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"Whenever in future wars the battle is

fought, panzer troops will play the

decisive role..."

Heinz Guderian

"Wir werden Sieger - durch unsren Tiger"

"We will be victorious - thanks to our Tigers"

"The South didn't lose the war, they're

merely awaiting reinforcements."



Stars & Stripes Newspaper, Vietnam

"Our 37mm antitanks guns opened fire

at point blank range. But what was

going on?! The tanks weren't bothered

in the least! They continued their

advance into the Kradshutzen. Shells

ricocheted all over the place. We all

could have done well without that


Kurt "Panzer Meyer" Meyer

"So they've got us surrounded, good!

Now we can fire in any direction, those

bastards won't get away this time!"

Chesty Puller, USMC

"Only he is lost, who gives himself up for lost."

Hans Ulrich Rudel, Stuka Pilot

"Most Russians don't care whether they are

ruled by fascists or communists or even

Martians as long as they can buy six kinds

of sausage in the store and lots of cheap


Former Russian General Aleksander Lebed, RIP 2002

Ban the bomb! Save the world for conventional warfare!


"He flies on a wing and a prayer, the other

wing I took off."

Starshy Leytenant Molotov


Prussian Imperial Motto

"In war, the only time the Italians have ended

up on the same side as they started is when

they have switched sides twice."

Napoleon Bonaparte

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I can't listen to music very much. It makes me want to say kind, silly things and pat people on the head. But now you must beat them on the head, beat them without mercy!"


I dunno if that's a real quote or not but it's in some guy's .sig and it cracks me up like nothing else.

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"War is not exactly a life insurance."

Hans Rudel

"Our enemies want war, they asked for it. I say, let us give them all they want."

William T. Sherman

"The mission of this unit is to fly and to fight, and don't you forget it."

Hugh Mills and others

"I don't care much for this 'why are we fighting stuff'?. We're in a war, a shooting war, we've got to fight."

Gregory Peck, 12 O'Clock High (Should have been a real quote).

"First class to the very end!"

CAPT Pipan "Pipematz"; 1/SG1 FW 190 Attack Pilot who flew all missions in dress uniform.

"As long as I look right into their muzzles, nothing can happen to me."

Hans Marseille

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"If pigs could fly the airspace would look a lot more interesting, but the danger of being shat at from above would increase dramatically." (Germanboy)

"I just have never heard of this thing - which is pretty remarkable concidering I have read 80% of the WW2 books ever written."(Cauldron)

"It is not up to us to prove that what we want is correct, it is correct because we are customers."(Eumundi)

"OK, I stand corrected, but that still doesn't sound effective as the Germans still did lose the war."(Maximus)

"Rule#7: All players must follow the rules." (Rob/1 aka Robisme aka Sherman aka whatever he now uses)

"Life springs anew from week old leftovers"(Gyrene)

"Captain Foobar's game sounds like a weasel shooting chickens in a barrel with a large rock. I like it. He did not come out and fight like a man, but skulked about like a snivelling sniveller snivelling snivellishly."(OGSF)

"All i want is for decent games to be a good as they can be. Do want a game that works???"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky)

"Me tank is still alive me churchill's crew must be laughing there heads off."(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky)

"Please fix!!! or do somefink"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky)

"As for whats really going on with who caused what, rah rah chinese wanker feast lesbian afgan house party bugger knows. All i know is if some wanker tunrs up here at my place looking for trouble im ready for freddie. ( got me a F&^Ker of a rifle and 1000+ rounds to shoot up his ass )"(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky)

"All i hear is the Iron Cross sucks etc. "(GAZ_NZ / CPT Stransky)

"All I ask BTS is that you give me a free copy in exchange for this old one."(Colonel_Deadmarsh)

"SturmTiger! Blah blah blah rarity, blah blah blah. SturmTiger SturmTiger SturmTiger!!!"(Elijah Meeks)

"Hope that clears up all questions and concernas about the optional Rarity optional options at the players option to optionally use, optionally, in a game."(Steve/BTS)

"Feel free to e-mail me concerning us if you like" (Rico)

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