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One Peng to rule them all, one Peng to challenge them ...

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Rrrright! Squire, ye quest as tae seek oot tha ancestral haim o' tha

Cesspool, tha well spring o' at's spirit, tha most ancient an' fetid granite

walled bog hole an' all o' Olde Christendom. Havin' foond at, tae present

at tae tha assembled Olde Ones, Seniour Kannigets, Kannigets, an' assorted

fetid scum.....noo, ferget tha assorted fetid scum, ain tha manner o' ye

choosin'. Ah wid suggaist tha manner bae along tha leens o' a vivid an'

evokative word-scape, a wee ballad af'n ye leek. Wun or more pictures o'

thas hallowed place wid bae tae ye credit as waill.

*bang* *crash* where's me water-wings? *smash *bang*...

Originally posted by Seanachai:


...*bang* *bang* *craaaaunch*....sink plunger, I must have me sink plunger... *bang*...

Eh? What? Look, Seany.... errrrrrr, a quiet word, yer see... look I'll come back in moment there's another of 'em pointing at something....

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moriarty:

Idjit Donkey boy can look here. Good grief, if he goes to Senility he'll have to fill out forms in triplicate and listen to myriad sing-songs.


Provided courtesy of Pawbroon

Oh, very nice, Moriarity! Nothing like a 'Noble Quest' where some pillock waltzes in and points at the third plain silver goblet from the left and says: that one there, lad, that's the goddamn Holy Grail!

Well, I hope you're right there and ready with your helping hand the next time he's incontinent, so you can wipe his arse with a handful of thistle leaves!

Bloody hell. A Knight of the 'Pool sets his Squire a Holy Quest, with a 'Lo, Forsooth! Go, thou, and seek out the Wellspring of the Peng Challenge!' (through the Broad Scots gibberish, mind), and up shows Moriarity with his paw waving frantically over his head going 'ooh, me sir, me sir! I know how to get there!' like some sort of poxy little pre-teen selling 'maps to the Quest for the Peng Challenge Thread' from a cheap lawn-chair by the side of the road.

You're a nasty little know-it -all trollop, Moriarity.</font>

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Of course he is hopeless and doomed to fail.

Now, then, have I not been appointed the Kanigget Defender of hopeless causes? Is it not within my purview to toss this Idjit Donkey a thistle, to build up his scant hope of success, give him a glimpse, a glimmer of attaining his preordained goal ...

Hmm, something in that, I suppose.

But next time, at least have the good grace to shuffle in and make him work for it a bit. Bloody hell, what you know about mentoring could be inscribed on the etch-o-sketch of Slapdragon's brain with three rather limp twists on either cerebral knob.

And you, lad, leave off the scatological references to backsides. It's not your forte, and we're trying to bring up the tone of the Thread.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


It would seem he likes Seanachais too. Now why don't you two get a motel room... your public courtship is making the rest of us sick to our stomachs

[ February 07, 2002, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now, you know that the process of citation is designed to provide those who do not know the source the means of finding it. I fugured here we had two sorts. Those like my liege Berli who would figure the thing out, and people like Sodachi who would not.

I guess a boring turn is met with a boring taunt by The Gimp Gnome so we can excuse a round of nothing happening. My guns are silent because, aside from a few scampers, he is doing nothing. Running down the clock is a time honored tradition of course, but one so rarely expects to see this start on turn one.

Slappy: 1

Sodachai: 0

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Now, you know that the process of citation is designed to provide those who do not know the source the means of finding it. I fugured here we had two sorts. Those like my liege Berli who would figure the thing out, and people like Sodachi who would not.

I guess a boring turn is met with a boring taunt by The Gimp Gnome so we can excuse a round of nothing happening. My guns are silent because, aside from a few scampers, he is doing nothing. Running down the clock is a time honored tradition of course, but one so rarely expects to see this start on turn one.

Slappy: 1

Sodachai: 0</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Slapdragon:


OGSF-style aaargh! The smilies!! They're MOVING. Get Peng back in here so that we can inflict the horror on him. The loss of his name can in no possible way be worse than... <shudder> those.

[ February 07, 2002, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:


We're not going to do your dirty work for you, you Peng-style coward. So you've had your fun with the waterlogged donkey, and now you want to dump him, eh? It's the age-old "let's just be friends" routine, spoken at the point of a flamethrower. I'm sure we've all been there the morning after (well, maybe Mouse hasn't), wishing for a little VT arty to end the moment. But the difference, you auld Celtic sot, is that we TOOK RESPONSIBILITY. We didn't beg our fellow Cesspudlians to "break the news" for us. Pathetic.

[Editted because I refuse to use Santa's Little UBB Helpers. Refuse, you hear me?]

[ February 07, 2002, 04:57 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Will thou kiss me in the garden, Slapdragon?



I'm very disappointed in you. How could you dump the cute little furry donkey like that...and the worse part of it is...you're dumping him for...Slapdragon!

Hmmmm...I don't really know what Slapdragon looks like...maybe he has more fur than Idjit Yeknod.


Please send me a photo of yourself. I'm curious as to why Seanachai finds you more attractive than the donkey.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Will thou kiss me in the garden, Slapdragon?



I'm very disappointed in you. How could you dump the cute little furry donkey like that...and the worse part of it is...you're dumping him for...Slapdragon!

Hmmmm...I don't really know what Slapdragon looks like...maybe he has more fur than Idjit Yeknod.


Please send me a photo of yourself. I'm curious as to why Seanachai finds you more attractive than the donkey.


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Originally posted by Croda:

Topplement Announcement

I am here to announce the topplement of Terence. I'd tell you lots of good things about the galantry of his attack...except...there was none.

He merely died.

When he wasn't dieing, he was cowering.

When he wasn't cowering, he was dieing.

It was a rather pathetic display.

The final was 81-14, but only because I agreed to an Alt-C.

I could have taken the field.

I will however say this to his credit:

He sucks.

I'm sorry, but I must reject this taunting as it is not in iambic pentameter, as was required by the Rules.

You'll have to beat me again to be permitted another Fully Sanctioned Taunting.

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Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

Topplement Announcement

I am here to announce the topplement of Terence. I'd tell you lots of good things about the galantry of his attack...except...there was none.

He merely died.

When he wasn't dieing, he was cowering.

When he wasn't cowering, he was dieing.

It was a rather pathetic display.

The final was 81-14, but only because I agreed to an Alt-C.

I could have taken the field.

I will however say this to his credit:

He sucks.

I'm sorry, but I must reject this taunting as it is not in iambic pentameter, as was required by the Rules.

You'll have to beat me again to be permitted another Fully Sanctioned Taunting.</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Croda:

On this day we bury poor Terence,

Upon whose grave we gaily all now dance.

His men gunned down like they were in a trance.

This sad attack was merely happenstance.

Mon petite general, I'm bleeding from the ears again. Can't you make the bad man stop?
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Chrisl whined:

Get in line. You might have to win back Seanachai's magic gnome hat and Berli's name first, though.

It was amusing for a time, Chrisl (you are no longer worthy of bolding). Now the time has come for you to face the facts.

Your sig is worn out. Only a chosen few may generate Pool rules on the fly, and you aren't one of them. Neither Berli nor Seanachai has agreed to your terms. With a flick of his wrist, Berli could condemn you to "reintarnation" (coming back to life as a hillbilly). Seanachai could destroy you in an instant via "sarchasm" (the gulf between the author of sarcastic prose and the idjit who doesn't understand it). The fight is over, Chrisl. You are only boring us now.

Show us that you are no longer a wuss. Abandon your tiresome posturing and entertain the CessPool once more.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Rrrright! Squire, ye quest as tae seek oot tha ancestral haim o' tha

Cesspool, tha well spring o' at's spirit, tha most ancient an' fetid granite

walled bog hole an' all o' Olde Christendom. Havin' foond at, tae present

at tae tha assembled Olde Ones, Seniour Kannigets, Kannigets, an' assorted

fetid scum.....noo, ferget tha assorted fetid scum, ain tha manner o' ye

choosin'. Ah wid suggaist tha manner bae along tha leens o' a vivid an'

evokative word-scape, a wee ballad af'n ye leek. Wun or more pictures o'

thas hallowed place wid bae tae ye credit as waill.

Now, what a thorougly rude fella? Seany-babe, we can have our civilised chat. Where were we?

What he means is that you are to seek out the original Peng Challenge Thread, the immortal Cesspool that rose to some 3,000 extant posts before disrupting the Board and collapsing into a black hole. The Original Thread that could no longer even be entered by normal means, and which could not even be properly padlocked and shutdown because of the disaster.
ooooooooooh, a portal into the very fabric of space and time... cripes... will I need vaseline to squeeze me way through?

I don't even know if you can reach that original Thread nowadays, what with archiving, and changes to the Board.
Ooh, too bad then... I guess it's back to the virgins...

But, Donkey, there is this:
....Seany-babe, yer just a cheeky little tinker...

No one who read all three thousand some posts of the Original Peng Challenge Thread came away unchanged.
Eh? aaaaaaaah, we're talking alchemy.... ahhhhhhh, the Alchemist Donkey, like it, like it... the whiff of sulphur: sublimating and precipitating...

I believe your Liege feels that doing so will somehow change you, perhaps even ennoble you, and make you someday worthy of Knighthood and inclusion into the rolls of the Cesspool.
Oh, right, okaaaaaay, sounds a bit, ahem, serious.... ennoble? Me a donkey? Take to the purple? And what's with the rolls? Egg 'n bacon? I'm partial to a thistle roll meself, or the odd mud role. I'm not sure a donkey roll is too good. Though I know how to make a Swiss Roll. Push 'im down a mountain...

So, Donkey, it is up to you to see if it is still possible to get to the ancestral Thread. To aid you in this noble quest, I will tell you that it was named "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public!"
Seany-babe, Liege OGSF, I prospose to be accompanied in me difficult quest. Apart from me chukker, Manfred Weasel, I wish to bring along me Vietnamese pot-bellied pig Mr G. Such Shen-Chen. On account of his one-eyed wandering stare known to us all as Google Suck Shen-Chen. Bleedin quick, he is, fastest pot-bellied pig I've known, aint he, Manfred?


Also, to be truthful with you, I know for a fact that there are ways to still get to this hallowed place, all 122 pages of posts. But should you actually arrive there, remember to touch nothing!

It is a Holy Place, now, and must be treated as such.

Ooookay, cokey, "don't touch anything". Not a problem. Hear that Manfred, yer not to nibble anything.

*squeak* *gnaw*

Should you be at a loss, Donkey, email me, and I will do what I, as an Olde One must, when approached by one on a Quest
Yer, little seducer, you. Yer, going to have to do better than that to get me all inflamed.... luuuuuuurver....

Right, well, that's all clear then. Between a sales rep know-it-all oaf and tinker-tips Seany all bleedin mystery and sense of adventure has gone right down the plug hole. Can't wait to get started. Well, Manfred, I'm looking for Cesspool water nymphs and I don't care where they originate from... and I'm going to touch 'em...

Manfred, Google, the quest

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Croda:


On this day we bury poor Terence,

Upon whose grave we gaily all now dance.

His men gunned down like they were in a trance.

This sad attack was merely happenstance.

Yes, I'm missing the classic Shakespearian ABAB rhyme scheme, but it does have a happy-go-lucky Wordsworthian or Chauceresque feel to it.


That will do nicely.

I should have known better than to play against the masterful Croda. I humbly accept this taunting as the rightful punishment for my temerity.

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Originally posted by Terence:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

On this day we bury poor Terence,

Upon whose grave we gaily all now dance.

His men gunned down like they were in a trance.

This sad attack was merely happenstance.

Yes, I'm missing the classic Shakespearian ABAB rhyme scheme, but it does have a happy-go-lucky Wordsworthian or Chauceresque feel to it.

That will do nicely.

I should have known better than to play against the masterful Croda. I humbly accept this taunting as the rightful punishment for my temerity.</font>

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Originally posted by Terence:

That will do nicely.

I should have known better than to play against the masterful Croda. I humbly accept this taunting as the rightful punishment for my temerity.

Snicker, Snicker.

Croda, masterful? Obviously (SSN that you are) you haven’t been told of the dreaded “Loss To Croda" mark that will now be forever attached to your name. While tactical ability is generally not worth a pint of piss in the MBT, a special exemption is made for those with the remarkable ability to lose a game to the “masterful” Croda.

Oh, and Crodachoo, I haven’t forgotten that I owe you a set-up, it will arrive soon.

Oh, and lest you forget out first meeting on the battlefield:

On fields of green did Crodachoo advance so gaily off to war,

His panzers and his grenadiers sure of victory soon in store,

But flames and death and flanking greyhounds

Soon turned those shining dreams to naught,

And cursed is he by dying men, scorched and bombed and shelled and shot.

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