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Clash Of The Titans! (part 2)

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The last scenario I finished, Ghost's scenario, I never made known the map and setup zone dimensions. I think you will want to rethink your purchases.

The map is 1120 deep with a "front" of 1920. The setup zones are only a 200 meter square in each player's right hand corner. It is a mechanized battle, so I suggest you mechanize if you don't want to walk 900 meters. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The last scenario I finished, Ghost's scenario, I never made known the map and setup zone dimensions. I think you will want to rethink your purchases.

The map is 1120 deep with a "front" of 1920. The setup zones are only a 200 meter square in each player's right hand corner. It is a mechanized battle, so I suggest you mechanize if you don't want to walk 900 meters. :D

Treeburst155 out.

Right, then. I will redo my purchase as well. I thought it to be a simple QB style map, too. Won't take long.



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No problem. I assumed you would want to redo your Ghost scenario purchases.

To all,

I received a few more individual game purchases today, but didn't get time to send out any scenarios. Why? I'm dealing with dropouts in the RoW II tourney. :( Thanks for your patience.

Treeburst155 out.

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Five of twenty eight games delivered. I can only put together three more games with the purchases I have now. Two of them are on Swamp's scenario, the first one I made. Looking at it today, I may decide to rework it a bit. Then again, maybe not. I'm too tired to decide right now. smile.gif

BTW, It's good to see you guys have decided to go with historical forces. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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I think we need to set a deadline on purchases. The "purchase period" has run for at least two weeks now, albeit with a few glitches that may have required a couple to be re-done. All purchases need to be on my drive by August 7th. This will insure I have all games out by the 20th, which will insure we have a solid month to play the games before CMBB begins arriving in people's mailboxes. If you cannot make it by the 7th, I don't think you have the time to take part in this tourney.

On the 7th we will see where we stand. If anyone fails to make the deadline then the tourney will have to be cancelled or completely restructured in some way. I would be for cancelling the tourney unless someone can come up with a good way to restructure the thing.

If the tourney is cancelled I will be happy to set up the games I have purchases for if players still wish to play them for "fun".

Treeburst155 out.

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I HOPE the missing participants will at least check in about whether they can make the August 7th deadline. To just "vanish" would be inconsiderate of the very considerable amount of time Mike has put into organizing this tournament and constructing the maps. Although I have seen only one of Mike's eight maps, it looks like the result of many hours of hard work. The game selection looks very good; a lot of variety in the problems to be solved. I am sure the other five players have invested a good bit of time as well (myself included).

Mike, can we choose alternates in case we have some no-shows? I know of players who have expressed interest in taking part. Titan, for one, on RD.

I don't know who might be able to contact Fionn, but perhaps Wreck and Swamp can light a little fire under Ghost and Graves Registration.

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I don't see the need for a deadline.

This was sold as a "play when you can and finish when you can" tourney and now time limits are being set on when purchases have to be in etc. Sounds kinda like "feature creep" to me.

Anyways, I'm busy in RL with lots of call on weekends and so my time for CM is now very limited. Given the ethos of the tourney as originally constituted ( play when you get some free time and finish when you finish) that was no problem. However if people are changing the ground rules then my inability to fully participate for some time IS going to be a major issue.

If that proves the case then you can turf me out. For me RL is more important than this tourney or CM in general and, therefore, my RL obligations have to come first.

P.s. I would STRONGLY suggest that in future if someone's participation etc is in doubt a PRIVATE EMAIL might be worth sending as I'm sure some people wouldn't exactly be delighted to hear some of the implications occurring in this public thread when ALL that was needed was a simple email to their home email address ( which all participants actually have IIRC). Not all people check the forum more than once a week anymore.

[ August 03, 2002, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: Fionn ]

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You are right, Mike said earlier this is a no time limit tournament. However, Mike is just talking about getting the purchase files submitted. It has been over a month since Mike first asked for them. Since he has to process 56 of them under seven sets of purchase rules, just this one aspect of organizing the tournament will probably take him dozens of hours. I am sure he would like to feel he is not wasting his time.

I realize that the purchase decisions take careful consideration and RL has a nasty way of intruding, but if Mike could get at least SOME files by the deadline from the players who have submitted none, he would get a better feeling that we were all still committed to this tournament. If any of us no longer feel able to commit time, they should say so, and make way for other players who have expressed an interest in participating.

Mike, I apologize in advance for putting words in your mouth about extending the Aug 7th deadline, accepting substitute players, etc. If you have gotten so tired of how this has dragged out that you would just as soon cancel if your Aug 7th deadline is not met, I can't say I blame you. I, for one, hope you will stick it out, since it looks like we have a great set of games, an exceptional group of players (when they can find the time), and an awesome tournament organizer.

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Fionn, this is your lucky day. You caught me in a very bad mood, so I'm going to be brutally honest here. No diplomacy or tact. I don't care if I'm banned forever. You piss me off that much.

YOU are afraid to play CM in a FAIR, public, competition setting. If you can't win in the negotiation phase, you won't play. I have bent over backwards to accommodate you with this tourney. I changed the entire format for you, much to the chagrin of at least one other participant.

You were gungho in the early stages BEFORE you even knew there would be no time limits. This was also before you realized you could not get the tourney structured EXACTLY how you wanted it. You had plenty of time while attempting to manipulate the tourney format. When you found out you couldn't dictate EVERY aspect of the tourney, you all of a sudden became too busy.

You're an extremely GAMEY player. So gamey in fact, you won't even play in a situation where the playing field is level (the tourney).

Let it be known to the entire community, FIONN is afraid to take on known CM Titans in a FAIR competition! He absolutely will not participate.

Your ego is so big, you absolutely cannot take the chance that you might lose. I pity you. I really do.

I can beat you, Fionn. The Titans can beat you even worse, and you know it. That's why you would never play me or the Titan's in a FAIR setting involving five or more games (one game proves nothing). You have no spine!! Stand up and fight, man!!! We've all heard the talk. This tourney WAS your chance to walk the walk!

When it comes to CM, I think you are little more than a mediocre player with excellent manipulation, coercion, and whining skills. The only real CM skill you excel at is game engine exploitation.

You are an unsporting, rude, socially inept, cowardly, egotistical jellyfish. I have no respect for you.

I've been wanting to say that for a year. I only wish I could say it to your face. I want to bitch slap you, just to see if you'll fight back. I'd bitch slap you if you were 7 ft. tall and 300 pounds because I think you're a coward in real life too.

The Clash Of The Titans is cancelled. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The five of you who sent in purchases are all champions in my book because you were willing to do battle with your peers.

Treeburst155 out.

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I echo your frustration, Treeburst. I think a deadline had to be imposed at one point. Saying we would get to this tourney when we could became too vague. Taking our time within reason would not have been a problem, but we all have had MORE than enough time to get the party started.

We all have RL and that is most important, but on the other hand, it was my understanding the tourny players were dedicated CM'ers and a commimitment would be made to get on with the proceedings.

Additionally, I ended up rushing through some games I had going and also declined new challenges from regular and new opponents alike in anticipation for this event. I did not want to wait around indefinately for titans games to start rolling in, nor did I want to play my usual game load and then add titans games too.

It seems the window has closed. No worries, I have email addressess of some of these guys and Aki and I can go back to tormenting each other smile.gif

Mike, the Ghost map was a thing of beauty. You no doubt put a lot of thought and effort into it. Thanks for the hard work. Sorry things did not work out for this event.


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Hi TB,

I had some time on my hands and just popped in to see how the Titans tourney was progressing.

When the first threads started I was reading them until they got all tied up in negoiations. After that I stopped reading.

I had hoped to see some AAR's when I read this last page.

Hmmm How Wrong were my expectations.

I do hope the issues can be resolved and I totally understand your frustration and sound off. Good for you.

Your efforts in our tourney are outstanding and if I meet you in public I would slap a beer in your hand and insist you drink it.



P.s. I think I will keep an eye on this thread to see what happens. Beer in hand.


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Treeburst I sinceraly thank you for your efforts to arrange all this - maps are serious load of work as I have done few myself too. Too bad this seems to dissolve... if you still have those maps somewhere please send them over as I'd sure like to play them with somebody smile.gif

I'm bit frustrated myself too as I've declined many a challenge during these three or so months :( but I'll be a sport and start contacting those guys (I need to get some fights rolling LOL). Any Titan who still wants to go through these maps/settings/their troop selections please contact me and we'll find third person to place units on maps (trusting TB provides his excellent maps) as I think TB has done his part for these fights.

All praise TB !!!

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Thanks for the compliments on the maps. Not all of them are built from scratch however. The Swamp, Fionn, and Wreck maps fit the bill without spending much time. They're very QBish. I think it's interesting to play on maps with the "scattered woods" effect produced by the auto-generator occasionally.

I believe I have purchases for all the games from the five of you. This means I can put together four fights for each of you if you wish, just for fun. Keep in mind, not all your fights will be on the four prettier maps.

If you still want to fight one or more of your battles, get with your opponent for the specific battle and verify that he is still interested in light of recent developments. If he is, just email me and I will send the secured game file to the German player within 24 hours. This way I don't put together any battles that one party no longer has any interest in fighting. :D

Treeburst155 out.

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I would be more than happy to play in fionns place in this tourney... we could keep his rules and map and everything else. It would be a shame to let one person derail the Titan tourney!. I saw this coming as soon as fionn blew me off for our battle.(which took about 3 months to negotiate rules!!!!!!) Let me know if you guys are interested

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i'm not going to get in the middle of things here, but i just want to say that i think it's a tragedy that such an anticipated tourney should get this far along and then not take place. i for one, as i'm sure hundreds of others were as well, was looking forward to reading the aars from what would have been some awesome battles. not to mention just wanting to know who really is king of the hill in this game. anyway, i hope you reconsider tb and let those that are still interested play this tourney...

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