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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

You can sleep with other people's cousins.

Lard, I hesitate to point this out to you of all people, but in fact you can sleep with/marry/reproduce with your own cousins. In many societies, even with your first cousins. The concern regarding inbreeding coefficients is dependent upon how many common ancestors may have been inbred.


What scares me the most, is that you actually know this...researching it, maybe?


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Originally posted by Speedbump:

What scares me the most, is that you actually know this...researching it, maybe?


SpeedDump, am I supposed to be surprised that a little knowledge frightens you? Actually I find it hard to believe that any amount of knowledge on any topic wouldn't frighten you.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

What scares me the most, is that you actually know this...researching it, maybe?


SpeedDump, am I supposed to be surprised that a little knowledge frightens you? Actually I find it hard to believe that any amount of knowledge on any topic wouldn't frighten you.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

in fact you can sleep with/marry/reproduce with your own cousins. In many societies, even with your first cousins. The concern regarding inbreeding coefficients is dependent upon how many common ancestors may have been inbred.

I'll be damned, he studied up on it.

Sounds like he was concerned.

Either Papa Kahn's Cousin Susie is totally hot or Cousin Susie is totally hot and has six fingers.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I would imagine the thought of you having a little knowledge would scare him right out of the pool - so you're actually doing a good job!!

tYou may continue to have a little knowledge - just sufficient to let you continue berathing seems to be as low as we can go, despite our most earnest wishes otherwise.

Now get me a turn back you fool - 2 down, 1 to go and only 2 turns left to chase you back 50m and off the map!!

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Lard, I hesitate to point this out to you of all people, but in fact you can sleep with/marry/reproduce with your own cousins. In many societies, even with your first cousins. The concern regarding inbreeding coefficients is dependent upon how many common ancestors may have been inbred. Then again, Lard, in your family's case, I'm sure prudent limits were exceeded long ago, so it's probably best for you to just forget that I mentioned this.


Hm. One of my cousins used to be a hottie. Not the one that did time.


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well Boxy I wouldn't worry about Treeburst 155 (spelled correctly but not bolded because I can't be bothered) too much - anything with intelligence seems hot to him.

And anything without intelligence too.

In fact the guy is just a CM slut so be careful about letting him touch you - Heaven only knows what you might catch from him and the thought is too horrible for them to mention anything more about it!

Yours, keeping my back to the wall

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Treeburst155: You are ALL haughties.

He thinks I'm a hottie, and Herr Oberst thinks I'm a cow. I'm so confused!

Egads, you're not the only one, Ms. Ziggy Stardust. Buy a frikken gender package. What the hell is up with the world? "Ooh, look at me, I'm confused about my gender and can squeak into a microphone." Ok. You're born with your yarbles on the inside or the outside, (unless your Mouse, in which case, well, no need to go into that here), deal with it. Society had decided that there are two camps (2, for our dear, enumeratively challenged Hoo Badley), those who paint their toenails, and those who chew their toenails. Pick one, alright?

Like, what is wrong with deciding to act like you're a member of the gender you've been born into? It's not that a girl has to be a nurse or a guy has to be a construction worker, but ****, what is wrong with admitting you care for your hair or pull hair from your nose? There's nothing wrong with being either one.

Why is it that a woman has to get all pissed because us guys want to treat them like a lady, and why do guys get bent when a women proves she can bench press more than a guy?

I love women. I love them because they are women. Not because they pretend to be a man, but because they are interesting people. I love my wife, because she makes me a better person (and she has her yarbles on the inside and fun stuff on the outside). It would be a sad world if there were no women in power, 'cause otherwise, how could we have those female in leather fantasies?

Where was I? Crap, I don't know, and I'm not sure I care.

Oh yeah. There are boys and there are girls. To pretend that you are what you are not ( not that there is anything wrong with that) is misleading in the least, and leaves cold shivers up the spines of some.

Good Lord. I've ranted on just to come back to the crux. Boys and girls are different. Who'd a-thunk it?

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Persephone, I have never been happier. It has been a long sad day for me (my grandfather is very ill) and that truly brightened my life a bit. I feel like a Hiram or somfink (shudder).

You are now on the list of People I Most Admire, or PIMA. Sadly, I had to bump your husband off that list to get you in, but it was either him or Cap'n Crunch, and I LOVE my crunch-berries.

[ August 29, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mike:

And anything without intelligence too.

Spoken from experience.</font>
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But Cleo, I chew my toenails AFTER I paint them, and I care for my nose hairs AFTER I pull them. As a matter of fact I dyed my ear hairs blonde just today....after I pulled them. On top of that, I don't get pissed when I'm treated like a lady (fat chance around here, but it was fun while it lasted), AND I can benchpress more than 90% of you. Oh, and Grog Dorosh thinks I'm a hottie too.

Roxyburst out.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

All this talk about "hottie" cousins and the pros and cons to inbreeding makes me wonder if W. Va has opened a branch office in Minnesota.

West Virginia? You mean the gene pool that spilled over to give birth to Ohio? The State where the three R's are taught: Readin', 'Ritin', and the Road to Akron?

Apologies, Boo, but although we extend 'Minnesota Nice' to visitors from the Southern States, we do not allow them to settle here. They bring down the tone of the place.

I did a brief stint in Columbus, Ohio, dearest Boo. I'd been living on the Neon Beach in southern Florida (West Palm Beach to Miami), and the consensus was I couldn't immediately move back to the hallowed North without incurring a 'culture shock' case of delayed reaction Shame that might have left me unfit to live anywhere outside Indiana. It was decided by a panel of mental health professionals (well, actually, several drunkards and drug addicts from Ohio that I'd known in Florida, but they were a great group of people, and very into Firesign Theatre) that the best way for me to readjust was to live for 6 months in Ohio.

Ohio is a very strange place, Boo. The north is almost like a real place, where people can even pronounce their vowels and consonants without sounding like their cud of Redman has reached the size of a well-fed guinea pig. But the remain fundamentally suspect, despite their feel of somehow being 'Northern'.

But from the center of the State on south, it's all 'Baja Kentucky' and West Virginia genetic leakage. For every individual that, like your own freakish self, I'm sure, can actually speak English, there's 2 that should be rounded up by the Department of Homeland Security and summarily deported as illegal aliens.

The trouble, of course, is where to deport them to. But the answer is easy. Alabama.

Ohio could be reclaimed if it were willing to undergo a harsh stint of Police State tactics against the insufferably large community of demolition-derby-attending, feed-cap-wearing, overly inbred sideburn-sporting, hatchet-faced vowel-slurring Forrest Gumps that clog the State from the highest levels of its government to the lowest levels of its innumerable trailer parks.

Send them home, Boo. Return them to the Deep South, where the sudden massive influx of mouth-breathing, bottom-feeding non-competers will be passed off as the result of an unusual number of Family Reunions being held. And they would be right.

The only question, oh best beloved Boo, is if you would still be there when the repatriation sweeps were completed.

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

But Cleo, I chew my toenails AFTER I paint them, and I care for my nose hairs AFTER I pull them. As a matter of fact I dyed my ear hairs blonde just today....after I pulled them. On top of that, I don't get pissed when I'm treated like a lady (fat chance around here, but it was fun while it lasted), AND I can benchpress more than 90% of you. Oh, and Grog Dorosh thinks I'm a hottie too.

Roxyburst out.

What is being done about the Treeburst creature? Has Moriarity taken him/her to Squire? Where the hell is Old Foul Joe?

Joe, it is clear that the disturbing phenomenon known as Roxy/Treeburst, or Treeburst/Roxy (depending on what you want from this person, I suppose), is worthy of being here.

Not only was it great good fun watching everyone try to decide how to deal with the concept, but ever since the revelation I've been getting these increasingly strange emails from Grog Dorosh.

After commenting on our game, and trying to put a good face on how horribly his troops are doing, he asks me strange questions like: 'If a man tells his Wehrmacht-uniformed mannequin all his secrets, and the mannequin never tells him he's wrong, then is he wrong to still love when his love is suddenly shown to be not what the mannequin was told?', and 'If a man falls in love with another man in the forest, and no one knows, is either one a transsexual?'

Value for money, in my book, and I'm glad that the Olde Ones extended sanctuary to Treeburst when the lunatic flounced in here and began his Greta Garbo impersonation.

Not to mention the serious delight I've taken in all the emails I received from 'Poolers in which they quickly readjusted their underwear and assured me that 'they knew all along that Roxy was not really a woman', and that 'they were just playing along'.

Bollocks! Most of you lot were one step off from writing sad-eyed droopy love poems, and trying to decide if it was too campy to rhyme 'Roxy' with 'Foxy'.

The Olde Ones, upon deciding to give Sanctuary to Treeburst, also decided that keeping his identity secret would not only spare BFC any concern over the 'disrespect' of allowing a banned member into the 'Pool (which is not like anywhere else, after all), but that it would be vastly amusing.

The only 'Pooler to correctly and openly guess that 'Roxy' was Treeburst, was Panzer Leader.

Of course, when the Olde Ones and the Justicar met to decide what should be done about Panzer Leader's almost astonishing perceptiveness, the decision was: 'Nothing, because no one listens to a goddamn bloody word he says in any case.'

So, while most of you lot where sucking the end of your pencils (an appropriate physical metaphor, given the ultimate revelations) and trying to find a way to compare 'Roxy's' beauty with a Tiger tank, the much despised Panzer Leader had actually guessed the Truth.

Of course, he's an idjit, so it didn't really matter, but what does matter is that the rest of you were trailing behind him!

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I had something lovely, biting, and witty to say. However, ethanol reared it's ugly head and destroyed my masterpiece, and I'll be damned if I can remember any of it. Go suck a rock.

[ August 29, 2002, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

All this talk about "hottie" cousins and the pros and cons to inbreeding makes me wonder if W. Va has opened a branch office in Minnesota.

Hey, none of that, Mister Boo. Remember, I was born in Alabama and raised in Tennessee, not Minnesota.

Wait a minute....

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I propose to the denizens of the 'pool that the gitmeister formally known as [contemptious spit] AussieJeff [/contemptious spit], be henceforce known as 'GamieJeff'.

Imagine I, a young innocent wide eyed newcomer to the riguers of the low-minded, back-stabbing, down right cheatery of......certain individuals agrees to a jolly bit of sport involving a 3-battle scenario funnily enough created by GamieJeff himself.

Imagine also my utter surprise when, on turn 2, my forces (advancing 20 paces into the only corridors open to me from my setup zones) are suddenly pounded to crap by 300mm ricketts!

What the feck sort of #@%$3@45xx!!!! puts TRP's in their opponents setup zones?????

AND all this is after gallantly offering me his force setup file for perusal in the interests of FAIRNESS?


I'll play a hundred Stalins Organs, a thousand Gunny Bunnys, maybe even a Joe Shaw before I'd recommend playing GamieJeff in one of his scenarios.

Be warned, be very warned..........

PS. I was only joking about ever wanting to play Joe Shaw. *wipes mirthful tear from eye* Oh the laughter. *sniff*

[ August 29, 2002, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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Ohhhh, you didn't write a single fecking thing!!
Oh how we wish you had done the same Pansy Litter.

I seem to have some time in my busy schedule right now, so I feel it is necesary for me to send you mewling, crying and whinging back to your mommy complaining about how I can beat you with a only a mangy dog and one of Roxy's red high heeled slingbacks.

This will be a new experience for you of course, because usually people beating you have a complete pair of shoes.

What say you freakazoid? Do you feel luck today dork?

[ August 29, 2002, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Stuka, according to my knowledge of UBB Code you failed to close your {contemptable spit} bracket, thereby causing the entire rest of yourt post to be spat, dribbled, and spilled out of your mouth! If I were you, mate, I might think about changing that shirt.

And... Mike, as I tell the rest of the wankers, dodgy gits, Australians, and yes, dorks, who constantly sidle up to me with less than honorable intentions: I will see you in the Ukraine!

Sheesh, aren't the rest of you charging your silly west-front troops into the hail of fire as fast as they can wearily run?

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

[And... Mike, as I tell the rest of the wankers, dodgy gits, Australians, and yes, dorks, who constantly sidle up to me with less than honorable intentions:

Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that this implies that someone might have honourable intentions??

I will see you in the Ukraine!

No doubt - let's see - that'd be Monday here in the real world - 'k sonny jim, uron!
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