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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Firstly, Seanachai, I think the word is spelt: geas.

Nextly, Joe, we all follow what the Bard said. I think I can sum it up in the timeless words of Mark Twain who wrote:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Golf is a walk in the park ruined.

Driver indeed.</font>
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Originally posted by Mike:

Probably about the time you send me the turn you owe me Happy-boy Fok-wit - now quit typin' & keep dyin'!!

Sorry, my carrier pigeon must have flew off course.

edited because of...just because.

Mike , you have mail.

[ August 25, 2002, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Sae ye'd bae sendin' mae a turrn wid ye?


You'd think that with only one game going that I'd be able to keep track of turns eh?

Oh well, I can't blame it on the moonlight so I'll blame it on the boogie instead.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah noo ye're thankin' tha tha Clan OGSF as UNBEATABLE, boot Ah'm aboot tae gi' a lie tae tha notion Ah think. There're sum gamey sums o' beaches oot there mon!

Tha poor SILLY SOD isn't lyin' either, folks!! Stand by for a GAWD ALMIGHTY announcement re: <U>massive</U> and <U>near terminal</U> oppression of Clan FOGS, rivalling even the near-extinction of the Lesser Minnesotan Red-Rumped Chimp.

By GAWD it'll be worth a read...


[ August 26, 2002, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Sae ye'd bae sendin' mae a turrn wid ye?


You'd think that with only one game going that I'd be able to keep track of turns eh?

Oh well, I can't blame it on the moonlight so I'll blame it on the boogie instead.</font>

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There is an old saying (lost on most of you lot, who can't remember whether you're incarcerated from day to day) that states that:

The One who gets there first, writes history.

Actually, this is a bit of a paraphrase of the concept that: 'History is written by the Victors'.

In this bloody case (shut the hell up, you Aussie swine! I'm making a point here!) the point is: I am the Victor.

That's right, you lot of pedigreed low-sperm-count whingers, I'm the first back online to post the results of the meeting of the Justicar with the Minnesota Miscreants.

And all I have to say is: Pray to God you never end up in a bar with one of Lars's innumerable cousins. The goddamn stories will curl your hair. This man is, seemingly, related to some 150 serious drunkards/drug abusers/gun owners/lunatic felony perpetrators.

On the other hand, he's got a great boat, and we all had a very good time cruising around Lake Minnetonka drinking beer, ogling attractive women, and having them turn smoky eyed glances on Lars, Dalem, and, surprisingly, Papa Khann (he's got this wonderful Clark Gable mustache thing going, and retained consciousness through all of Lars's stories about his 'cousins'), although Joe and I had to satisfy ourselves with courtly gestures and women smiling at us as though we were their fathers.

Berli! The next time you visit, we simply have to go out on the lake in Lars's boat. It was a treat.

[ August 26, 2002, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Firstly, Seanachai, I think the word is spelt: geas.

Nextly, Joe, we all follow what the Bard said. I think I can sum it up in the timeless words of Mark Twain who wrote:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Golf is a walk in the park ruined.

Driver indeed.</font>
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Oh, and Gaylord Focker is actually 'Iron Chef Sakai' returned to us.

Apparently this time he wants to belong, and will even make the odd attempt at spelling and grammar, and has shed some of the annoying attitude that marked his first incarnation.

I say, if he's willing to acknowledge who he is, then let us take him under our wing. If he continues to posture and deny it, then let us send him on a deer-hunting weekend with Lars's cousins.

End of problem.

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Put a sock in it AJ.

That SHAM of a scenario, so heavily rigged in favour of the French, in which you were all veteran and I was green or worse, where you had Jabos cutting me to peices at every turn, was a graphic display of your inability to strategise a piss-up at a brewery.

How you managed to pull a minor win from the jaws of total victory is a shining example to losers everywhere of what not to do when squaring up to the Stukmeister.

Although broken at the end, one little green SS squad had, for 1 loss, 26 veteran Frenchies to their name.

The little green SS HMG that could had amassed 25 snail muncher dead before being HE'd into pate by your honourless armour. In fairness, most of those kills were due to your 'charge of the crews' but as you stated, "crews were used in the attack in WW2, I read it in a comic once" who was I to argue.

So send a setup you western fairy, make it small and non-gamey (what am I saying? this is YOU after all) so that my dance card is clear before CMBB.


PS. No pershings either.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Hell never freezes ! MUA-HA-HA-HA-HAA !!!


MUA-HA-HA - oh, I like coffee, please !</font>

Ah! I see one of the brighter bulbs in the chandelier has graced us with his wit</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Gaylord Focker is actually 'Iron Chef Sakai' returned to us.

End of problem.

Those two sentences don't look good at all together. Btw, what tipped you off? The fact that he acknowledged the fact about six threads ago?

As for the cousins of Lars. They sound like the other normal, well-adjusted people who we sent off a hundred years ago.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Put a sock in it AJ.

That SHAM of a scenario, so heavily rigged in favour of the French, in which you were all veteran and I was green or worse, where you had Jabos cutting me to peices at every turn, was a graphic display of your inability to strategise a piss-up at a brewery.

What sort of moron needs to bleedin' strategise when organising a pissup at a brewery for heaven's sake??

I'm beginning to think you aren't really an Aussie after all......you sound more like a......ugh, pthewey Yarpie or some similar failed attempt at colonialism - maybe a yank, or a Canadian (where the heck is Canadia anyway??) - but sure as feck not a real dinkum Aussie!!

You didn't arrive on a Danish container freighter recently did you??

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

Probably about the time you send me the turn you owe me Happy-boy Fok-wit - now quit typin' & keep dyin'!!

Sorry, my carrier pigeon must have flew off course.

edited because of...just because.

Mike , you have mail.</font>

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Originally posted by SomeNachos:

snippage of SomeNachos usual long-winded overblown blathering on. Good lord, the man can't even order his cup of snake venom from Lard's third cousin twice removed on his father's side without pontificating for 25 minutes. And no, SomeNachos, I STILL don't think that when our server starting talking about The Sims and Playstation II she was "coming on to you".

I am the Victor.

First off, I want to make public my denial that I spread bug repellant on Joe. I may have helped him to the restroom door, as I was the one who signed him out of the institution and was responsible for his safe return. Not to mention I was concerned he'd have a senior moment in my car. But I most assuredly avoided physical contact with Joe for the rest of the evening... At least I'm pretty sure of it.

Next, as Joe's Squire I want to fulfill my obligation and be done with it. Joe promised me that if I related the, as he put it, "high points" of the evening to the Pool, he'd pull some strings and make me a Knight without my having to do any more of this Squire sh*t. Plus I have to pay him some money.

Now I'm not about to claim that these quotes are presented in chronological order. But rest assured that my companions for the outing this evening proved to be, as most of you no doubt have suspected, drunkards and pillocks of the lowest order, and did indeed issue the following statements (or at least something like them... and even if they didn't, I'm sure Lard has a cousin somewhere that has).

Lard: "I think I'm related to her."

dalem: "Who?"

SomeNachos: "What the h*ll is that red ****e in your drink?"

Joe: "So as I was saying, the Poles and the Engineers were embroiled in a fearful matchup. Real brouhaha. The sort of thing legends are made of..."

SomeNachos: "Where am I?"

Lard: "On my boat."

dalem: "What?"

Joe: "Guys, guys, I got this really great story to tell, if only you'd let me finish."

dalem: "I can tell a story about a guy who told me a story once."

Joe: "Who asked you? You weenie. I'm the sodding Just-A-Car here. I outrank all of you."

SomeNachos: "Oh yeah? Since when? I've got the red hat, old man, so there."

Lard: "My snowmobile is right underneath us. My cousin ran it off that bridge and through the ice last winter."

Joe: "Oh tell your bleedin' story. No one wants to listen to me anyway. Some day I'll make you all pay for this, mind you."

SomeNachos: "Why does Papa Khann keep covering up his ears and screaming just when I get to the good parts of MY stories?"

Lard: "I got drunk over on that rock with my cousin one time. Wait... I think that was yesterday."

dalem: "My story revolves around some guy whose name I can't recall. He consumed most of his pet cobra, to gain spiritual enlightenment."

SomeNachos: "I bet I can write enlightenment the next time I pee!"

Lard: "My cousin has a pet snake. We don't eat him though. Not the snake, I mean."

dalem: "He ate the cobra meat, drank the cobra blood, drank the cobra venom, and even drank the cobra, er, um... drank some other cobra stuff too."

Joe: "Where is the d*mn bug juice?"

Lard: "I'll have another. Anyone else? Hey look on that island. I think that guy is my cousin."

SomeNachos: "Huh? What other stuff?"

dalem: Attempting to begin a game of charades, makes the signs for ONE WORD, TWO SYLLABLES, and SOUNDS LIKE, then lays down on the deck and feigns sleep

SomeNachos: "Peeping Tom! Stalking! Mr.Spkr!"

Lard: "My cousin did hard time for stalking."

Joe: "I can't reach my back and the bugs are biting me." Begins to eye SomeNachos warily. "At least I hope it's bugs." Switches his gaze to Lard. "Why do you have to steer so close to shore? And watch out for that other boat. You're coming way too close again. You almost hit that last one."

Lard: "I'm not steering."

dalem: Continuing his game of charades, begins to feign Rapid Eye Movements.

Joe: "What do you mean you're not steering? You're leaning against the wheel thingie. I thought you were steering!"

SomeNachos: "You've got something in your eye! Gnats! It's Mike-You-Idiot!!"

Lard: "Relax Joe, have another drink. Chill. And why is Papa Khann standing on the rail like that? He looks like he's going to try to jump into that other boat. Hey I think that's my cousin's boat!"

Joe: "We could all be killed! Just what the h*ll kind of seaman are you?"

dalem: Touches his nose

SomeNachos: "I was right! It's Mike-You-Idiot! Wait... how does a cobra have a Mike-You-Idiot?"

Lard: "I have a cousin who's a real idiot. No wait... I think that's me I'm thinking of."

And on and on, and on and on and on, and on some more it went. Till yours truly finally yielded to the overwhelming inanity of it all and, grabbing the helm from Lard, steered the wretched craft to the safety of Lord Fletcher's and the haven of his sacred transportation home. However, I would be remiss in my duties if I left you without this final homage to the ultimate comment made this fateful evening, this coup de grace as it were, uttered by none other than our own Joe Shaw...

"Guys, I'm beginning to think that drinking that snake juice isn't the best idea."


[ August 26, 2002, 05:31 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Posted by Aberdeen Angus:

At as wi' monotonous rrregularity tha Ah annoonce.......
You got that bit right.

Monotonous - Yes.

Regularity - Yes, we get that from you..no need for laxatives with you around.

Ah annoonce - Yes, you are forever pon-ciff-icating about anything and everything...although none of it matters a damn.

Why don't you take that clan of yours and stick in the nearest Loch, to see if it floats. While you're at it..try yourself, too.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I am the Victor.First off, I want to make public my denial that I spread bug repellant on Joe. and so on......

Thanks Papa I enjoyed reading that, I dunno why, but I did.

[ August 26, 2002, 06:31 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by Aberdeen Angus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />A monotonous *p00t*!..

You got that bit right.

Monotonous - Yes.

Regularity - Yes, we get that from you..no need for laxatives with you around.

Ah annoonce - Yes, you are forever pon-ciff-icating about anything and everything...although none of it matters a damn.

Why don't you take that clan of yours and stick in the nearest Loch, to see if it floats. While you're at it..try yourself, too.


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Upon my arrival at the castle 'Schloss Stuke', I have perused the old outbox and found that it is YOU Siraah that owes MOI a turn.

I expect a written apology, on my desk in the morning along with the appropriate compensation, of course.

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I can assure you Noba ol' buddy, that the {snicker} lightweight-due-to-being-full-of-hot-air-FOGS{/snicker} is definitely of the "floater" persuasion.
Are you sure it's "hot-air".....

That worries me, me old mate. Perhaps we give him a few bricks to hold....

That should fix THAT problem.


[ August 26, 2002, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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