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Anyone Seen a Brew-Up?


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I have yet to brew up an enemy tank. I guess early war weenie guns just didn't do the same catastrophic damage as the 88.

So far in the demo scenarios I've killed tanks with ATGs, mines, rpgs, grenades... no flaming wrecks.

Almost makes me miss the Shermans.

Anyone else having the same experience?

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Several times in Citadel, 2-3 times (I haven't exactly kept count) the 45MM AT guns got a MK III or MK IV to brew up. 2 times tank killer/hunter teams have gotten MK III's to brew up, course the Molotov's may have had something to do with that ;)

Don't believe I have ever seen it in Stare though..

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Best brew up I'vev had was from a Russian ATG - KABOOM!! Bits flying everywhere, the whole nine-yards!! smile.gif

I've seen a few fires caused by the 45's, but not exploding tanks.

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Yup my KV-1S's were ordered to take a hull down pos to a line of PIVs. The engagement began at 1200m. 10 secs into the fire fight Ser Batsanov crate took a partial penatration to the front turret, the turret crew had been annhilated by the fritz with only two crew bailing.

LT Samodai with rage guiding him placed his second round directly onto the PIVs turret. The explosion ripped out of the hull, no one was seen to bail.

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Originally posted by Lindan:

Yes, twice in one battle. Some days ago. ISU-152 vs. StuG III + Hetzer. ISU won. ;)

Not again with that ISU story! Aaargh!!! Let me have the CMBB, toooooo!!! :D

Back to the original topic: yes, I've seen 'em burning and blowing. Only PzIII's and PzIV's in Citadelle, though. Just go and replay. And replay. If you want to see more, give Allied +200% troops ;)


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My first tank kill in the demo was an exploding KV-1S, hit from 880 meters in the first shot by a PzIV. It put a really big smile.gif on my face , thats for sure! He tried to get one of my PzIII's on the left flank while the Pz IV's were in overwatch. :D

Second one was almost identical but at 850 meters with one penetration hit and then shortly after one more hit that made it go KABOOM! :D

Got to love this game. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

looks like I am the first here to report loosing a mk IV at 1400 meters(!) to a KV1

frontal turret penetration,with second shot :(

nice bang and fire that spread out with a thick smoke cloud

Yeah, happened to me too. Bloomin' P4's, uuuuseless I tells ya...
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Had several brew ups and explosions already.

One T-34 exploded in Yelnia by a violent 150 m range penetration through the turret front by 3.7 ATG (The whole front screamed Hurraa).

One P3 exploded while being hit square in the lower hull flank by a 7.62 cm HE round of a KV-1S.

Several others brew up in Zitadelle.

Have you also noticed that Molotov cocktails may ingnite the terrain and start a small fire (Cool thing) ?



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