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CMBB review at gamezone

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I love reading critiques of of CM reviews

Everyone is so sensitive.

If the review doesn't come from a wargaming site then why even bother reading it? You know they're cut from a different cloth so they're obviously going to see the game differently. Just because they have different priorities when it comes to games doesn't mean that their opinions are less valid-it just means that you are less likely to agree with them smile.gif

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so if the reviewer is reading, to sum up:

the ai doesn't cheat.

the movement orders are done by you, then by the computer, BUT the action phase is done at the same time after both sets of orders are given. the way you wrote in the review it sounds like: I give orders, my gun shoots the computer tank, the computer has a turn to give orders, but it can't give orders to the tank because it died.

what actually happens is: i give orders to the gun to shoot, the computer gives orders to the tank to shoot, then the action phase sees who hits first.

effects: gun muzzle flash. tanks blowing up (most kills are non dramatic, but smaller vehicles have a greater tendency to blow up or burn). hits and riccochets on tanks make sparks.

as mentioned above his video card is most likely down sampling the bmps.

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This is not just fanboys going blitzkrieg on a negative review.
... Isn't this is the same stuff that fanboys worldwide say on their forums? smile.gif Don't get me wrong here, I agree with you Kump, I just don't like all the name calling etc etc...

That line implies the reviewer knows what he/she is talking about, yet the overall review discounts that completely. This kid does not know the genre at all and pretending he/she does gets under folks skin who do. -Kump

...and I supposed calling him a monkey, an idiot, a wide variety of other names, and insulting him is going to change anything or make the situation better... I just think it is silly...
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No One Lives Forever - 9.5

Unreal Tournament - 9.3

NHL 2003 - 9.1

Combat Mission BB - 6.8

Hmmm. Judging by this chap's reviews, he's probably under 30, skipped military history (or general history for that matter) in university, and has an attention span of around 30 seconds. I'm not being a crtic - I find that most of today's youth share similar habits. I think he's forgotten that most of the console games that are aimed at an age group of 15 to 25. To an 18 year old, CMBB would seem just too hard. My 23 year old brother in laws just stared at the game incesantly and asked "so I have to tell them what to do - that's too hard!" Rather than see the game for what it is, this evaluator is too busy staring at pumpkin shaped heads. Where's my soundtrack? Waaaaaa! This made me laugh - "you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake." Sorry chap, the first World War was the war to end all wars for a reason. Maybe he'll have to READ a book for a change rather than learning all eight buttons on a playstation console controller.

Forum members, my apologies for my harshness. I do realize that the people tho write for these columns don't really have any credentials other than a few years in front of their TV molesting joysticks.

Honestly, based on his clear bias for console games, he shouldn't even be looking at games that require a keyboard - it's just a little out of his league.


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Eduardo Zacarias:

The only sweeping music can be found at the main menu option and is absent throughout the rest of the game as well.
Perhaps Eduardo can join the mod community and convert the Robin background noises into this:


Not only will it relate to his generation, there's something about "Bodies" that just fits organized mayhem. tongue.gif

P.S. WARNING I first heard this song watching the movie "The One." Although no profanity is used, its portrait of psychopathic violence is not for everyone. Listener discretion is advised.

[ October 19, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Diceman ]

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I tend to agree with Generale_Pasquini. The reviewer isn't a wargamer and it shows in his review. No harm done, IMO. It would be no different if one of us were to review "Mario Brothers: Sunshine Island". Granted, they probably should have had a bonified wargamer review a wargame -- but there's nothing we can do to change that now.

As for driving away potential customers.... well, I suppose that's possible. It's my contention, however, that those who are meant to play CM will eventually be drawn to it -- like a moth to flame :D



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Well, he definately got one thing right:

"While Combat Mission has enough battle scenarios and juicy extras, this game is still an acquired taste and it’s definitely not for everyone."

Thank God for that! If this game tried to be for everyone we would have something like GI Combat, which still only appeals (right now anyway) to the twitch crowd.

It does piss me off when a site reviews something completely out of their genre or area of expertise.

I'm waiting to hear what Trotter and some more reputable reviewers have to say. Not that it's gonna change mine or anyone elses opinion here.

If it's anything less than a 90, light the torches. :D


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My 23 year old brother in laws just stared at the game incesantly and asked "so I have to tell them what to do - that's too hard!" Rather than see the game for what it is, this evaluator is too busy staring at pumpkin shaped heads.[/QB]
C'mon I'm 22 and I know better! It's not age related.
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Yeah, not to worry guys...this wasnt his sort of game. It can be frustrating to read such things where the reviewer doesnt really get the direction from which the game is coming from, but it does happen and we cant change that.

Its like a wargaming site reviewing BF1942 and knocking it becuase the japanese have Kubelwagons and the tanks have health bars smile.gif Personally I think the game is a heap of fun when played as a FPS sytle game (particaully multiplayer!) but it shouldnt be reviewed as a wargame and to do so would be unfair.


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Originally posted by P5:

BTW, Just bought CMBB for my father, so we can play IP game...and yes, I can crush him completely :D

Poor bugger. When the day comes that my son, who plays a lot more than I do, can crush me at this or any other game that requires thought rather than muscle I think I will give up the ghost.

Sorry, somewhat off topic

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I think this is just a bit of a misunderstanding of the game by the reviewer. As we are a lovable bunch of lunkheads here, I emailed Eduardo and suggested he look at the game on a nvidia equipped PC. Made a small suggestion that he sit in on a 155 bombardment from level 1 and 2 with an infantry squad for a real feel of the game.

Invited him to visit this forum and get a game or two; think he will rather enjoy the game with a little exposure.

Uh, forgot to warn him not to go to the Peng Challenge thread for a game!

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I agree its a case of different strokes for different folks, but it is a bit sad that someone who "plays games" is considered capable of adequately reviewing "all games."

To use Kwazy's above reference, I don't care much for the idea of BF1942. I think its a joke, a bunny-hop shoot 'em up with a WW2 theme. However, I am sure it is quite fun. That doesn't mean I'd thrash its accuracy in a review, but I know that some folks would find it a blast.

Another example is WW2OL. I LOVE WW2OL because it strives for such accuracy. However, some people hate it because of things like bad graphics or time it takes to get into a fight. (There's plenty of people I've seen here lately that comment on these points.) Well, I don't mind less-than-Quake graphics because I know its needed for the scale of the game, and for lots of other issues...I just realize that "hey, its supposed to be a war!"

So, obviously WW2OL isn't for everyone. That is valid and true. However, a quake player is not the person to be reviewing it.

That is the case at hand.

I guess reviewers need to be experts at all fields, or be completely neutral in every regard. Either way is impossible.

I kinda have to agree that anyone who complains about lack of a soundtrack has got his priorities mixed up. (I wonder if he realized that the intro song is a piece of classical music? Refering to it as "stirring intro music" kind of implies...no.)

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Very brief follow up to illustrate the point:

"Difficulty: Hard

Playing through the single player mode, you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake.  In fact, it is near impossible to try to anticipate your opponent’s next move while the computer does a great job of anticipating yours.  Seems unfair?  It is."

To most of us, this is a terrific joke! Compared to a walking mushroom in Mario, no you can't accurately perdict the AI. However, the AI isn't just moving troops around trying to get from point A to point B, its trying to fight as best as its bot mind knows how.

So, to anticipate it, think of it as a combatant. Realize that it is TRYING to anticipate your moves.

I think this is a key illustration of this fellow's lack of background in the field. Also, it seems quite clear that the attention to historical detail (gun penetrations, unit availability, ect) is lost on this fellow. To raise the question again, how much does he know about the Eastern Front?

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Originally posted by zukkov:

no video effects huh? did he not watch the flash and smoke from the guns when they fired? oh well, as much as i'd like to track that reviewer down and beat some sense in to him, to each his own i guess. still though, if i ever see him walking down the street alone... lol

To each his own? Aren't reviewers supposed to review the game rather than saying "I don't like turn-based games, so this game sucks ass".

Everytime I read this "critisism" of turn-based games I am reminded of an "interview" a local pop-magazine did with a heavy metal band, time and time again questions were asked along the lines of "why do you emphasise the heavyness so much", "isn't pop(!) music about making songs that people like", "why don't you sing in a more normal way".. ad nauseam.

I mean get over it already! There is no way a turn-based simulation is going to approach an RTS or "the Satanic Slayers of Gondor" the backstreet boys, give your review copy to someone else if you don't like the genre :mad:

And specifically you should not say in the review that is bad within its genre, if you don't like it because you don't like the genre (now that makes sense don't you think).

[ October 19, 2002, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Foxbat ]

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Playing through the single player mode, you will come to discover that the computer-controlled opponent hardly ever makes a tactical mistake. In fact, it is near impossible to try to anticipate your opponent’s next move while the computer does a great job of anticipating yours. Seems unfair? It is.
Sweet Jesus! Where is this game? I will steal its code, create an army of unbeatable robots and CONQUER THE WORLD!
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Originally posted by AFLC:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> My 23 year old brother in laws just stared at the game incesantly and asked "so I have to tell them what to do - that's too hard!" Rather than see the game for what it is, this evaluator is too busy staring at pumpkin shaped heads.

C'mon I'm 22 and I know better! It's not age related.[/QB]</font>
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]Tell me about it, back in High-School when everyone else was talking about Quake and Resident Evil, I was passing the time with the likes of M1 Tank Platoon, Steel Panthers, and Close Combat.

Quake...ehh..you think that is bad? When I was in high-school everybody played CM...Championship Manager that is! The conversations would go like this: "I've started a new season with Monaco. I've already bought Ronaldo, Figo and...". I knew a guy who would even talk to himself while playing, pretending he was giving press conferences. I remember some of teachers coming into the classroom just to find the blackboard covered in soccer tactics.

Now in college everything has changed...they play Champ. Mangager 3. :rolleyes:

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