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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part III]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>..led to the destruction of his most expensive armored unit on the map during turn 1, before it could fire a shot...<hr></blockquote>

I'll bet you had the Croc facing the wrong way in "High Cost"? I'll bet a lot of people did that, the setup was very confusing for the allied player. Mine died a few turns later from something just as dumb!

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Fellow ROW participants,

I have created a thread in the scenario forum for the purpose of discussing the ROW tourney in detail. This will help preserve FOW for future ROW players (we certainly don't want to spoil the fun of 'Sounds in the night', now do we? ;) )

Head on over, and sound off!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wadepm:

I'll bet you had the Croc facing the wrong way in "High Cost"? I'll bet a lot of people did that, the setup was very confusing for the allied player. Mine died a few turns later from something just as dumb!<hr></blockquote>

Crocodile? One of these scenarios has a Crocodile? ;):D

Seriously, I think we should probably hang on a bit longer before discussing things in detail.

Kingfish, I'm going to hold off posting anything to the alternate thread until one of the official tourney dudes says that it's OK.

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Please refrain from discussing any scenarios barring the 3 (I think!) that was completed by all the participants. As mentioned, we do not want to spoil the "fun" for the rest of the RoW participants. smile.gif

See the previous 1/2 pages in this thread as mentioned by our able Tourney Master which ones are up for discussion.

Ahh -- found them! The finishes scenario's are:

(1) "Duel At Dompaire"

(2) "Resolve At Ranville"

(3) "Real Guts"

Thanks people!

Charl Theron



I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn't know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret.

-- John Cleese in "Fawlty Towers"

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I agree with Wild Bill and my discussion of the three named scenarios is just for a bit of banter and seeing if their are any gems of wisdom out there.

I will head over to the other place and continue the banter. As for mistakes we have all been there and I am still making them. Now if JK can only tell me how to use rockets properly without them falling on my head and half falling off the edge of the board...



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I finished the last of the scenarios some weeks back and decided to leave it a while before writing up the AAR's.

I must say how great it has been to relive those scenarios again when going through all the movies. Watching the action unfold again turn by turn was rivetting. I can say that i have enjoyed each scenario twice now!

I am playing a couple of the scenarios again with other participants who have finished. It is really quite amazing how differently the scenarios play out second time around, players adapt their style according to their experiences in the first battles.

Playing battles blind makes a big diference, and dare i say it more realistic since i guess most players are far more cautious first time around.

I can't wait for the next tourney. This one has really captured the imagination for me.


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CDIC has made a couple of excellent points that need to be underlined. Good note!

One is the replay ability. I would challenge every participant to play the battle from the "other side." Even though now you have some familiarity with terrain, forces, etc, you will now see what your opponent had to deal with.

I think if you did, some of your thinking about what your situation the first time around was might change. ;)

A very good idea.

Wild Bill

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:


I am playing a couple of the scenarios again with other participants who have finished. It is really quite amazing how differently the scenarios play out second time around, players adapt their style according to their experiences in the first battles.


I am replaying two scenarios as we speak--both extremely interesting and very different the second time around. It's a testimony to these scenarios that we are eagerly replaying after the tourney.

And as WBW suggests, who's playing can make a big difference in perceived balance. One outstanding player in my section --you guys in section 3 all know who it is!--created his own balance in every scenario he played. If you're up against a great player, or a good player who has hit on a particularly effective plan, the balance can seem all wrong. Also, if you lose a key asset right at the start, or as happened to me in one scenario, if five tanks bog on the way to the battle, it can make a real difference. That's why it 's so interesting to compare notes at this point.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mPisi:

Similarly, Pix and I are on turn 12 or 13 of Sounds in the Night. If it's any consolation, we're having a great time...<hr></blockquote>

I think I had fun for 12 or 13 turns in that one, too. If you are still saying that in 10 turns or so, then Holien is right.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

Some "not so silent nights" I wake up screaming...sob.

The dying gasps of my men, the explosions..my God I can't get the images out of my mind!!!<hr></blockquote>

I pray that our heavenly father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you with only the cherished memories of the troops lost... and a good night's sleep.


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Unfinished games to date:

"We Can't Wait"

Bertram vs Warren Miron

PixelMaster vs Wade Moore

"Sounds In The Night"

Pixelmaster vs Scot Johnson

C. Rohde vs TabPub

"The High Cost Of Real Estate"

PixelMaster vs Bertram

"Crisis At Kommerscheidt"

TabPub vs A. Gaspari

Warren Miron vs Pixelmaster

I think in fairness to PixelMaster we need to extend the deadline at least three weeks to February 21. He's working on four games simultaneously. So, the new tentative deadline is 2/21 for AARs and game completion.

Treeburst155 out.

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Although i can't wait to see all the results, calculations and AAr's i am quite content to wait for the other guys. Treeburst is doing the right thing to give an extension to these guys.

I have almost finished my final AAR - for Crisis at Kommerscheidt - John Kettler will get a copy as well when i send it to Treeburst either tonight or tomorrow night.

Mike, a few scenarios have been completed by all participants. If the AAR's are in could we request a copy by e-mail?

You mentioned previously that the files are quite big. I was thinking that the best way would be to send them out in batches.

For example you could zip together all the AAr's for the German player in "Duel at Dompaire" as one batch. Then do the same for the allied player in the same scenario etc.

Now then, Holien, back to our nightmare on CM street. My therapy is not working, I think i need to hire a full time shrink! Trouble is i cannot unserstand a word they say in this country :eek:

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I've volunteered to format the AARs for posting online. Maybe it's time to get that started, seeing as we have some completed scenarios and people want to read the AARs.

I could provide the web space myself, but I think some of the established web sites would probably want them. Wild Bill, would you want them on the Boots & Tracks site? Otherwise I'll get in touch with some other webmaster.

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Hi Peter,

I think there would be too many to host at a website. Maybe Wild Bill and Treeburst could Judge the best AAR, one for each scenario and then host the 7 AAR's, or 14 if they choose the best for each scenario one for each side ?

Whilst we are talking about these things i think it would be great if each participant nominated one of their units as a hero chosen from their 7 battles. Then Wild Bill and Treeburst could also select a hero of the tourney. Each nominated Hero must be accompanied by his story of course and a screenshot of his kill tally.

I think John Kettlers Panther would be a good candidate in Kommerscheidt :(


[ January 30, 2002, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: Captitalistdoginchina ]

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Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

I think there would be too many to host at a website. Maybe Wild Bill and Treeburst could Judge the best AAR, one for each scenario and then host the 7 AAR's, or 14 if they choose the best for each scenario one for each side ?

Well, it's mostly text, so I don't think it'll be too big. And part of the fun of reading AARs is comparing them to see what different people did in each scenario. As we've seen from the results posted, there has been a wide range of outcomes. Also, it's fun to post opposing AARs side by side on the same page, so you get a feel for what each player is thinking.

That said, posting every AAR may be a bit much. I'm perfectly game for posting five of each scenario or so.

I agree that we should have a heroes list! I've already nominated quite a few worthies in my AARs. It'll be hard to chose between the Panther that held off the whole American attacking force for half the game while immobilized, or the 75 Sherman that took a hit through the side, shrugged it off, then chased off two Panthers.

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In my book, you are all heroes! Hard to pick a winner. Really! not only skilled warriors but your endurance quality is commendable!

so I would have to choose you all as winners. I'm glad they are going by numbers. It would be hard to put a number on the fine AARs.

Some of you have created very stirring recreations of the fights you were in. They read like real history!

The pressure you've been under is tremendous. Not knowing your opponent's skill or the ground or even your forces till you are thrust into battle...great effort by all of you. My helmet is off to each participant!

Wild Bill

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