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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Get a donkey. They're like a dog but don't woof.


Thae di af'n ye douse thaim ain petrol an' drop a lit match on thaim. Noo tha' Ah'd di tha'... just an' obserrvashun.</font>
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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

should we get a dog ?

Oh yes.

I have no clue to what some breeds are called in english so I'll just make them up or write their Swedish names.

Afghans: Probably not really dogs, mostly bred for being ornamental. They are like furniture with eyes that you need to feed something expensive once in a while. You always get the feeling they want you to go away and leave them alone.

Small yappy type dogs: Pointless. I imagine you will want one. My advice would be that if you want something smaller than a Real Dog, get a wolverine. Not the vehicle.

Golden Retrievers: The hippies of the dog world. They love everyone. They love you and your family so much their hearts often explode with joy when you've left them alone for three seconds and open the door again. Has the IQ of a fencepost.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks: They were bred to hunt lions. A sleek killer without that braindead steroid look you get from pitbulls. The way this dog looks at you speaks volumes to the little caveman inside you. The Panther VG of the dog world.

Akita Inu: Japanese Guard dog. Americans had to "improve the breed". Guess what, they made it bigger. Surprise! This might be the coolest dog in the world. Smart as hell too.

Mastiffs: They're big, they slobber like there was no tomorrow and "if their brains were made of pure cocaine you couldn't sell it and afford a breakfast" {quote from Andrew Vacchs}.

They are Really Big.

Irish wolf hound: The biggest damn dog in the whole damn world. You might consider getting a bear skin rug as they are just as frisky.

Disclaimer: Everything written here is fundamentally true. Reality may differ in some cases which just goes to show that you can't trust it.

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Geier you sodding waste of protoplasm, you fail to mention the relative edibility in your list of breed attributes. Howaboot some recipies too?

I am sorely disappointed in the lot of you for the lack of outrage and disgust at my little rant in the General Forum.

Dig the new sig - and please let me know if that chowderhead Sybarist did not properly attribute this loverly little line...I will be sure to give credit where credit is due.


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Originally posted by dalem:



Did you know, Slag Heap you frickin' scrolling-inducing hamster, that in space, no-one can hear you scream? Bit like hear, really...


[ September 15, 2002, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Geier you sodding waste of protoplasm, you fail to mention the relative edibility in your list of breed attributes. Howaboot some recipies too?

I am sorely disappointed in the lot of you for the lack of outrage and disgust at my little rant in the General Forum.

Dig the new sig - and please let me know if that chowderhead Sybarist did not properly attribute this loverly little line...I will be sure to give credit where credit is due.


Dear MrPong

Your new sig sucks.

Sucks to be you.

Happy now?


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Great. I get to follow a double post by Oddly Jeff.

What, like the rest of the world's asleep or somefink?

And excuse me, but as much as I shrink from admitting it, I really have to side with Joe-Shmoe on one point.

He called me on the issue of calling Lars, Loam, saying that it didn't even come close to approximating his name other than having the same first letter. Sort of like using Pythagoris for Panzer Leader. So, I have to ask...Slag heap for dalem???

What refugee from a remedial spelling class thought this one up?

What specious reasoning was used with this little gem?

What I'm asking ( and try to follow my line of reasoning here), is how long did you massage your skull with a tire iron to come up with this little piece of insight?



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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I am sorely disappointed in the lot of you for the lack of outrage and disgust at my little rant in the General Forum.

Well I'm sure I would be outraged and disgusted by you, MrPing, if I ever took the time to read your little posts. Or think about you.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Slag heap for dalem???

What refugee from a remedial spelling class thought this one up?

Boo-You-Idiot, (normally reserved for Mike-You-Idiot, I know, but somehow in this case it just seemed so appropriate), you know bloody well that AJ couldn't think his way out the front door of his own house. He's not the refugee from a remedial spelling class that labeled dalem Slag Heap, I am.

Granted, we all know AJ is in desperate need of help, but the sad truth is he's no where near bright enough to attend a remedial spelling class. Why, if AJ showed up at a remedial spelling class, they'd slam the door in his face so fast his nose would be flattened. Not that that wouldn't likely be an improvement, mind you.

So are you trying to imply that I'm supposed to make some kind of sense when I ridicule dalem?


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Hear, ye!! Hear, ye!!!

The King o' tha Nobbits, NOBA has had his butt dutifully <U>WHUPPED</U> by the Forces of Floss in a gruelling rendition of "Chaos At Gnomesville", an extremely fairminded and ungamey 30 turn "Quick Op" designed by yours truly {only $19.99 at all WallyMart stores - all proceeds go to a good cause}.

From turn 1 roight up to turn 28, tha Allied Nobbit Hordes were looking assured of an easy victory. BUT {and this was a BIG BUTT!} on turn 29 General Von Flosschenheimer mounted a BRILLIANTLY CONCEIVED and MASTERFULLY EXECUTED counterattack which smashed through th' surprised and stunned remnants of th' suddenly decimated IVX Nobbit Motorised Battalion.

Ah! Tha sweet smell of a mighty victory clutched from th' jaws of almost defeat is still ringing in my ears!

Herewith th' humbling score:


What more can I say? ........


Oh yeah ... Crikey!! Nearly fergot. Wot's all the Aussies think of Band of Brothers so far? Pretty damned good from a special effects point of view IMO! The battle scenes appear very realistic looking..

[ September 15, 2002, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Hear, ye!! Hear, ye!!!

The King o' tha Nobbits, NOBA has had his butt dutifully <U>WHUPPED</U> by the Forces of Floss in a gruelling rendition of "Chaos At Gnomesville", an extremely fairminded and ungamey 30 turn "Quick Op" designed by yours truly

Oh, Australopithicus Jeff won a match in a scenario he designed himself...again. All those surprised, stand on your heads.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Great. I get to follow a double post by Oddly Jeff.

What, like the rest of the world's asleep or somefink?

And excuse me, but as much as I shrink from admitting it, I really have to side with Joe-Shmoe on one point.

He called me on the issue of calling Lars, Loam, saying that it didn't even come close to approximating his name other than having the same first letter. Sort of like using Pythagoris for Panzer Leader. So, I have to ask...Slag heap for dalem???

What refugee from a remedial spelling class thought this one up?

What specious reasoning was used with this little gem?

What I'm asking ( and try to follow my line of reasoning here), is how long did you massage your skull with a tire iron to come up with this little piece of insight?


























[ September 15, 2002, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Hear, ye!! Hear, ye!!!

The King o' tha Nobbits, NOBA has had his butt dutifully <U>WHUPPED</U> by the Forces of Floss in a gruelling rendition of "Chaos At Gnomesville", an extremely fairminded and ungamey 30 turn "Quick Op" designed by yours truly

Oh, Australopithicus Jeff won a match in a scenario he designed himself...again. All those surprised, stand on your heads.</font>
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I am beginning to receive a number of emails, the main thrust of which seems to be 'say, Seanachai, are you alright? Have you gone completely mad? Should I circulate your description in the neighbourhood with appropriate cautions if people happen to see you drinking out of a paperbag, and standing across the street from my house, laughing in a disturbing manner and muttering, as well as simply notifying the police, which I've already done?'

The answers are: no, yes, and yes.

Or, perhaps: yes, yes, and maybe.

I dream. Every night, I dream, and Mensch is always in my dreams.

He is always laughing, laughing, and trying to fit legs on the snakes. He never answers my questions.

There are those that are suggesting I've gone quite mad. In fact, I just erased the lyrics to a jolly sing-song that might have proved that I'd gone mad.

But I'm not as mad as all that, yet, to post the proof. Mad like a fox, you might say!\

But don't worry. I'll not do anything over the top and until I receive every last letter, card, and postcard.

I am anxious for the mail.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I dream. Every night, I dream, and Mensch is always in my dreams.

He is always laughing, laughing, and trying to fit legs on the snakes. He never answers my questions.

ÜberGnome, I would imagine those are the most frightening nightmares you've ever experienced! Tonight, when you dream about Menschy...ask him to rub your belly...maybe then he will answer your questions. Is his rat Herbert with him in those dreams?... Scary!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

snippage of a bunch of drivel about how SomeNachos wants me to stop posting those photos of him and the wee'spaniel all over the Twin Cities... Or at least that's how I interpreted it

SomeNachos, I just returned the file for our game to you not half an hour ago. And here I find you cavorting gaily about the MBT, spouting your protracted rantings once again.

Get back down in your hole, lad. There be moves to make. Well, at least there would be, were you inclined to do anything but sit in your little wood, with your gin bottle and your 13 Veteran Forward Observers, raining unholy h*ll down upon the entire blessed map turn after turn. For the love of Pete, SomeNachos, if you've already plotted the artillery calls for all those infernal FOs, how long can it take you to click "GO"?


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

For the love of Pete, SomeNachos, if you've already plotted the artillery calls for all those infernal FOs, how long can it take you to click "GO"?


Does "eternity" ring a bell??



PS: Brew Badly, why oh why do I always almost get this message re: YOUR FRICKIN' USELESS E-MAIL ACCOUNT??

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Please fix or do somefink....

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