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Opinion:CMBO better than CMBB

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I took a poll of one person - myself - and was astonished to find that all polled individuals felt that CMBO looked like 'MORE FUN' than CMBB.

Result: 100% of polled participants ordered CMBO ALONE rather than the Bundled CMBO/CMBB

Many of those polled felt that the improvements in CMBB Demo were not enough to justify the few extra bucks when ordering one of the games for the first time. Further, CMBO has the intangible feel(?) of a 'classic' while I cannot say the same of CMBB. Yet another reason is I cant stand stampeding cowards and like to be able to identify with both adversaries.

(OK - another reason (but not the overriding one) was that CMBB probably wont work so well on my old box anyway )

If youre only gonna be dumped off on a desert isle with only one CM and your box - ALL poll responders voted to get CMBO and ditch the CMBB


Get there firstus with the mostus and then pay real close attention

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Your a dough head.

Your statement of how CMBO is better than CMBB is rather limited.

To say one is a classic and other one is not, whats up with that?

CMBO is truly some good work, but one is the end of the war and the other is the beginning of war.

CMBO= Normaday and to the end of war.

CMBB= Beginning off war on the eastern front.

CMBO= Germanys against Brit.,Cana.,USA,Pol.,and France.

CMBB= Germanys and ect.. against Russia and ect.....

How are you going to solve the problem who made the better medium size tank, the Russias or Germans.(now it comes down to tatics)

So I guess we have come to relize that when your put on your Desert isle(with your broken down computer) that you will choose CMBO because you have a hard time running it on your computer.

As far as stampeding cowards are concern, time will tell.

Also you must be a player that enjoys playing Axis and hides behind German armor. Where in CMBB you will come to relize that Russia has better armor in earlier parts of the war, so your sheepish tactics or the little tactics that you have, will have you running back to your broken down computer to hide behind 1944 German armor.

Am still waiting for my copy so I can't make an honest judgement call where your poll is concern.

But as far the demo is concern it's like comparing apples and oranges there both fruits (both WWII) but taste completly differnt. (on completly diffent fronts)

Don't get me wrong one will be better than the other soon enough when my copy comes you will be the first to know.



"Variety is the spice of life"


[ October 07, 2002, 02:23 AM: Message edited by: Atkins the+feared ]

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I kinda wish BTS hadn't used the the prefix "Combat Mission" for both.

BO and BB may 'look' the same but what's under the hood makes for a totally different ride. Some will like it, some don't. Either way, it's really not the same game and ideally one wouldn't subjectively reflect on the other.

Sad though.

It feel alot like when a favorite group (Tragically Hip for example) grows, and in doing so changes from the sound I love (New Orleans is sinking) to a new sound (Insert latest album) that I don't care for.

Same parts, different experience.

Hopefully in the end, the pleasue for people who really LOVE CMBB will balance out the disappointment of those who don't.

Personally? I'm with Blu-ey.

Make mine CMBO.

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Hey man--speaking for the older crowd, you don't think the Beatles changed from 1962 to 1969? Nevertheless, the music is and was always great. CMBB and CMBO use the same game engine and are both great games. Seems to me that it's more than fair to call both a version of Combat Mission. Maybe your argument will be better for CM3, which will feature a new game engine. We'll see.

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"Also you must be a player that enjoys playing Axis and hides behind German armor. Where in CMBB you will come to relize that Russia has better armor in earlier parts of the war, so your sheepish tactics or the little tactics that you have, will have you running back to your broken down computer to hide behind 1944 German armor."

Looks like somebody ran into a KV-1. :D

CMBB is a whole new ball game. Armor combat in the early years is very intersting (PZ38t vs BT-7) and challenging. Especally with the death clock added.

Not to mention pre-planned Arty missions, vastly improved MG effectiveness, and much larger base of equipment to play with.

CMBB all the way...

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I think CMBB repaired the flaws and errors of the CMBO engine.

Like others said it takes real tactics,skill and brains to plot a succesfull attack or to setup a good defense.

A lot of improvements in the QB modus to prevent cheating and make live easier for both players.

Only cheaters and gamey tactics players can say CMBO is better

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

Only cheaters and gamey tactics players can say CMBO is better

hmmmmm, I neither cheat nor employ gamey tactics and yet i find myself thinking I like CMBO better. I suppose its like a old comfy chair.

A comfy chair with shockwaves :D

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Totally diffrent and uncomparable, not just a refinement, sorry.

The only thing that I would say:

-CMBO more unrealistic than CMBB, or should I say more aracade?

-What makes CMBO an easy play compared to CMBB, what can give you a wrong feeling of "fun"

-If you want more reallitic combat get CMBB, when you get used to CMBB way of play you will love it, it's learning curve is much more difficult than CMBO probably, anyway it will be funnier when you get used to it.

Also the scope (in timeframe and units) is much bigger in CMBB.

My opinion: buy both, play both, different games, different fronts. Boths are or will be classics, period.

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Generation gap? smile.gif

I suspect you've assigned me an age based upon my Tragically Hip reference.

Regardless, as Elvis has recently proven, the appreciation of quality music can be independant of generation or age.

Since you're a lawyer, I'll try to explain my position using logical syllogism.

The validity of the Beetles analogy you used is logically independant of the validity of my Tragically Hip analogy. As BOTH arguments are mutually exclusive, the possible truth of your Beetles argument does not automatically entail the falseness of mine.

An exception does not disprove the possibility, only an absolute.

But, as your Beetles argument _IS_ phrased as an absolute and my argument is an exception to it, it then neccessarily false.


The terms and definitions may not be perfect (I sucked at the only Basic Logic course I took), but I'm reasonibly sure that the core logic is accurate.

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mutually exclusive means that both instances cannot be true.

The two games are similar enough to both be called Combat Mission : .

There's certainly more engine commonality than in most computer game "series"

The point being made by jagcommander is that it may be different, but it can still be good.

(Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong jagcommander)

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Opinions differ and that's good ;)

To expline my point:

both games use same engines, but heavily modified (for example HL used Quake I engine but would you say that is the same game? I know the analogy is not perfect but...), gameplay and way of playing is totally different, is that different that you must relearn to play the game, which is a point that people doesn't get attracted by CMBB at the begining.

Is it is or not a refinement, depends on your definition of refinement and the frontier between refinement and new product... However I suppose we agree on the gameplay aspect I described above...

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Well personally I find myself very impressed when I play the CMBB demo, mainly because of the far more 'realistic' graphics. However I remain loyal to CMBO (I haven't even decided whether to buy CMBB yet) because being English I have no interest in fighting as Germans or Russians. I know that it is just a game, but to immerse myself in it I need to identify with one side or the other, and I'm afraid I view both these nations (strictly from a WWII point of view) as 'the enemy'. FWIW

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Originally posted by Boff:

Well personally I find myself very impressed when I play the CMBB demo, mainly because of the far more 'realistic' graphics. However I remain loyal to CMBO (I haven't even decided whether to buy CMBB yet) because being English I have no interest in fighting as Germans or Russians. I know that it is just a game, but to immerse myself in it I need to identify with one side or the other, and I'm afraid I view both these nations (strictly from a WWII point of view) as 'the enemy'. FWIW

I feel the same way as an American but its cool because when my CMBB digital Soviets get killed it doesn't bother me in the least! :D
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