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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part III]

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AARs received to date:

CapitalistDog: 4

Enoch: 6

Holien: 7

Jon Sowden: 7

Juha Ahoniemi: 1

John Kettler: 6

Kingfish: 4

L. Dickens: 7

Warren Miron: 2

Greg Redeker: 5

Chuck Rohde: 4

Peter Svensson: 7

Tom: 3

Wade Moore: 2 (half credit for both)

Tom Travisano: 2

Tony Zalewski: 7 (half credit for all)

Email me if you think I lost an AAR from you so we can sort it out.

Treeburst155 out.

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All players can get AARs for games they have completed from here on out. Send me an email requesting such so I can simply "reply" and attach the documents. A few are very large. If you have a 56k modem, let me know and I will strip the bmps out of them or send them in small groups. Eventually I will get around to converting the .bmps to jpg files.

EDIT: All the AARs come to a 6.38 MB download after stripping out the numerous .bmps from Jon Sowden's and Warren Miron's AARs. I will get these .bmps converted ASAP, but I have lots of work that is more important at present.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

My views on balance: (mild spoilers??)












Ranville: This looks pretty even. The Axis won 7-5, as I count it. Playing as Allies, I thought it was heavily balanced in favor of the Axis. The record suggests it was only slightly so. I didn't manage to kill the flamethrowing HT before I lost my Stuarts. That thingy went on to murder me. The Allies get just a few AT assets to support their superior infantry. If they use these effectively, they can win. But if they lose them too fast, thing can turn very grim very quickly. I think this one is tricky to play from either side, and a little event like the loss of a Stuart can have a big impact.


I'd definitely agree that how the Brit player handles his AT assets makes a huge impact on the game. My FT HT roasted many a building and the three StuH42's demo'd many a building. By the end there was no Brit AT capability left, and all the German armor still had ammo, so it was a case of driving the Tommies into an ever-shrinking pocket with the armor. Due to the rather open nature of the ground on the Brit side of the village, if the German player can manage to get some armor behind the town then it's all over.

If some PIAT or 6-pounder crews had managed to put some more hurt on the German armor, I think things would have gone much differently.

Question - where did Brit players put the two guns? Did you bring them into town, or place them in woods/trees outside the town?

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I left mine in the last tree line outside of town, I hoped Peter would bring his armor to the west side of town to weed out my para's. But, Peter did the same thing you just described, he pounded and burned his way though town. I tried to sucker him to get closer so I could rush his armor from two sides. Nope, he would level the building, then advance, slowly. When I would attempt to flank, his flamethrower would light up the building in front of the spoiler assult. By keeping my paits on the outside buildings, I kept him from moving to my flank. Peter used his scouts to scout, what a noval idea. Thus, he never risked his prime killers. When I drew a draw, I fealt I had really accomplished something. The whole center of town was rubble and flame.

The use of wire on the north end of town really slowed my advance, but before the killers arrived I had captured most of the town. Once they arrived, I could only react to his moves.


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Ranville Spoilers















I had one of the 6prs covering each flank. I'm not sure if the German player knew they were there (I'm fairly sure he knew about one of them), but he kept his armour fairly tight to the buildings. I used lots of 3" smoke which reduced the effectiveness of his DF weapons, and was very lucky to take out the FT early - I didn't even realise what it was till much later.

I managed to lose way too many of my men trying to take only 1/2 the town, and way too many of the PIATs, so was left fairly naked when he started coming back at me. I was very pleased to get away with a draw.



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I split the baby - sent one into town, and tried to keep one out by the tree line. The one out by the tree line took some long range MG fire and was knocked out without firing a shot while unlimbering. The one I sent into town actually got there, near the crossroads on the outskirts and got set up, but when the Flame HT started on my infantry in the buildings and they started skeedadling to the outer ring, the 6 lber got left without much support. It was set up and ready to fire when some targets moved into range, but was all panicky and never got a shot off.

Obviously, this is what not to do in this scenario.

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Based on first pass analysis and a limited sample

of three scenarios, I believe I can safely conclude that I'm not going to the finals. While of Section II I scored the second highest of the German scores

in Duel at Dompaire, I had nearly the worst as the British in Resolve at Ranville, and truly had the worst as the Americans in Real Guts, where mine decorated the landscape like so much gory tinsel.

Comparison with the score range for all Sections shows that I'm not even close to the top scorer among all the players playing my slot in a given scenario. In fact, the margins are 27 points for Dompaire, 43 points for Ranville, and 49 for Real Guts.

Guess I'll console myself with the knowledge that in all three scenarios, played across all the Sections, I was well away from having the worst score. The worst scores for those scenarios were 18, 18, and 13. My worst score was For Real Guts and was 26.

That's all the analysis I have for now.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

Are you still adjusting the "less than 100 total scores"? I see that these ones haven't been.<hr></blockquote>

They need not be adjusted - the scoring program takes care of this.

Speaking of which, it seems that the program would be needed, let's see, about now. Treeburst155, I still have that one homework to do. I already tried to think of a very optimal solution, but didn't have enough data for it. I'll find a solution this weekend and post it to the scoring system thread. Ok?

[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Nabla ]</p>

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"For games that do not add up to 100 points the difference will be split between the players. For example: A final score of 60-30 will be recorded as 65-35. If you can figure out why I am doing this then you have a devious and gamey mind.

Treeburst155 out."

To confirm, I was talking about this. Is it part of the scoring program?

The reason I ask is totally selfish btw, it makes about a 20 pt difference in my score so far.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The_Capt:

"For games that do not add up to 100 points the difference will be split between the players. For example: A final score of 60-30 will be recorded as 65-35. If you can figure out why I am doing this then you have a devious and gamey mind.

Treeburst155 out."

To confirm, I was talking about this. Is it part of the scoring program?<hr></blockquote>


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What match-ups are still ongoing in the 3 sections? I see the RoW combatants have learned (good or bad) a lot from this tourney? ;)


Charl Theron



You can't be a wine snob. You have to keep your mind open. You have no idea where the next great wine you drink will come from!

-- Francis Ford Coppola, American film director

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You actually have at least a week to come up with the final scoring program. PixelMaster still has four games to complete so we'll probably have to extend the deadline into February. He is a replacement, and has been doing a great job cranking out turns since we took him on board. I will send you the current results sheet for this tourney so you have more data to work with.

The AAR deadline will be the same date as the deadline for game completion. What I need to try to determine is how much time Pixelmaster and his remaining opponents need so I can set a new deadline. I don't want to rush Pixelmaster since it's not his fault he's behind.

WineCape, I will gather the info you requested and post it here.

Treeburst155 out.

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Games yet to be completed:

Section One

Warren Miron vs PixelMaster

Warren Miron vs Bertram

Wade Moore vs PixelMaster

Scot Johnson vs PixelMaster

Bertram vs PixelMaster

Section Two

All games complete!!

Section Three

Chuck Rohde vs TabPub

Juha Ahoniemi vs A. Gaspari

Juha Ahoniemi vs TabPub

A. Gaspari vs TabPub

Treeburst155 out.

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Ranville *spoiler*







Both guns way behind the town. One for each flank. Additional "bonus" was that the right flank gun had LOS to the area the later enemy reinforcements happened to come from - my guys got one heavy armored car and two StuHs before they shot a single shot smile.gif

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JPS:

Ranville *spoiler*







Both guns way behind the town. One for each flank. Additional "bonus" was that the right flank gun had LOS to the area the later enemy reinforcements happened to come from - my guys got one heavy armored car and two StuHs before they shot a single shot smile.gif <hr></blockquote>

Yee-ouch! That would do it.

Could you send me your AAR and/or the ending game file so I can get a better idea of what happened?

I'd be happy to send you the same in exchange.

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The Ranville position of guns is key and if the Germans can not neutralise them with Mortar fire then the reinforcements are dog meat.

The 6pdr is a nice accurate gun when compared to some of the stuff the Germans have. Of course lady luck can throw the dice your way but when you even it out it makes it tough for the Germans.

Also the Allied tanks have a good turn of speed and for close in fighting they run rings around the Germans.

Wouldn't you say KingFish?



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The scenarios will be posted before the weekend, Treeburst. I will advise as to when and where for those interested in trying them out.

As to balance, I will only make one comment. I have looked over very carefully ALL AARs and all scores.

Balance depends basically on two things in these scenarios. The first and most important is what I call,"fortunes of war." Everything can hinge on one moment, one shot. An example is the mention of a Piat team that did not fire on a flammpanzer when it could have. The results of this failure were painful and costly.

No matter how well a scenario may seem balanced, the roll of the dice can change it all. That was true historically. It is true here.

The second factor is player ability. All of us, including me, don't always want to face that. It is easier sometimes to shift blame than take the heat.

Not all of us are as skilled as others. There can be no doubt about that. I for example, consider myself at best a mediocre player. I would certainly not challenge any of you "heroes" who participated in this tourney. I think you are all better players than I.

And even a good player will make a blunder...one that could cost him the battle. Now if you think about it, if one mistake can cost you the battle, that indicates balance. Whether the mistake is the computer or from you, if the battle can hang on these things, it shows good balance.

Now don't get me wrong. I've made some minor changes in some of these. None of them, however, would have made that much difference in the final scores. So don't feel cheated. You've learned from this experience. So have I. Its been fun. If we keep it fun, then we are enjoing the hobby. That is what it is all about.

Wild Bill

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

As for Real Guts we have talked about that and I can not visulise well how your opponent set up his PB's. If you have a saved game on that I would like to see it.


P.s. Did my rockets hit anything?<hr></blockquote>

Sorry, Holien. Didn't see this. I'll send you the Real Guts map.

Not telling about the rockets.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

And even a good player will make a blunder...one that could cost him the battle.<hr></blockquote>

...like putting his lone long-range AT asset in an incredibly poor position where it has no LOS to any enemy units for the first ten turns, then gets taken out before firing a single shot...or doing something so incredibly stupid (I hesitate to mention it) that led to the destruction of his most expensive armored unit on the map during turn 1, before it could fire a shot...

And yes, I'm talking about myself, and no, I can't give any more details because not all players have completed the scenarios in which these events occurred. :(

Edited because my grammar wasn't correct the first time around.

[ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: redeker ]</p>

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