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Am I playing against a whiner named Edited?

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He's busily being mashed by my Axis hordes, Seanachai. He's also too busy on the bog to worry about sending turns, after a particularly vicious Vietnamese meal caught his undies unawares :D

You'll have to wait until the bog roll runs out before you get your turn.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

He's busily being mashed by my Axis hordes, Seanachai. He's also too busy on the bog to worry about sending turns, after a particularly vicious Vietnamese meal caught his undies unawares :D

You'll have to wait until the bog roll runs out before you get your turn.

Calumny! Hideous calumny of a Peng Challenge Thread approved Grog!

Well, not that we really approve of anyone, including each other. But Berli, Joe Shaw, Persephone, and the Minnesota Knights were all sitting around this evening drinking Guinness, Bass, and local brews too numerous to mention, and we all agreed that, of the many Grogs on the Forum, we'd most likely kill Grog Dorosh last.

Not that we like him. We just hate him less than most of the others.

Oh, and we agreed we all miss Elijah Meeks. That horrible little man.

Dorosh! Stop standing there like some sort of Canadian Oliver Twist, twisting your cap between your hands while staring at your feet and mumbling about how 'you're sure he's a gentleman, an' it please your lordships', and say something nasty. Come into the Thread of threads, if it makes you feel more comfortable, and go off on the idjit.

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Life is too short. Name the individual so that people can choose if they play them or not. I like you do not want to waste time by playing agmes that are not completed.

The person has the right to discuss it from his point of view as there are surely two sides to the story.

As for the whole set up of the game etc... The person should have played it through to the bitter end or surrendered IMO.

The forum is starting to remind me of CC2 and some of the "win at all costs" idiots that played that game. Thank BTS for ensuring that the game can not be rigged other than set-ups.

For us to have a good idea on who we would like to spend time with we need to know the type of person we are up against.

So I see no reason why the player should not be named. You have presented a clear and well balanced case (or so it would appear) and you are not intentionally defaming the chap just asking for views.

There was another heads up a few weeks ago about a chap playing the tourney organised by Ted, (if I remember correctly). He made his views known about some issues and the person concerned could have replied if they wished.

So name and allow the person to respond if they want to.


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Originally posted by Soddball:

....he's also too busy on the bog to worry about sending turns, after a particularly vicious Vietnamese meal caught his undies unawares...

Funny you should mention that...got an email from the name that was dropped by our friend - apparently he is of Vietnamese extraction.

I hope this isn't betraying a confidence, but in the email I received, the other dude that our friend played again reported being defeated on a "flat map" that seemed sculpted to provide only two avenues of approach (sound familiar?) with Green troops on both sides. During the game "he did seem unusally aggrieved at my choice of 4 inch arty, apparently it's not a part of 'Infantry' games."

I will see if I get a return email from him with the code.

Oh, and as for Seanachai, I deleted a few emails with attachments that have been corrupted via virus - perhaps yours was one of them? If I had known your real name was Melvin Cowznofski I would have known it was you and asked you to resend. Would have expected you to have your very own Peng-thread mail account, actually....

[ April 08, 2002, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by RMC:

Perhaps his "95 rule" refers to the big brewhaha over the performance of the 95mm gun on the Churchill VIII. There was some lengthy discussion about it being overpowered against tanks at least.

But this debate ended with the critics (including me) begging down! All available test data, including Rexford's book, supports the CMBO penetration number. As high as it may be.

Now, the hit probablity of the 95mm HC has been stated as one sixth of that of a 6 pdr by one document, which is not as such in CMBO, the hit probablity of the 95mm HC is almost the ame as the 75mm AP.

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We have one guy in tournamenthouse who apparently always picks a city without announcing it, after going extremly fast through the pre-battle negotiations so that nobody gets a chance to say anything else. He always insists on hosting, not surprisingly.

Big mistake - I am pretty strong in cities and had VT, flamethrowers etc.

I have a standard list of thing to say pre-battle, and I go through it, always and completely, in the first and second time I play someone. Of course, I save the IRC log and/or mails. With the many new players we got since the retail releases this turned into a must.

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Originally posted by PiggDogg:

Publish his name. Things are as they are.

Cheers, Richard :D

Well, his reticence to enter the discussion here kind of tells you something; so I won't be doing that. He is still holding out - offers to send the password, and then when I send mine he is holding out for some kind of retraction from me. Pretty juvenile method of blackmail, really.

Seeing as I offered to send the game files to all and sundry, I don't see that I have anything to retract. If I'm a liar, you will all find out about it as soon as I send the file to all that have requested it.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Well, this just in...I am a liar and have no character! Buddy's name is PhanCucChin@aol.com - I would recommend avoiding him. Even if we have misjudged him regarding setting up terrain, etc., his whining about force picks and violating rules not agreed to beforehand make him not worth your while.

Have a nice life, Phan.

Just a disclaimer here: I was once Phillies Phan on this forum and am not now now have I ever been in a PBEM contest with Mister Dorosh. It would seem that this opponent is giving Phan's everywhere a bad name.
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Just my opinion...

I don't think it's a good idea to start using this board as a venue for airing greiviences. I'm sure you'll agree that BTS never intended their BBS to be used for this purpose, and it does reflect negatively on our community as a whole.

Whatever beef you had with this individual could have been worked out in private.

My $2.02 (pre-tax)

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Huh....just went back to look at the file; when I answered his email, I said "green and conscript", but I have all green - I just noticed he has all conscript. Like I said, that info just sails over my head - I noticed his Hetzer was Conscript, didn't know (or care) that his whole force would be that way.

Still no excuse for refusing to at least surrender. He was the one who picked the type of force and terrain; luck of the draw.

I am actually getting extremely sick and tired of trying to have a bit of fun and having someone tell me "you're being gamey", especially when I have no idea what they are on about. ASL Vet (a very good player and someone I admire and respect, by the way) pointed out to me when we PBEMed a bit that my style was gamey, including flag rushes, etc. My only response was that the game is in front of me, and I am just doing what I think I can to win.

So it's been a learning experience. And I am sympathetic to those desiring a "fair" game, and when people advise me that I am being "gamey", I give it due consideration.

Okay, so in addition to last minute flag rushes, recon by jeep, tanks boasting 95mm cannons and playing Polish on a Tuesday in a month with the letter "R" in the name, can someone please, please advise me of the entire list, once and for all, of what I can and cannot do - God Forbid I should upset any more of you poor dears out there.

Or have to change my ebay password again because it is conveniently the same as my PBEM password....

And if you plan on PBEMing with me, do please advise me of the conditions under which you will simply quit on me. Mother dying is on my list already, but "I don't like your tanks" and "I don't like your infantry" or "my troops suck worse than yours" still don't cut it in my book.

[ April 08, 2002, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

Just my opinion...

I don't think it's a good idea to start using this board as a venue for airing greiviences. I'm sure you'll agree that BTS never intended their BBS to be used for this purpose, and it does reflect negatively on our community as a whole.

Whatever beef you had with this individual could have been worked out in private.

My $2.02 (pre-tax)

Opinion noted, Kingfish, and I hope you will see that I did try to mediate this off board while illiciting advice on board. His childish inability to live up to his word - ie send the password he promised, especially after I sent mine - rendered two days of play all for naught. Not that I care about missing out on a PBEM victory terribly much, but there was a lot of other things I could have been doing with my time. Some were even constructive.

I think others need to be warned about this guy; not that he is doing anything wrong necessarily, by complaining about force picks, but refusing to finish games is just not on.

SuperTed set the precedent for public airing of these things, and it would appear many people agree.

You are absolutely right that these things are best resolved in private, however, and I thank you sincerely for the reminder.

EDIT - As I said, this is a learning process, and I wanted to know from the community if he had a legitimate grievance or not. I'm afraid this board is the best way to do that, and certainly, I would think that the Combat Mission forum is the best place to learn about how other players play CM, and relate to other CM players.

Thanks to all for their indulgence.

[ April 08, 2002, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

And if you plan on PBEMing with me, do please advise me of the conditions under which you will simply quit on me. Mother dying is on my list already, but "I don't like your tanks" and "I don't like your infantry" or "my troops suck worse than yours" still don't cut it in my book.

Which is one of the reasons I never play against a live opponent. The AI is always available and it never complains!



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Okay, so in addition to last minute flag rushes, recon by jeep, tanks boasting 95mm cannons and playing Polish on a Tuesday in a month with the letter "R" in the name, can someone please, please advise me of the entire list, once and for all, of what I can and cannot do - God Forbid I should upset any more of you poor dears out there.

If it works, it's gamey.
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Originally posted by Soddball:

It's true, Dorosh is gamey. In our PBEM he has invisible troops and stealth tanks.

We're only on turn 2, sure, and nothing's happened, but he sucks and it's not fair and, well, damn it all, I think I'll stamp my foot.

Rumor has it you got your arse whupped on a Rune map I wrestled him to a draw on tongue.gif
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Ok you two clowns, that brings up a good point. The famous rune scenario Villiers Fossard. I did object to playing this one with 109 Gustav, who gracefully relented. I believe I sent him a surrender - the honourable thing to do - but whatever happened, it was on good terms and we played another match (currently fizzling down to a draw). EDIT - I have the result on my PBEM page, an Axis Total Victory 74-11 - meaning that we must have exchanged end game files. I do believe I simply surrendered once I realized what the force mix was like - and after losing all my armour! Not so much a refusal to play the game, but an acknowledgement that I got the short end of the stick, my opponent played skillfully, and it was time to move on.

I did agree to revisit the Villiers Fossard scenario twice - against you two - and it wasn't nearly as lopsided as I thought, given the boot to put on the other foot.

Of course, your draw was the result of a gamey flag rush, in which you had nobody even near the flag but a shocked bailed out crew after I toasted your Stuart....but I digress!

[ April 08, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Okay, so in addition to last minute flag rushes, recon by jeep, tanks boasting 95mm cannons and playing Polish on a Tuesday in a month with the letter "R" in the name, can someone please, please advise me of the entire list, once and for all, of what I can and cannot do - God Forbid I should upset any more of you poor dears out there.

I have never seen the 95mm banned. Flag rushes don't pay off point-wise if you just make the flag netral, which usually is the best you can. I'll post an article on scoring to thforums soon, including number examples.

Here is what I have seen on tournamenthouse, as generally accepted rules, at least it is what I see and see people using on IRC:

- no SdKfz 7/1 and 7/2 and no airplanes (Flakpanzer allowed)

- one map reject each

- if nothing else said, combined arms (QB default)

- if nothing else said, medium quality troops (QB default)

- if nothing else said, 30 turns (QB default)

- if nothing else said, 7, 10 or unlimited minutes/turn (QB default)

- Fionn rules include artillery limits

- when Fionn 75, the artillery limit is 105mm, plus British (not not

US) 4.2" mortars and not including VT artillery (not quite universal agreement here).

There is no default for force mix, that means it is allowed if nothing is said, but almost always something is said. Some people seem to assume no pillboxes on defense is a default, not sure.

As a side note, I think I can gve good arguments why much of the gamey stuff that annoys people actually doesn't pay off anyway. Flag rush is an example. The superb M3A1 with is .50cal has strong limitations. The VI/70 is quite useless in more situations than people think. Th Pz IV is actually quite good is you pair it with a 20mm vehicle. Just tell me your gameyness annoyance, I'll twist it.

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