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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part V)

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:D The mice have been released and are on there way...

Alfie I await your return....


As for the Cpt I shall do the Gum Ball run tonight.

As for Lopaka... Wake up Norcal... Wake up.... Damn this 9 hour difference...

Ohhh and some good news the Eagle is shipped so the sooner I finish these the sooner I can turn my attention onto CMBB which was shipped from the states to me yesterday...



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Alrighty then, it's time for me to cut up little slips of paper and randomly select the 4-player groups who will do battle. As was to be expected, I don't have an even multiple of four players. Have no fear! I will fill out the last section soon.

Now I go to prepare a tourney for you lot of 30. Watch your mailbox, and keep an eye on this thread. You will once again be at war by the end of this weekend, maybe sooner.

Treeburst155 out.

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Here be the randomly selected groups. Now who's going to clean up all these strips of paper on the floor?! smile.gif The incomplete group 8 contains the last two players to sign up, EASY-V and Bertram.


Boris - bbalaban@rim.net

John Kettler - kettler@relaypoint.net

Tero - tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi

Fate - kirkcm@telus.net


Mikeydz - mikeydz@houston.rr.com

a1steaks - gpaull@pacbell.net

von Lucke - blane2@flash.net

Cpt T - dktravis@stx.rr.com


White4 - christian.p.lerche@saic.com

Sgt Gold - rspilot@nyc.rr.com

mPisi - mPisi@flash.net

Tom Norton - TGHCGN@aol.com


JonS - em@clear.net.nz

Big X - ckeagle@earthlink.net

Frunze - evanroberts1@charter.net

Juha A - juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi


JJelinek - jjelinek@intertek.net

Hobo - hobo@mindpulse.com

Heavy Drop - rtravis1@satx.rr.com

Saport - jatucker@loxinfo.co.th


Cuzn - fvisintini@nyc.rr.com

TabPub - Tabpub@aol.com

Mike8g - mike8@lycos.com

Wadepm - wadepm@attbi.com


Cpl Carrot - rjb109@slingshot.co.nz

Strider - Strider@bak.rr.com

Jim Liang - jim_liang@msn.com

Visom - Visom@telia.com


EASY-V - vboyev@aol.com

Bertram - BORedmeijere@home.nl

Michael Reddy - mike.reddy@sbcglobal.net


I will begin sending files this afternoon. I will not be able to finish the job however. It may be the weekend before I get time to finish.

Group 8,

Hang tight. I'll get another guy soon.

Treeburst155 out.

[ October 09, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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A Nabla Scoring System Technology Breakthrough!!

Now that we have had at least a dozen scenarios scored with the Nabla system, and have analyzed the results, we find that each scenario exhibits a different "fingerprint" with regard to the relationship of the scores to the median. IOW, the curve needs to be adjusted for each scenario so that bigger victories are properly rewarded when they are not outlier results. The same applies to big losses. We don't want the "big loss penalty" to kick in when many are losing big.

In short, the scoring curve will be normalized based on the standard deviation from the median for each scenario.

With each improvement we feel we are measuring player performance better. These finals will be scored with this improvement to the system.

Nabla the genius is working on it now.

Thanks Nabla!

Treeburst155 out.

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Congrats on the breakthrough!

Holien, Capt, Lopaka...Turns on the way.

And now when I've seen other scenarios, I know what you mean by turkey shootout Holien ;)

Now, Holien let that mouse loose, so I can feed it to my rats...


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You read my mind! Just last night I was musing on the rather large database of scores from RoW II and realized a) that we had more than enough to run a statistically valid and usefulk standard deviation for each side in each scenario and B) that it would yield a much better player performance metric than the median, since it would better encompass the score swing you described.


John Kettler


Got my assignment. Do I need to add on to my sig?

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The median is still the determiner of scenario balance. The standard deviation from this median will now be considered in the determination of the specific scoring curve applied to a given scenario.


I doubt the ranking of the players in the first round would have changed with the new program. It may have caused a flip-flop among players who were very close however. More likely, the gaps between players would have been lessened or increased a little. In any case, when I get the new program from Nabla I will be running the round one scores through it because I'm curious too.

The curve I've been using has fit most scenarios fairly well IMO. There have been a few exceptions however. These exceptions are common enough that we need to do something about them. That is happening now.

To All,

Except for Group 8, all the files have been sent out. Email is bouncing back to me from two of you. Am I using a valid address?

JonS - em@clear.net.nz

Visom - Visom@telia.com

Treeburst155 out.

[ October 09, 2002, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Ah yes, I see my error. I made a similar error with Visom. Both of you should have your files now.

Group Four,

Your contact list has an error in JonS' address. The correct address for him is:


Group Seven,

your contact list has an error in Visom's address. The correct address for him is: NL_Visom@telia.com

[ October 09, 2002, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Just a morning update until JK can step in....

Turns sent to Ali and Lopaka...

I hope the noise of my Bagpipes has the right effect on those mouse I am coming to free...

As for the Capt I am having too much fun (wrong word) with Lopaka to have even worked out a way to run the gumball rally, so this will wait until I get a vision as to the way to play that one.



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I am so stupid, to give KR an advantage...

The 1st battle with Lopaka is turning into quite a game and while the map is not like FotM the scenario is a great affair and really appeals to me.

It is really neat idea and congrats to the designer for another top notch game...


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After I belatedly remembered to take the .cmb file out of the folder, once unzipped, I got the scenario in which I'm the attacker to be read properly by the game. When I opened it to look at the terrain, though, I was greeted by a bizarre elevated plaidish affair which is higher than a building, is angled back at 45 degrees, and extends

across the full width of my end of the board. I can't tell whether or not it is preventing me from getting to anything I'm supposed to have, for it is effectively impenetrable, though behind a green line and extending to the edge of the map.

Do I need another copy of the .cmb file, or should I play on with the bizarre bleachers looming large behind me?


John Kettler

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