



Master, might my predatory endeavor conclude somewhat more successfully if you were to remind yourself to unlock The Box and let me out?


Shut the h*ll up, ALL of you (but not you, of course, Master). I want OUT of this d*mn Box.

Oh, "Master" is quite unneccessary. And out of the box you will be to seek your victims. But don't be swayed by Old Joe and his convoluted Code Stupido of challenges. Joe's method certainly takes more time and effort and patience than "Oh yeah, sez you!", but it also means fewer people willing to accept said challenges. Or understand them.

Off with you lad! And mind the -oops!- giraffe poo...

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Originally posted by something called a Boo_Radley:

An unbelievable amount of screamingly vapid remarks, self-justifications and neanderthalic grunts SNIPPED! Because reading this stuff is like having bees live inside my head.

But my dear Boo-Boo, at least then you would have SOMETHING inside that otherwise hollow inflatable dome of yours.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

My dear Papa Khann (name italicized out of the remotest dollop of grudging respect for form, rather than character) allow me to elucidate you on the two rules which apply to what Dalem might refer to as his Squire-SSN.

Rule the First: Squires names may be boldened or not at the worthy addressers leisure. Italics is an option, but name-calling is frowned upon, unless warrented by extreme doltishness on the squire's part.


Rule Omnipotnce: Squires takes it wheres they can gets it, smile and say "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

No Check?!

Now then, Poop: I can! must I show you with pictures where your many faults lie? Mayhaps instead you can regain what iota of reason you may possess and allow your betters to mold you into something more worthy than the dregs and skalliwags you count as boon companions presently?

Oh very well then. Serves me right for listening to Joe.

I shall grant you the comeuppance you seem to crave so greatly. It shall be a pleasure, a trifle, an act of mercy no less (akin to shooting a wild, afflicted dog... wait, such a pitiful creature would be much more worthy than Pantless Leader, not to mention significantly more intelligent). Suffice it to say that I shall exercise my superior tactical awareness upon you.

And no, I don't want to purchase, view, or otherwise be exposed to ANY pictures someone like you, Pantless, would likely have in their possession.

The setup file will be on its way to you shortly.


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No Berli, no this simply won't do. First we'll have Papa Khann referring to a Knight of the CessPool (okay, TECHNICALLY, but still) as Pantless Leader when we all know that Pansy Leader was a far better choice and next some flaming idiot (take your pick) will be referring to YOU as Hurly Burly and before you know it we'll have some REALLY flaming idiot come up with what he imagines is some terribly clever derivative of someones name and NONE OF US WILL HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE WHO HE'S TALKING ABOUT!

Yes, the respect issue is important, but considering the level of intellect around here these days I think it's important that we refer to members of the CessPool by the name that they've chosen.

SSNs, of course, are fair game.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

SSNs, of course, are fair game.

SSNs are fair game for everyone.

Squires are fair game for anything but an SSN

Knights are fair game for Senior Knights and up

Senior Knights are fair game for Ladies and Olde Ones

Ladies & Olde Ones are fair game for Ladies & Olde Ones

It's the whole '****e rolls downhill' philosophy

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No Berli, no this simply won't do. First we'll have Papa Khann referring to a Knight of the CessPool (okay, TECHNICALLY, but still) as Pantless Leader when we all know that Pansy Leader was a far better choice and next some flaming idiot (take your pick) will be referring to YOU as Hurly Burly and before you know it we'll have some REALLY flaming idiot come up with what he imagines is some terribly clever derivative of someones name and NONE OF US WILL HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE WHO HE'S TALKING ABOUT!


Why unfairly single out Aussie Jeff?
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

That's a bit strong coming from an American, whose country holds the "World Series" of baseball, when only American teams are invited to take part!!

No, the Canadians play too.

But, being Canadians, they suck and are going out of business to boot.</font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

Spoken like a true crumpet stuffer.

No need to put Ice in front of Hockey. There is no other kind.


Buzzzzzt! Wrong again, Lard (between the ears, that is). Ever heard of Field Hockey? (Or for that matter, the variant I suspect is preferred by most of you Pooler miscreants, Pocket Hockey?)


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

the beautiful and talented Pondscum

Papa Khann, if those paramedics haven't left yet I think you should sic 'em on our petite liege and master - he's clearly hallucinating again.

PS Having fun with those tin cans?

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:


Why don't you get back into your minivan and go chase the Soccer Moms, Papa?

Then you wouldn't have to be such an expert at the slap shot, playing the crease and high sticking in Pocket Hockey.

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