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Do I Buy Combat Mission or Wait For Barbarossa?

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I'm sorry you smell a rat, Athkatla. I don't really know how I can help you with that at this point. I get the impression you boys play lots of jokes on each other, posing as women on this forum perhaps? I find that rather funny, if true. I suppose I'll have to prove my gender somehow in the near future. Until then, some of you will just have to smell rats.

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I was kidding about the photo and measurements, somehow? :confused:

I'll check the setup after work; I can't remember if I have the old version of the Demo on my HD or not, but to be honest, I never played either of the scenarios vs. humans so this will be a bit of a challenge.

Did I mention I suck against humans? I think Soddball pointed that out actually. Well, you asked for it.

But of course all that experience with Steel Panthers make you a military genius, and all, so I have an excuse when...err, in case...I lose... ;)

PS to the rest of the thread - anyone have any winning strategies for the German side in Valley of Truobles or Chance Encounter...?? (How's that for honourable?)

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Originally posted by Roxy:

I suspect most of my posting will revolve around finding human opponents. I assume that abomination called the Peng Challenge is the place to do that?

If it wasn't for Seanachai's presence in the Peng thing, I don't think I could handle it. Seanachai, I'm counting on you to protect me in there. Really I am.

Hehe, both of these paras are very very funny.

BTW Athkatla is English AFAIK, so if he smells a rat, it is probably because he is using the internet terminal in the Indian take-away again...

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

PS to the rest of the thread - anyone have any winning strategies for the German side in Valley of Truobles or Chance Encounter...?? (How's that for honourable?)

Shoot straight and don't miss.

Nice to see old Panzer Pete is finally paying off for you.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Soddball, you should apologize to Seanachai. That was a mean thing to say to a man who appears to be a gentleman's gentleman. You're right about one thing though. I don't want to see this forum turn into an AOL chat room because of me. I love the attention, but now that Mr. Dorosh has agreed to play, my questions answered, and the ice broken; I think you guys should let this topic sink.

Looking over the topics on this board, I don't think I will have much to contribute. I'm just a strategy gamer. I know very little about WWII. What I do know I learned from playing Steel Panthers. Combat Mission is just an extremely interesting strategy game to me. I'll admit I find Combat Mission fans interesting too. ;)

I suspect most of my posting will revolve around finding human opponents. I assume that abomination called the Peng Challenge is the place to do that? If so, I will post there to combat the AOL effect Soddball speaks of, and I agree with.

If it wasn't for Seanachai's presence in the Peng thing, I don't think I could handle it. Seanachai, I'm counting on you to protect me in there. Really I am.

Now, Mr. Dorosh, much to my surprise has the guts to play me. Check your mailbox, Mr. Dorosh; and thank you for the game. You will be my first. I will always remember you for that. ;)

I'm glad Mr. Dorosh was only kidding about the picture and measurements. Beauty really is only skin deep. I will say that I keep in shape, and could probably outrun most of you except in short distance sprints. A girl's anatomy keeps her from getting off to a quick start.

Oh, and Dorosh, please respect my privacy regarding my email address for the time being. With a forum full of guys, I consider it like my phone number. I don't need any more crap in my mailbox than I already have.

With that, I will now limit my posting to that ridiculous Peng thing, unless I have a question about the game requiring a serious reply.

Bye, bye, for now, boys.

I think i'm going to be ill....

Anyway what was my point? Oh yea, i'm not the cretan SodBall who you confused with mentioning the degradation of the forum into AOL blather because some random lady makes one post, nor do i care how many laps you can run at the dog track.

Good luck with you game against Dorosh, and as for the rest of you lap dogs, Sod Off!!!

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"The name on everybody's lips is gonna be Roxy/

Who says that murder's not an art? Foxy, Roxy Hart."

Why do I have visions of Anne Reinking sitting at a computer terminal in fishnets smoking a cigarette while swiftly dispatching her latest PBEM opponent??

Who woulda thunk that the presence of a pair of X chromosomes on the forum (real or feigned) would create such a stir. The denizens Peng are spilling out onto the forum at large to get a look at her, accusations about gender cross-typing are flying about, and Seanachai has been accused of being a "gentlemen's gentleman".

This is either the sign of the coming apocalypse, or the impending release of CMBB. Or maybe both.

Best of luck on the Peng Challenge thread, Roxy. The residents there are endearing in their own special way. If you tire of the 'atmosphere' in the Peng, I would note that there is an "Opponent Finder" forum here that is also a good place to look for a match, though I must admit that it's not as colorful as the Peng thread.

Oh, and Dorosh: Not that I have any reason to believe you're the type to start something you don't intend to finish, but whatever you do, make sure to finish your game with our new female friend.

Because NOBODY walks out on Roxy. ;)



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

PS to the rest of the thread - anyone have any winning strategies for the German side in Valley of Truobles or Chance Encounter...?? (How's that for honourable?)

Well, VOT is a bear from either side. Watch out for tons of falling high explosive.
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Originally posted by Soddball

Best of luck here Roxy. If it gets too wierd for you, then you're in the Peng Challenge.

Huh?!? :confused: How is that going to make things any better? Time to stop huffing the cleaning chemicals. :D

BTW, what was this about Maximus/ Star Fleet Captain being perma-banned? I assume that they are same person but what do you do to get that kinda of attention? Publish illicit photos of MAdMatt? :eek:

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I know nothing about socialogy, but this thread looks like a generic example of something a professor would be teaching his first year students.... :rolleyes:

I was a sociology major in college, yea these many moons ago. This is more like developmental psych. Or abnormal psychology.
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My advice - Unless either money or delivery time is an issue, buy CMBO. ie if you live anywhere but where I come from (NZ) buy it !!! (After paying the shipping costs to NZ, and paying for it in Pacific Pesos it was quite a bill - and a long wait....).

Sure, CMBB will be out soon, and it will improve greatly on CMBO - but CMBO is (as you already know from the demo) very good, and I personally (I have no patienece ;) ) cannot see how one could last until 'Sept 20 + Shipping time ' waiting for ones next CM fix.... ;) ...

Looking over the topics on this board, I don't think I will have much to contribute. I'm just a strategy gamer. I know very little about WWII. What I do know I learned from playing Steel Panthers. Combat Mission is just an extremely interesting strategy game to me.

Looking over the topics (especially this one) on this board, I don't think anyone else has much to contribute ;):D Actually, I don't think that you need any great knowledge of WWII tactical operations to be able to provide valuable insight to this (these) game(s), which is one of it's many good features.

I'll admit I find Combat Mission fans interesting too. ;)

Err...yes...they do seem to be a colourful bunch, don't they.... ;):D

I suspect most of my posting will revolve around finding human opponents. I assume that abomination called the Peng Challenge is the place to do that? If so, I will post there to combat the AOL effect Soddball speaks of, and I agree with.

The peng challenge ??? You're a braver person than I - not a terribly difficult standard to reach, I'll admit...

The Opponent Finder forum serves the purpose just as well (or better ???), but it lacks the ...errr...ummm...colour of the peng threads...

[ August 06, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]

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Roxy wrote:

I'm sorry you smell a rat, Athkatla. I don't really know how I can help you with that at this point. I get the impression you boys play lots of jokes on each other, posing as women on this forum perhaps? I find that rather funny, if true. I suppose I'll have to prove my gender somehow in the near future. Until then, some of you will just have to smell rats.
Hmmm, now there ain't nothing wrong with this, but there's somefink a bit peculiar in it if ya axe me. I know it's nice to see Michael Dorosh wooing and cooing an all, but I dunno... Kinna like them crop circles. Somefink ain't right anyway ya look at it. :confused:
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Originally posted by Roxy:

I get the impression you boys play lots of jokes on each other, posing as women on this forum perhaps? I find that rather funny, if true.

Quite a few of the lads, especially here on the Outer Boards, play little jokes on themselves by dressing up and posing as women, just to see what their reaction will be to themselves.

I am a non-judgemental sort of fellow, though, and glad to see so many of them discovering the truth about themselves.

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And I just read the whole thing because if both the Bard and Dorosh are posting in the same thread, there's bound to be a train wreck worth watching.

Roxy, I would suggest to any newcomer that you find a person who has a pretty low member number and play a few games against them if you enjoy the discourse you have while you PBEM. Being good at strategy games is one thing, but CM will be better than any computer strategy game you have ever played. It also rewards (for the most part) what works in real life and punishes what does not. So, while you need not be a history buff to do well, researching real military tactis will help.

Or, just keep playing shut-ins like Dorosh until that kicking a bound puppy feeling wears off and you are ready to take on a Cesspooler. In there, we will force you to take on the lowest of the low as any other scum sucking newbie, since we are equal opportunity abusers.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

I get the impression you boys play lots of jokes on each other, posing as women on this forum perhaps? I find that rather funny, if true.

Quite a few of the lads, especially here on the Outer Boards, play little jokes on themselves by dressing up and posing as women, just to see what their reaction will be to themselves.

I am a non-judgemental sort of fellow, though, and glad to see so many of them discovering the truth about themselves.</font>

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Welcome! Assuming your computer's adequate for both games, and further assuming that you have no strong preference as to Western or Eastern Front, I'd suggest that you keep playing the demo, then get CMBB, meanwhile doing some background reading

on CMBB and the Eastern Front.

The reason? CMBB is a massive improvement in myriad respects over CMBO. In my view, the addition of command and control for armor, complete overhaul of MGs and their effects on troop morale, rework of artillery, the new cover arcs and expanded airpower alone make the game amazingly better than its predecessor, and that's with no consideration for optics, weapon modeling improvements, new terrain, dozens of new vehicles and weapons, the new nationalities depicted, ability to import quick battle maps, etc., not to mention a long list of features I'm not allowed to even mention.

Roxy, I say practice patience, buy CMBB, and reap the gaming rewards very soon.


John Kettler

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