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CMBB, It might be realistic - but is it fun??

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I have played CMBB for about two weeks now, and I have got to say it does not seem as much fun as CMBO.

Maybe I am still in the learning curve (Very shallow and slow for me right now). It appears that the Russian equipment, especially tanks have absolutley no chance against any kind of Axis Armour.

In my last game as Russians, I lost 4 BT5's and 2 BT 7's to stupid PSW 231 armed with just a 20 mm gun. All my BT's were facing the PSW at 600 meters and firing away - no hits, all BT's got smoked in two turns.

When playing Axis I seem to be able to beat, or at least have a good even battle against the AI - so is the game balanced properly ??

Anyone willing to share tips for using Russian armor/ equipment against Axis ??

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Well, first of all your report is unusual as you complain about armor. Usually people complain they can't do the infantry run around anymore in CMBB.

The effect of the 20mm autocannon has been tuned down by a lot in CMBB. If you was going in with an Allied 20mm-vulnerable vehicle in CMBO you were instantly dead, because both of high hit probablity and high propability of knockout on penetration. Both have been tuned down in CMBB.

Most Axis armor is very slow, most Soviet armor is fast, especially in difficult ground. That is probably the singlemost important thing.

When the opponent is rolling with serious ueberstuff then it is usually best to avoid any armor clash and take on his other units. This requires speed, and you have it. If the opponent's armor is also expensive (and hence few) it is also perfectly doable to make him run out of ammo which seriously dampens the fun he has with his units.

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Just finished a TCP/IP QB, me as the finns defending against soviet assault, 1944 august, 1500pts (as the defender). Got my a$$ handed to me by soviet IS-2's, ISU-152 and the ever so deadly T-34/85 FLAME (that 100m range flame is MEAN). My opponent had 1 BA bogged (and immobilized), 1 knocked out by my 105mm artillery and 1 by my 75mm AT gun... and one T-34/85 bogged (and immobilized), everything else kept frying my a$$ through the game. My only shining moment was the infantry ambush of 1,5 platoons of finnish '44 infantry in a forest patch. Killed most of my opponents advancing pioneers and rifle squads. Then my brave men got toasted by the infernal T-34/85 FLAME :( My opponents plan was sound and worked out PERFECTLY (bringing heavy tanks in from the flanks in a heavy woods map and keeping them out of infantry assault range). My hat off to him ;)

Now even tho' I LOST (and it was ugly let me say) and as a finn had to watch my own incompetence result in finnish soldiers losing their lives (YES, I know, it´s only a GAME... but still ;) ), I HAD FUN ! My heart was pounding so fast when I triggered the ambush on the advancing soviets and I almost tore my hair off watching my 75mm AT turn towards a T-34, racing against time, as the T-34 rattled by and onwards to cover. I had fun. And I've had fun with CMBB since I got it and started playing against other people. Nevermind defeats, attacking with just infantry against dug in positions on a pool table like terrain or losing a KV-1 to an 150mm IG at 700m first shot, straigh on. I´ve had fun. It's not the realism that makes the game fun or boring, it's how you play the game.

Afterthought: next time defending with the finns, I'll whip out the tungsten pinecones and make my troops wear gloves on their finnfausts. That'll teach those pesky soviets in their oh-so heavy tanks ;)

[edited because it's 0520hrs in Finland, I'm tired and making typos like there's no tomorrow]

[ October 13, 2002, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: SaTyR ]

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In CMBO, the armor balance was pretty constant. Not many new tanks came out during its covered period, and those that did mostly were just tweaks of those already available. So folks became accustomed to the same armor matchups and tactics in every game. Everybody knew how to play Shermans against Panthers and vice versa.

In CMBB, OTOH, with 4 years covered, the armor balance swings back and forth several times. This is particularly apparent if you play with rarity on and mostly deal with the more common AFVs.

To start with, you have PzIIs and such kicking ass on BTs and T26s. A bit later, it's KV1s and T34/76s ruling the roost. Then the long-tubed PzIVs and StuGs come out and stomp the T34s. Tigers and Panthers become available and keep things in the Germans' favor for a while. But then the T34/85s, IS2s, and such come along and things more or less even out for the rest of the war.

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I agree with the initial author. I'm not sure it is as fun...yet. I certainly have to learn new strategies because I'm just getting smacked around.

An example of my frustration is "A Battle of Minors". A single Hungarian "Green" soldier held off nearly 25 "Advancing” Romanian soldiers for two turns in a foxhole. What???? Not likely. Meanwhile the other half of my troops are all routed.

It also seems that the AI can pinpoint my officers from any point on the map. They are always killed first. Even if they are in the back of the line.

I’m sure I will enjoy it more once I start doing the smacking.

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A single Hungarian "Green" soldier held off nearly 25 "Advancing” Romanian soldiers for two turns in a foxhole.

If the Hungarian Squad had a LMG in it, then it's no surprise at all. I had a single MG-34 hold up a Russian Recon Company for about 10 turns. Troops are way less willing to be thrown into the meat grinder in CMBB.

"You all go run at that machinegun...I'll wait here." :D

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