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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

My only complaint

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about an othwerwise incredibly brilliant game is the lack of a clear recommendation for many scenarios/operations how they should get played (Soviet vs. AI, Axis vs. AI, strictly two-player). Some battles just don´t make sense if someone selects the "wrong" side. Alternatively mentioning they way the battle is NOT meant to be played would do the trick as well.

On the other hand I´ve almost not played Rune´s fantastic "Blitzkrieg" operation because (if I remember correctly) the recommendation was TCP/IP and this has been my best ever CMxx experience when playing it as the Germans vs. the AI.

A more detailed comment on scenario setup (default, free), experience bonus and force adjustment in relation to player skills would also be highly appreciated and from my point of view should always (!) be part of the description, even if it just serves as an acknowledgement that the default settings are fine.

I could well imagine that new players, for example from the non-Grognard CDV market could be highly frustrated once their first experience with CMBB is playing a scenario in a way it was just not designed to work.

Otherwise: Excellent!



[ October 02, 2002, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: Nolloff ]

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Impossible to do. While the authors were godo at saying best played as, marking skill levels with percentages would be impossible, due to the many MANY different styles of play, and skill levels. Imagine yourself as expert, play at 200% and get killed, then you would say the author sucked for recommending it. No happy medium when the players vary so much. So, the player needs to see how he/she individually does, then adjust accordingly.


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So, the player needs to see how he/she individually does, then adjust accordingly.

She? Very correct of you to put it that way, Rune. Well, anything's possible. There's a great auto sim racer named Alison Hine who competed online in Grand Prix Legends and Papyrus' NASCAR series.
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I see your point that it´s not possible to put the full complexity of playing skills/behaviour etc. into a matrix. Nevertheless that´s a fact for most attempts to put real live into code or a scheme and most games deal with this by introducing a difficulty level.

In the absence of a difficulty setting in a real world simulation type of "game" I nevertheless feel the need to help players with at least rudimentary information about how not play a scenario or operation if the scenario is unplayable that way. Some of the websites that host CMxx scenarios/battles have way better information than what can be found in some on-CD games/battles and when for example Talonsoft introduced this in West Front (if I recall correctly) it helped me a lot when deciding what to do and what not.

Mentioning "Blitzkrieg" here might not have been really to the point as I think the scenarios and operations you´ve done and which I know either have a clear indication how it´s meant to be or turned out to be good with any possible AI/Human setup. There are some other examples which might have been been better suited as examples. So, I hope you didn´t feel criticized personally for not giving proper descriptions.



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No insult taken, I like to get feedback, good and bad, it is how one improves themself. However, in the code there IS a way to change difficulty, add to the ai force. What I am saying is play around in a scenario, and see how much force you can handle. Maybe +50% to the AI, while someone else may think the scenario is too hard as it is. [Andreas' Cemetary Hill is an excellent scenario, I won it tactical first time thru, but others here say they had to play 9-10 times before they defeated it]. So, now you played something, go back and add percentages, see where you think it is fair and try the next one with that percentage.













Also, some scenarios are meant to teach a lesson. von Lauchert, for example, will spank you bad two player if the Russian Player does not use the historical advantage of speed. Also you have to examine the map closely. smile.gif


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From Schoerner and PeterX:



Originally posted by PeterX:

There's a great auto sim racer named Alison Hine who competed online in Grand Prix Legends and Papyrus' NASCAR series.[/QB]


Hi PeterX, you're also playing GPL?!

Ah, some more GPL players. I play that game too. Way cool; IMO the best racing game out there. I have visited the "EagleWoman's" Website several times, too.
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