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Reserve forces in Operations

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Hi maybe I just don't get it but… right in a operation Scheduled Reinforcments work just like in a Battle. But for the life of me I can't figure out Battalion/Regimental/Divisional Reserves. does anyone know how to use this option correctly or what factors have to be in place to make them work to cough up the forces you put into them?


ps I would have done a search but at home on my 33.6 modem it just kept crunching and crunching and gave no results.


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At the beginning of a new battle, any reserve forces you have are brought in to fill the gaps caused by casualties.

They don't arrive in a set number or group as do reinforcements. Rather they are doled out to you based on your superior's (read: the computer's) determination of how the situation is going.

If you're not doing to badly from battle to battle, you may only be granted a small number of battalion reserves. This scales all the way up to divisional reserves when your forces are sorely depleted.

This is, I assume, meant to model the higher-ups desiring not to commit "too many" resources to your area if they feel said resources aren't required.

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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Interesting Clubfoot, Stuka and I tested it once and he was wooping my arse so to say and I had Divisional Reserves from a whole company of mounted troops and a coy of AT guns with one platoon of Mark IV as support after the first 35 turn battle of 4 i had a platoon and a half of troops one Mark IV tank and two halftracks

needless to say his Regiment that was attacking was reduced a bit maybe i chewed up at tops a Company and one and a half platoons of tanks with a few of his HT.

next battle I was still defending against a Battalion strength forces with what one would consider a suicide force.

In my reserves I had two platoons of Mark IV's a Flak Platoon and Half a coy of Infantry. DID i get them? no.. not one bit. strange, maybe with the combo of settings the reserves don't work?

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In Franko's Stumont scenario I was able to clobber the AI early and IIRC it got regimental reserves after the second battle, then divisional reserves after the third battle. In both cases there wasn't much else left. This suggests that in a really desperate situation the reserves will usually come promptly, esp if there's nothing else on the board--but there's no guarantee.

The downside of this reinforcement policy is that it tends to reward failure. If you're doing well, you never get them--which may not always accord with real life, where leaders will often reinforce success, esp. on the attack, in hopes of a major breakthrough.

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