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Can You See The Taunt? Peng, I Challenge You To See The Taunt!


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Post Christmas Gamey Updates:

Speedy handed me a major defeat in "Cracking the Case Hardened Steel Egg" a scenario in which 40 some odd Soviet assault guns were picked off one by one by his Tiger tanks, while trying to negotiate a moonscape at two miles per hour. We are now in the midst of a Stalingrad battle, I am getting my revenge, as his grey-green slugs slither along in full view of my Maxims.

Panzer Leader: Has awakened early from his winter hibernation just in time to see his Red Army forces in full retreat in the face of my

unstoppable onslaught.

AJ : His forces are cowering in terror as my 6th Army supermen methodically flush them out of their hidey holes, in my relentless pursuit of my victory locations.

Noba: Crushed me like a bug, but I let him win, Aussies have such an inferiority complex, they long to be like American cowboy's, I want him to feel good about himself.

Nestor: Thinks he can stop Von Manstein's relief forces, but he is mistaken, he does seem to have an unlimited suppply of T-34s though.

Gaylord: Has disappeared again.

Boo: My liege managed a tactical victory in a battle that was obviously rigged in his favor. My reverse slope defense sucked him in to a killing bag of destruction that had his overconfident Fritzes running for their lives. We are now starting a new battle, in which I have all the ubertanks, too bad for him.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

I am confused, does anyone know why the writing on web screens has gone 3 times as big as it used to be and darker??

Does your mouse have a scroll button? Press the Ctrl key while playing with the scroll button to see what happens.


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Game Updates:

Agua Perdido:

Decides to disappear just when I was about to crush him like a bug under the tracks of my KV-2. This counts as a win either way.


Has supplied me with one (1) AT gun for my hordes to take target practice on. My Russkis can't hit bugger all as it's still there.


Complains that the scenario sucks because he can't fly the little airplanes. He's still sitting in front of his monitor making those little airplane noises though.

Panzer Leader:

A win by default. Nuff said.

Aussie Jeff:

My recon platoon has found his MLR. Much to their regret.


Send a turn.


Don't be like Gaylord. Send a turn.


The lizard probably is frozen somewhere in the Rodina. Send a turn in the spring.

Lt. Hortlund:

His Italian hordes are approaching the spaghetti factory my Russki's are bravely defending. My arty is almost al dente.


I thought BTS fixed the T-34 upper turret hit bug. I might have to break out the other tanks pretty soon.

Papa Kahn:

I'm beginning to suspect that the mustache was just a disguise to allow Papa Kahn to imitate a Hungarian. A slow Hungarian. Send a turn.


Just starting and I've already taken casualties. Oops.


Sent Speedy one just so I could double check the settings on the QB setup screen. Took casualties again. Drat.

If I have forgotten anyone it's only because you weren't worth remembering.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t leave a message at the beep.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Game Updates:


I thought BTS fixed the T-34 upper turret hit bug. I might have to break out the other tanks pretty soon.

They did - it's not the programme that's the problem here - it's your liveware.

And whadaya expect if you put your tankshull down doppey?? All hits are going to be on the turret........hull down means the hull can't be hit.

I hope this isn't excessively groggy for teh rest of you - but if it is then tough doodies.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just thought you should all know that AJ is back to putting a damn Tiger on top of the biggest hill on the map and calling it "tactical geniusness" again.


He is consistent though, you have to give him that.

Give him a little credit - very little. Putting it behind the biggest hill on the map would classify as "tactical obtuseness", so maybe he's somwhere in between - like Australia...
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Ha! Seanachai, out-witted by a Focker.

This from the 'baby harp seal' of the Combat Mission Forum.

'Mis-spelling' doesn't even begin to approach the necessary descriptive power for what Gaylord does. Gaylord's treatment of English involves levels of significance that would normally be handled by the spelling equivalent of quantum theory.

We hates him, and you.

Have a lovely New Years, you useless, scary, intellectually suspect freakazoid.

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It's a bit dull around here tonight. Or perhaps that's just my 'intelligence' talking...

It's made me think about what I see so often on this Forum...Forums...Fora...Fauna...Dryads were a totally hot concept, must give those Ancients some credit...

Where was I? Oh, yes.

What I've seen posted of late reminds me of a discussion I once had with my ex-Fiancée (even Gnomes may fall in love). She was a member of the American Society of Friends (Quaker), and a human rights attorney. She told me: the difference between you and me is that I love mankind, but I can't stand most individuals, whereas you, Seanachai, love people, but hate mankind.

This has been born out again and again in our lives. She's gone to horrible, war-torn disaster zones to help family members dig up the bodies of the 'Disappeared', done legal consulting work in societies where she was personally at risk, and looked down on by the people she was there to help, and she has written me endless letters about how much she disliked all the people she was trying to bring justice to.

I, on the other hand, hate every single nation, nationality, ethnic group, tribe, religion, political party and fraternal lodge on the face of the planet, and yet I like many, many individuals that any righteous human conflict would leave dead in a ditch without benefit of clergy.

This despite the fact that I know that many of these individuals are equally hated by whatever group they belong to.

Behold the Glory of the Peng Challenge Thread, and the Combat Mission Forum!

Funny old thing, Life, what?

Building bridges to a better world, no matter that most of it's being done by complete arseholes like myself.

Tonight, I'm filled with an almost mystical hatred for everything Aussie, Kiwi, Southern Cross-ish.

How I hate the very concept of all you primitive marsupials, with your 'too stupid to profit from crime under the English' backgrounds, and your almost Americanesque destruction of your indigenous peoples, and your brash, 'We're so new, the Americans offer us advice, and we sign on for it' approach to world politics.

Sniffle. I miss Stuka. And Simon.

I guess I'll go back out to the main Forum, and tell those idjit Russian toads how stupid I think they are.

I wonder if any of them can offer a decent quasi-English taunt?

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It's sometimes good to consider how much we all have. Been thinkin' that the last few days with frustration over what I don't have as yet, which is a permanent job. Still, I have so much, and a whole universe of Australians to make mock of...

How can you call me less than King?

Dickens' Dublin (The Palace)

Joyful mystery, the birth of our lord ... This night our Lady and St. Joseph was going up to get registered and um they were going down the road and they met this man ... and he said have you any room and he said 'Not but there's an old stable over there that I owned ... If yous want to go into it ... And they went over and the Lord came down from heaven at twelve o'clock and loads of beautiful angels was with them ... and when they were walkin

I walk the streets of Dublin town

It's 1842

It's snowing on this Christmas Eve

Think I'll beg another bob or two

I'll huddle in this doorway here

Till someone comes along

If the lamp lighter comes real soon

Maybe I'll go home with him

Maybe I can find a place I can call my home

Maybe I can find a home I can call my own

These three wise kings ... um ... they were all from different countries. And they always looked up at the sky and they looked up this night and saw this beautiful star up in the sky ... and when they were going they all meeted together ... and they had to pass King Herod's, not that we much care for him ... and they went in and he said 'Where ye goin with yer best stitches on ye.'

The horses on the cobbled stones pass by

Think I'll get one one fine day

And ride into the country side

And very far away

But now as the daylight disappears

I best find a place to sleep

Think I'll slip into the bell tower

In the church just down the street

Maybe I can find a place I can call my home

Maybe I can find a home I can call my own

And they said 'Did you not hear the news' and say he says 'What news' he says 'This day the Saviour is born' and he said to them 'When you find him come back and tell me cause I want to go and adore him too' and he was only coddin' them. He wanted to kill him and when they were going, they stopped and they said 'Surely not this old stable that our King is born in. We were expecting a palace.

Maybe on the way I'll find the dog

I saw the other night

And tuck him underneath my jacket

So we'll stay warm through the night

As we lie in the bell tower high

And dream of days to come

The bells o'er head will call the hour

The day we will find a home

Maybe I can find a place I can call my home

Maybe I can find a home I can call my own

Maybe I can find a place I can call my home

Maybe I can find a home I can call my own

There was these shepherds and shepherds are fellas that mind the foals and cows and sheeps and little lambs and all and um they hears this beautiful music up in the sky and they were wondering what was so fun ... an angel disappated then and he said I was wonderin' what so fun' and he said ye and he said 'The Saviour is born. If yous want to go to see him, follow that star up in the sky, and it was a beautiful star.

-Loreena McKennitt

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's a bit dull around here tonight.

So give the rest of us a late present and sod off!

Sniffle. I miss Stuka. And Simon.

Go get some more range practice then!

I guess I'll go back out to the main Forum, and tell those idjit Russian toads how stupid I think they are.

However stupid they may be it's nowhere near as stupid as you ya silly olde git.

I wonder if any of them can offer a decent quasi-English taunt?

They could accuse the rest of us of being as stupid as you - that'd get a few hairs rising on necks everywhere except your place.
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So, Mike, after all this time...you've not one good thing to say?

No one, true, 'by this I will be judged, though it be it not like my sneering Board character' post to share with us?

Some one, revealing, encompassing moment of 'I stand for all Kiwis here, and I say thus!'?

I believe you capable of a thoughtful moment, however couched in Kiwi irony.

I wait to hear that moment.

[ December 28, 2002, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Dough a yeast an un-cooked treat

Play, a lot of CMBB

Tea, a drink, i pour myself

Lars , a long long way from fun

So, he takes his time with turns

Blah, i'm stuck reading what i've read

Teeth, chomping on some thread,

And that shall bring us back to Go!

I've never withdrawn from the fact that, everything else considered, this complete and utter yoick can be actually amusing when he attempts rhyne.

Simply amazing.

Enjoying all the joys of the North until January 1st. The only thing I'll attempt to miss is the peevish idiocy of the 'yah, my stupidity dangles lower than yours, which makes me the Alpha Male...or, more properly, severely deformed...'

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

reams of abominable tripe

Hey Seanachai, tonight you should remember that the best way to get the last drop out of that stubborn bottle of "Hot Damn!" is to shove the entire bottle down your throat and jump up and down while gulping in huge lungsful of air.

Feel free to do this to some Celtic or Gaelic war drum chant dance jig tommytapper CD, or whatever it is you listen to when you paint yourself blue and shake your war rattle.

But please try it before you click on the "Add Reply" button again. Please.

[ December 28, 2002, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Ugh. Cursed to travel home to see the family and **shudder** inlaws again.

Though things are not so bad -- it could be worse -- at least they all speak English (unlike, say, Iskander's), it is still ten hours (round trip) of driving with four kids in the car (five, if you ask my wife her opinion of me), all so the grandparents can see the kids and the kids can, well, as my son put it, 'get more loot.'

Actually, he said 'get more presents', but the sentiment holds.

Did I mention that my wife is having a particularly, err, testy visit from her monthly friend, or that, at times over the last two days, I have truly believed the woman could have sat upon a broomstick and achieved flight?

Or that the manager at Johnny Carino's tonight threatened to call the police on our party when we got up to leave after an hour of waiting on our food -- all because we refused to pay for the food we never received? Ahh yes -- THAT was exciting.

I wonder if they have teensy weensy handcuffs for the toddler and preschooler?

Still more depressing is the knowledge that I am traveling geographically closer to Panzer Leader, Seanachai, AND Berli.

For that, no turns out until Sunday.

If then.


[ December 28, 2002, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Some seasonal updates.

Nidan1 was inddeed "crushed like a bug". Every bit of armoured thingies he sent my way were summarily executed by my all-conquering T34s. His crews were summarily dispatched as well. Not only that, but his gamey flame thrower teams fired not a shot in anger.

Stalin's dis-organised, is trying to defend the hallowed turf of Mother Russia with his Fascist hordes. We will most likely draw this one after he refused to "play for fun"...instead opting for a real 'grog' defense of hidden units and something called "hull down".

Simon is back from somewhere, and striving to lose by attacking. He will no doubt do wonderfully well in his ineptitude.

OGSF is killing my troops with wonderfull tactics. He uses a StuG with depleted uranium armour against my poor SU85. Feh ! His infantry still die like the scum they are. Lucky for me he said that he really felt sorry for me when I lost that SU.....

Athalatakakaka is losing.

Aussie Jeff could only manage a 'Tactical Victory' in our Tiger, Tiger match. Not only did he not kill ALL my tanks and guns, he forgot to take all the flags. This was a mirror game. I whupped him good in the previous one.

Meanwhile, we both kill copius amounts of each others troops in the Trenches.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Stalin's dis-organised, is trying to defend the hallowed turf of Mother Russia with his Fascist hordes. We will most likely draw this one after he refused to "play for fun"...instead opting for a real 'grog' defense of hidden units and something called "hull down".

Look'ere Noddy - the reason all those tanks are hull down is 'cos that's where they were bloody well immobilised by that bleedin' Sturmovik!

I'm fighjting a static defence here so don't you give me none of that gamey criticism stuff - my troops are in entirely random positions depending on where in their move they got hit!!

And still you can't win!

You bin' taking lessons on competitiveness from the Pommie Cricket team or summit?

[ December 28, 2002, 06:20 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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