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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part III]

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I have finally finished the last turn of my last battle (against Tom).

First, I'd like to salute all of my opponents: Well fought all --- win or lose! Second, I'd like to congratulate Wild Bill on a series of scenarios that kept me biting my nails up to the last turn (ya bastid!). And finally, to Treeburst and WineCape for hosting this little get together: It's we who should be buying you guys the bottle of wine...

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Just send you a turn (and before I read this post smile.gif ).

I had to wait a bit for the Jabo's to show up smile.gif .

Seriously somehow I just recieved your turn this morning, (23th) while the timestamp on the mail on your side is the 16th. I did check my mail at least once each day.

Computers <shrugs>


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bertram:


Just send you a turn (and before I read this post smile.gif ).

I had to wait a bit for the Jabo's to show up smile.gif .

Seriously somehow I just recieved your turn this morning, (23th) while the timestamp on the mail on your side is the 16th. I did check my mail at least once each day.

Computers <shrugs>



I got your e-mail I have no idea what the hell is going on with that last file, I could have sent it by 3.25 floppy and it would have got to you sooner.

I am up to finishing our game via a TCP game. We only have 6 turns left so it shouldn't take long. I would really feel bad if we held up the whole tourney over 6 turns. What is your timezone?

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A "ROW I" sig in all participants postings here on the CM forum will only be allowed if the combatants can prove that they have not cried during the tourney!





Between May 22, 1985 and May 4, 1988, the French writer Jean-Paul Kauffmann was held chained and often blindfolded in a Beirut basement by Shiite Muslim fundamentalist groups. A lover of Bordeaux wine, Mr. Kauffmann recited daily the list of the 61 greatest chateaux drawn up in 1855. He strove to conjure up the aroma of a Chateau Margaux or a Leoville-Poyferre. Occasionally a small miracle would occur, and the scent of black currants and plum would permeate the dusty heat of Lebanon.

-- Roger Cohen "Ways of Doing Time" -- NY Times, May 4, 1997.

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Hi guys!

I don't think you have to be overly concerned about the deadline since we will probably have to wait on Pixelmaster a bit anyway.

I have a dozen AARs and 10 game results that have come in very recently. Believe it or not this will take a couple hours of work to process. I will do this tomorrow afternoon. I will then send the updated results sheet to all that have finished their games.

Some have asked about the format for AARs. Text or .doc files are the best rather than the body of the email, especially if you use illustrations. PDF files are actually the best way to send illustrated AARs.

Treeburst155 out.

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I second von Lucke's comments and proposal.

The last shot fired.

Many, many thanks, to all who have made this the best.

I do not know if I will hold the much sought after WBRoW, as I have cried, swore, yelled and cried in most, if not all these battles.

But, if awarded, it will be worn in the best of company. For once we were Warrior Kings....


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Thomas and Von Lucke, my heartiest congratulations to you both. Win or lose, I'm glad you had fun with this. Now for a shower, a hot meal and some rest.

The world is about the same since you disappeared some time ago.

It has been my pleasure. I know Treeburst and Winecape, who did so much hard work on this are delighted that you've had a great gaming experience.

To tell you the truth, I'd much rather have my job than theirs. They are my "flak jackets" :D

So this WBRoW...give me a hint on this one, please?

Wild Bill

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Wild Bill,

You want a hint? What sort of hint? A hint about what?

To All,

There are a few scenarios that have been completed by all 24 participants. The raw CM scores for these scenarios are listed below. The Allied player is listed on the left.

Duel At Dompaire

Warren Miron 69, Wade Moore 18

Bertram 28, Jukka-Pekka 71

Scot Johnson 37, Jon Sowden 63

Pixelmaster 44, Greg Redeker 52

Kingfish 47, CapitalistDog 53

Holien 72, Tom 28

Georges (Mick) 46, John Kettler 44

P. Svensson 63, von Lucke 27

T. Zalewski 45, Chuck Rohde 51

TabPub 31, T. Travisano 64

A. Gaspari 29, L. Dickens 71

Juha Ahoniemi 41, Enoch 59

Resolve At Ranville

Warren Miron 53, Scot Johnson 38

Jukka-Pekka 85, Pixelmaster 15

Wade Moore 21, Greg Redeker 79

Jon Sowden 46, Bertram 54

Kingfish 65, Georges (Mick) 27

Tom 50, P. Svensson 41

CapitalistDog 39, von Lucke 51

John Kettler 42, Holien 58

T. Zalewski 37, A. Gaspari 54

T. Travisano 35, Juha Ahoniemi 56

C. Rohde 18, Enoch 82

L. Dickens 84, TabPub 16

Real Guts

Jukka-Pekka 32, Warren Miron 49

Wade Moore 13, Scot Johnson 78

Jon Sowden 66, Pixelmaster 34

Greg Redeker 70, Bertram 30

Tom 31, Kingfish 69

CapitlistDog 75, Georges (Mick) 25

John Kettler 26, P Svensson 74

von Lucke 61, Holien 39

T. Travisano 27, T. Zalewski 63

C. Rohde 37, A Gaspari 51

L. Dickens 71, Juha Ahoniemi 29

Enoch 57, TabPub 43

Feel free to discuss these three scenarios. You may want to give spoiler warnings before your posts so the general CM public doesn't learn more than they want to.

Wild Bill,

You are free to release these three scenarios whenever you are ready. I will be sending you several more AARs within hours.

Treeburst155 out.

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Well just scanned the latest spreadsheet and it makes interesting reading.

Good news on the release of the completed games now the debates can begin.

Duel at Dompaire is it balanced?

Ranville is it balanced?

Real Guts is it balanced and what on earth did I do wrong.

To kick it off I think Ranville is not if the Allies take certain actions. There is little the Germans can do to counter it and will lose.

Duel seems to be balanced against the French although I had some good luck against Tom who thought I had employed a witch doctor on my side.

As for Real Guts it seems balanced but I got hammered as G and I am not sure how I could have done better. I suggest TRP's for the Germans in that one.

Anyway good that we can talk about Ranville without the worry of upsetting game play.



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Very interesting indeed. And, Enoch, if you are talking about the same guy I think you are talking about, he has at least one other butt-whupping out there that wasn't reported yet.

Now, as the one with the lowest Ranville Allied score in the whole damn tournament, I'm wondering if I can get the real setup sent to me, and not the experimental extra-German favored game that I apparently had to play with. Seriously, I am looking forward to reading the AARs of the guys who triumphed as the Brits in that one, because it was clearly beyond me at the time I was playing it. Although I will say that the turn in which I lost all hope cost me a full nights sleep, literally.

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make that two unreported butt-whompings. Also, I'm glad that I managed to make you lose an entire nights sleep.

Overall it is pretty interesting to see the wide variance in the outcomes in these scenerios. I'll be interested to see what others did to triumph where I so miserably failed. I think I will have learned more out of these seven games and reading the AAR's then from all the rest of my CM playing time combined.








In Ranville, I know that the flamethrowing HT was a big difference maker for me. That thing torched a whole bunch of tommies. I know Chuck was POed when his PIAT team wouldn't fire on the thing.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

Seriously, I am looking forward to reading the AARs of the guys who triumphed as the Brits in that one, because it was clearly beyond me at the time I was playing it. Although I will say that the turn in which I lost all hope cost me a full nights sleep, literally.<hr></blockquote>

Bad news on the sleep, the whole set of games were very consuming of mental and nervous energy.

I will send you the AAR and in return ask for yours.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:

Bad news on the sleep, the whole set of games were very consuming of mental and nervous energy.

I will send you the AAR and in return ask for yours.



Hey, send him the AAR for the 'Ranville' you and I played. That was fun! :D

[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Kingfish ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kingfish:

Hey, send him the AAR for the 'Ranville' you and I played. That was fun! :D

[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Kingfish ]<hr></blockquote>

King Pish...

Go and eat a Fish or Somdthink.....


Seriously I did not have the heart to write a AAR for our replay of that game. I think you would agree once you know what to do the Germans would be hard pressed to win it.

Even with the H/T Flam wagen...



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Apparently I have incorrect email addresses for some of you who have finished the tournament. If you have finished, and did not receive an updated results sheet this is why. Email me.

If you cannot open the spreadsheet due to the .wks format, email me and I'll send you a .txt version of the file. It ain't pretty, but it works.

Treeburst155 out.

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My views on balance: (mild spoilers??)












Dompaire. Balance is pro-Axis. This is definitely a hard one for the Allies to win. I see 3 Allied wins, 7 losses and 2 draws in twelve games. I had Axis and found this the easiest to play of any of the scenarios.

Ranville: This looks pretty even. The Axis won 7-5, as I count it. Playing as Allies, I thought it was heavily balanced in favor of the Axis. The record suggests it was only slightly so. I didn't manage to kill the flamethrowing HT before I lost my Stuarts. That thingy went on to murder me. The Allies get just a few AT assets to support their superior infantry. If they use these effectively, they can win. But if they lose them too fast, thing can turn very grim very quickly. I think this one is tricky to play from either side, and a little event like the loss of a Stuart can have a big impact.

Real Guts: Dead Even--six Allied wins, six Axis wins. Interestingly, however, the swings in scores are rather considerable. Usually it's a decisive win for one side or the other. There's a lot of variety in how each side can set up their attack or defense and the way these intersect seems to lead to decisive outcomes.. I was one of the Allied losers. I hit a defense that I just couldn't find a counter for--I thought my opponent came up with a brilliant approach, but it was high-risk and might have been vulnerable to another line of attack.

[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]</p>

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I'm stunned at how even the results have turned out:

Duel At Dompaire

Allied Average: 46.00

Axis Average: 50.08

Resolve at Ranville

Allied Average: 47.92

Axis Average: 47.58

Real Guts

Allied Average: 47.17

Axis Average: 48.67

I take my hat off to the scenario designers - these results tell me that these were very balanced scenarios, despite what I may have thought at the time (and put in my AARs ... redface.gif )

It will be interesting to see how the rest fall out.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JonS:

I'm stunned at how even the results have turned out:

Duel At Dompaire

Allied Average: 46.00

Axis Average: 50.08




Gee, Jon S,

I wouldn't have thought Dompaire was that close but I check the numbers and you're right. And that's the only one with any appreciable gap.

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Those Averages do make interesting reading. I agree with CA on Duel, although I lucked out in my approach to that game.

As for Ranville you have hit the nail on the head and it does depend on the Allied use of their armour and anti armour assets.

As for Real Guts we have talked about that and I can not visulise well how your opponent set up his PB's. If you have a saved game on that I would like to see it.


P.s. Did my rockets hit anything?

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