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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part V)

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I'm currently without working email and only got the net connection back today. Hopefully email real soon. I'm doing my best with the 2 games I have left.

If it seems we won't make it, I'm prepared to ceasefire the games.

I'm attacking in both, so my opponents wont suffer for it.

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Originally posted by Jarmo:

If it seems we won't make it, I'm prepared to ceasefire the games.

I'm attacking in both, so my opponents wont suffer for it.

But all other player would because you would ruin the unbalanced scenario scoring system. Please have Treeburst finish it as he indicated he would do.
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Redwolf is right. The worst thing players could do is call a mutual ceasefire for the sole purpose of ending the game due to time pressure. It's far better for me to finish the last few turns.

Time pressure is a bad thing. People have enough of that in Real Life. Unfortunately, without time pressure, I fear some would never finish their games.

Treeburst155 out.

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Anyone that gives a shike, I have changed my handel and e-mail from Vader's Jester to Dragon Army. I will keep the Vader's Jester handel though to keep any confusion from happening durring the tourney. I figured a high member number would make all those low member number guys hate me and the high mem nubs even more! tongue.gif

Hey TB, when's round 2 start?

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I'm hoping we can start the finals the weekend of the 5th-6th. I have lots to do before then to make it happen however. For one thing I have to crunch all the scores and post the results. I then need to secure the scenarios and send them all out. I also need to see how much interest there is among the non-winners of the sections. We may have to go with a different form of the Nabla scoring system that does not rely on a median. The task before me now however is to get all the games finished. smile.gif

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

You'll be pleased to know TB that my final game with Tabpub is definitely on track to be completed before 30 September. There's only about 5 turns to go gefore Head for the Hills is finito.


Jim R.

Yes, we don't rush these things, like some of the implusive sort here..Think of Bartles and Jamyes when you think of us..I am the one in the glasses.
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Originally posted by wadepm:

Sheesh...my first game started on 7 June and the last ended on 31 July! What have you guys been doing...working again? Talking to people outside of our species? Come on!!

Wow! I am impressed. Nothing much happening down there in Homewood, eh? And yes, if you MUST know, the "people" on Aldebaran say "Hi!" and were very impressed by CMBO and have called off the invasion that was impending vs. Earth due to my visit. This was due to my "whupping" of their combined High Command at a few games of CMBO and impressing on them that I was merely an average player and that there were "thousands upon thousands" more of us worldwide. This immediately put the "fear of CMBO" in them and they surrendered. I am returning to occupy the planet as Governor and surround myself with Cherubim...(hic..excuse me...)
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With a minimum of 30 games played with each scenario, I'm getting a fairly good idea on balance. Some of you will be quite surprised. smile.gif

A player's perception of scenario balance is influenced significantly by the skill of his opponent. For example, I played "Head For The Hills" from scratch, and blind. I came to the conclusion that the scenario favors the Germans significantly. Hehe....boy, was I surprised.


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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

With a minimum of 30 games played with each scenario, I'm getting a fairly good idea on balance. Some of you will be quite surprised. smile.gif

A player's perception of scenario balance is influenced significantly by the skill of his opponent. For example, I played "Head For The Hills" from scratch, and blind. I came to the conclusion that the scenario favors the Germans significantly. Hehe....boy, was I surprised.


Thank goodness for that -- I HATED that scenario . . .
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None are entirely completed. The unfinished games are spread out among all five scenarios. :(

Mr Spkr,

I sure would like to finish my French attack in that game we were playing. The part we have left is the bloody part! Perhaps we should test our email compatibility again? My ISP is aware of the problem, but they move REAL slow on stuff like that. BTW, you're not the only one rejecting my stuff as SPAM. Apparently, lots of SPAM is coming from people associated with my ISP.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

None are entirely completed. The unfinished games are spread out among all five scenarios. :(

Mr Spkr,

I sure would like to finish my French attack in that game we were playing. The part we have left is the bloody part! Perhaps we should test our email compatibility again? My ISP is aware of the problem, but they move REAL slow on stuff like that. BTW, you're not the only one rejecting my stuff as SPAM. Apparently, lots of SPAM is coming from people associated with my ISP.

Treeburst155 out.

Try sending me a file to my home address.


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I will be posting the results to this thread on or before October 1st. At that time, the section winners (finalists eligible for prizes) will know who they are.

We probably need to start a discussion about the finals. We have three more brand new scenarios. All players are eligible to play in the finals; but with CMBB out, I suspect many will decline.

If you want to play in the finals (even if you don't win your section), post here with your email address if it is not in your profile. I feel certain lots of my addresses are out of date since I sent out the RoW II games.

Treeburst155 out.

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I’ll play in the finals when I don’t win my section just so you can use the Nabla scoring system. I signed on for the duration. smile.gif

BUT if you’re going to use another system of scoring or for some reason you don’t need non-finalists to play I’d rather stick to CMBB and get all geared up for the tourney in January (If that’s still the target month).

[ September 23, 2002, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]

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