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CMBB "Assault" command

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According to Kump the Assault command allows you to "Charge a position with a greater ammo expenditure"

My question: is there a command to defend a position from an assualt with greater ammo expenditure? Or do the units do this automatically?

[ July 18, 2002, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: BDW ]

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The "assault" command is a movement command which I saw in the command list for a selected unit. I did not see a command that implies stay in place and use more ammo.

However, I would assume (note the word assume) that assaulting units may be more at risk of taking greater damage from defending units. I mean, you would use the command when the targetted terrain must be taken at all costs. And if you don't have the sufficient force, then you will probably pay a high cost.

A guess at best for the brief encounter with CMBB.

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Thanks for the reply Kump. Shortly after I read your preview I had a .50cal that got rushed by a bunch of german SMG squads. The .50cal only got off like two shots before it was overwhelmed and killed. I realize the machine guns in CMBB will be more effective, but I was also thinking that I wish that the .50cal guys would have realized they had only moments to live and fully unleashed that .50cal! I don't know how long a .50cal unit could sustain firing in real life - but it seems like two short bursts from the cover into multiple german units charging over open terrain is not very realistic. Please correct me if I'm wrong...

Then I thought about this new "assault" command and thought that it sounded a bit unfair (at least without more details). It seems to me that the AI should recognize an "assault" when it sees one and that the defending troops should respond in kind with max ammo expenditure.

What would also be useful is a "defend" command that would mean "hold this position at all costs" the same way that the assault command is "take the position at all costs." Or you could have a "do not conserve ammo" setting for each unit -which come in handy in other instances, too.

In any case, if charging troops have always been at a disadvantage in CMBO, I hope that the pendulum does not swing the other way with CMBB.

I have great faith in BTS, however! And even more faith in the people on this forum not letting BTS get away with anything smile.gif

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Originally posted by Lindan:

ASSAULT has to be used carefully, as it has several disadvantages too. You need timing and a good understanding of the situation to use it effectively.

If you are around tonight, your Italians can do some assaulting, matey. Chris and I could not pick it up last night, so I hope you have a savegame left.

I'll kick your rear back to Roma.


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Hey BDW, I know that these beta testers can't give too much away but I have picked up snippets about CM:BB here and there (especially on this forum).

Here's what I know:

The Assault command is cross between run and overwatch. The squad advances in leaps and bounds with part of the squad performing overwatch and covering fire. This is all abstracted within the squad. The result is that units will fire at the defenders more than the current run and have a bit more "cover" bonus while assaulting perhaps. Assaulting units will move at a medium speed I think.

Now as far as rapid fire defenders: One of these recent CMBB MG bones said that MGs can fire at a higher ROF but use up ammo faster. This may be in conjunction with the cover arc command or somefink. Either way, MGs on defense are quite fixed for CMBB.

BTW, low quality units can not use the assault comand. I think they get stuck with the "human wave" command or somefink.....

WARNING! All this is unofficial and may be entirely wrong.


[ July 19, 2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: Sarge Saunders ]

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There's good answers to the questions you have on the CMBB FAQ thread, some of them from the horse's mouth. From what I've read, Sarge Saunders had got it pretty much right.

In addition, it is worth noting that one of the reasons for the addition of the Assault Command is the changes to the Run command. Apparently, the run command in CMBB is much more of an all-out sprint - if afford even less cover and concealment than in CMBO, and most units will not fire at all while running (I think SMG troops will fire a little bit if at very close range)

So the "Assault" command is there to give you more of an assault drill when closing on a known enemy position - it allows you to advance fairly quickly, but still take some advantage of cover, and be able to have some output of fire. And, yes, it is also my understanding that the "Assault" command is only available to trained troops (Reg and above??) as it represents a practiced assault drill.

To refine Sarge's comments about rapid fire defenders: I have not heard of a specific command as such, so it sounds to me like it is not a command but a TacAI refinement. Basically, MGs (and to a lesser extent squads, which usually have an MG of some sort) will increase firepower output if they start to be severely pressed - i.e., in danger of being overrun. The downside of this is much higher ammo consumption and a higher chance of jamming.

IOW, MGs can 'go cyclic' in CMBB. :eek:

There is a GREAT AAR from one of the Beta sneak peeks by JasonC on the new MG features. It's pretty recent - within the last week, I think. Check it out - I think it will satisfy your defensive fire output questions.



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As the ranges decrease you will notice that units will fire far more frequently than they did in CMBO. This includes MG's.

Basically we now model the "OH CRAP, THERE ALL OVER THE PLACE! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!" mentality of close range combat much better now.


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All - thanks for the info smile.gif

Madmatt - that is exactly the answer I was hoping for! It makes perfect sense, too. Wow - that is really going to change the game. No more gamey charges for the flag hopefully (or at least they won't work very well!)

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