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Wild Bill's Rumblings of War [Part III]

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No joy, Treeburst155! I just sent you my AAR for my battle vs. MickOZ. I think it covers the major aspects, but it is in no way an attempt to provide blow by blow coverage. That would take a fully functioning brain. Right now, mine's attempting to reproduce by splitting in two! Works to your benefit, though.

Nothing from Peter or Tom. Guess I'll start my troop buy for the Invitational against the redoubtable and crafty MickOZ.


John Kettler

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I just finished my last game of the tournament with Tabpub. Treeburst, did you get the result? The final 2 AAR's will be on their way shortly. Man am I glad those games are over. They were great but very intense. Some of the most hard fought games I've had in CM.

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Another update - I'm almost done with my last three games, with each having three or so turns still to go. I think all three will go the distance. My game with Jukka-Pekka is particularly brutal; death and destruction abound.

The game with pixelmaster is up in the air, and Scot and I are playing hide-and-go-seek with our remaining armor.

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Yes, Enoch, I have the final results. I have not processed it yet, but I have received it.

Results are coming in hot and heavy now. This tourney may even make the Jan. 31 deadline. You guys have been great!! We only lost three players and two of them were kind enough to inform us rather than disappear. Those two will be welcome in future CMBB tournaments I put together.

Treeburst155 out.

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Excellent! Treeburst, I see that this tourney is one of the most succesful we ran so far.

Good to see everybody is having fun with Wild Bill's devilish scenario's.

Keep it up!

Kind regards,

Charl Theron

PS: This tourney deserves some TOP quality wines! I'll put out some very good wines as my recommendation to the eventual winner, gentlemen. You have my word on this.



The only serious thing about wine is if there isn't any in your glass.

-- shamelessly quoting myself

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I've sent my final turn to Tom and am awaiting the last movie and associated screens. I continue to apply pressure on his right and am intimately mixed with his units in the center. Several positions seem up in the air at present, but I've taken measures to stabilize them.

Peter is back in the States, and we are but two full turns away from completing a battle that makes the others look like glee club by comparison. I can only hope that my counterparts have an even worse time with it militarily than I am having.

I could be wrong, of course, but I have real doubts that I'll score high enough to take the Section win. It's been an intensely wild and destructive ride for me on the Wild Bill Scenario Express. A few years of intensive therapy, though, and I'll be good to go.


John Kettler

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Yes, this has been a very good group. I think the application process they went through is the reason. It was well worth the extra work IMO. Wouldn't you agree, WineCape?


Treeburst, it seems that if you have some sort of application process (viz. your "questionaire" send to applicants) to enter a PBEM tourney, you generally get the players that are serious in finishing their games within the prescribed time limit, barring those that were polite enough to let us know that they cannot finish due to real life commitments. This I understand of course.

The first come first serve PBEM Tourney variety gives you as Tourney Manager a lot of grey hairs and computer re-boots! smile.gif

I think that our upcoming CMBB tourney should follow similiar lines. (let's keep the designers name a surprise for now ;) )

My gratitude again to Wild Bill Wilder, Treeburst and Wild Bill's play testers for making this a shining example of sheer good FUN.

Stay well all friends,

Charl Theron


PS Treeburst: I am MAKING some serious time for our Bands of Brothers Bocage rumble team play.


Wine is not an imperial deity. It is something to drink, something you put in your mouth and sometime later you expel it. But it's bloody marvellous along the way, isn't it?

-- Len Evans, Australian winery owner

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by WineCape:

The first come first serve PBEM Tourney variety gives you as Tourney Manager a lot of grey hairs and computer re-boots! smile.gif


My gratitude again to Wild Bill Wilder, Treeburst and Wild Bill's play testers for making this a shining example of sheer good FUN.


I'm glad the tourney has gone so well from the administrative point of view. Many thanks to Winecap for sponsoring the tourney and kudos to Treeburst for his skillful and efficient management.

The grey hairs in this case were all for the players, thanks to WBW's many spine-tingling and brain-busting scenarios. In my case the grey hairs were multiplied because I was crazy enough to make this tourney my introduction to PBEM play. Yikes! I think the inherent fascination of these scenarios has had a lot to do with keeping us on track.

I'm nearly done with my seventh and final scenario. It will be a relief and a regret to be finished with it all. Still need to write all my AARs, but the games are etched on my cranium.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

The grey hairs in this case were all for the players, thanks to WBW's many spine-tingling and brain-busting scenarios. In my case the grey hairs were multiplied because I was crazy enough to make this tourney my introduction to PBEM play. Yikes! I think the inherent fascination of these scenarios has had a lot to do with keeping us on track.


This was your intro to PBEM?!?! Ouch, I can honestly say that these were among the most challenging games I've played in the 11 months I've had the game. I've aged years in the months I've been fighting these scenerios.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

In my case the grey hairs were multiplied because I was crazy enough to make this tourney my introduction to PBEM play. Yikes!


Ditto here. I had only ever played one game of CM via PBEM before, and that one broke down on my opponent's end.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Enoch:

This was your intro to PBEM?!?! Ouch, I can honestly say that these were among the most challenging games I've played in the 11 months I've had the game. I've aged years in the months I've been fighting these scenerios.<hr></blockquote>

When I heard we'd be playing seven new WBW scenarios I couldn't resist applying and I quickly got a few PBEM games going (including a couple of byte battles with Holien) while the application process was going. And I came just a bit late when one player dropped out in the first week. But I was very raw against human players when this thing started....have learned a good deal, I think, in this crash-course environment.

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As WineCape mentioned, we have plans for another tournament as soon as people get acclimated to CMBB. It will be just like this one except we will have 4 sections of 6 players instead of the 3/8 we have now. This way players will only have to squeeze five games into their busy lives.

I think most, if not all, of you will find it rather easy to get into the WineCape CMBB tournament if you so wish. You've proven yourselves to be a reliable bunch who follow through with committments. By doing so, it makes me feel like all the effort I put into a tournament is appreciated and indeed worth it.

It won't be long now and all will be revealed. The three section winners and the highest scoring second place finisher will go on to the semi-finals. This will be a one game do or die playoff; and then, the final battle for the South African wines.

Fight On!

Treeburst155 out.

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Ah Treeburst, I at least have still to prove that reliable. I have yet to finish my AAR's *and* translate them in passable english...

But there is hope, it isn't the 31th yet.


Ps. Scot Johnson and me finished our battle. I haven't seen the score yet but I think he has won. (according to my FOW scores we were equal, but he should have a flag more in the end reconing). We were both a bit carefull the second half of the game, much to the relief of our troops no doubt.

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Another update to keep the thread at the top of page 1 - ;)

The die is cast in my game with Scot - I plotted my turn and sent the resulting movie file to him last night. That one is really, really close, and could go either way.

Interesting new developments in my game with pixelmaster have us both scratching our heads, trying to figure out what on earth is going on. Two turns left to go.

My game with Jukka-Pekka is... well, let's just say that I'm hoping his tanks run out of HE soon. Three turns left to go.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombinedArms:

... In my case the grey hairs were multiplied because I was crazy enough to make this tourney my introduction to PBEM play. Yikes! ...<hr></blockquote>

LOL - me too :eek:

JP and I continue to grope around in the locked closet. Spooky. 'Slodey. And stuff. 5 minutes to go.

With Pixelmaster I've managed to create a nice little bushfire that would make a Sydney-sider feel right at home. Where are the mashmallows? 3 minutes to go.

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The battle against Tom is over. True to form lately, the AI has again come up with some strange interpretations of effective combat power and its positioning relative to certain objectives. The battle itself was a fine demonstration of turning good troops into blutwurst and hamburger and will be the subject of a detailed AAR in the next few days.

Peter sent me a turn, and I've issued my penultimate battle orders in reply. His is the only

remaining Section II game I have. Five are complete

including detailed AARs; one just ended and lacks the AAR, though Treeburst155 has been sent the end of game screen and map for my fight against Tom.


John Kettler

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The First Round Playoff Game

The first round, do or die playoff game will be a struggle for control of a ridgeline. It will be a chance meeting engagement in which both forces just happen to have orders to occupy an empty ridge at the same time. This may not have ever happened, but it is a plausible situation.

To prevent the flag rush tactic there will be no flags. Victory will be determined by a panel of 7 judges who will have no knowledge of who played which side. These judges will be WineCape, SuperTed, Treeburst155, and four other respected members of the CM community yet to be named.

The judges will cast a vote for the winner based on casualties inflicted, and degree of control of the ridge. There will be no draws. Each judge will cast a vote one way or the other no matter how close the outcome. I'm expecting a very close game due to the balanced nature of the scenario. Whoever gets the majority of the judges' votes moves on to the final battle.

You will fight for twenty minutes. After that it is assumed the tactical situation changes radically due to the introduction of reinforcements for both sides. You are no longer a major player in the engagement. It is what you do while it is your little battle that will be evaluated.

How's that for an answer to the flag rush? ;)

EDIT: How any individual judge voted will not be revealed.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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Hmmm....this really doesn't solve the flag rush at all if you think about it. Players could just rush the ridgeline in the last turn anyway.

We will use the Badco endgame randomizer. To make sure it is done properly I will handle it. This means I will not be one of the judges. We will still use the judges however.

The game will go from 15 to 20 COMPLETE turns. The Allied player will find himself moving right into the turn 16 orders phase at the end of the turn 15 movie if the Germans start the game. (Don't ask how I know that.) At this point he will stop play and contact me. If I say the game is over the Allied player will issue ceasefire orders only, and the German player will be instructed to do likewise. If the battle does not end, the Allied player will give his normal turn 16 orders and send the file to ME. From this point on I will be the middleman on all turns sent. This is to keep players from forgetting to contact me for a BER check. I have no need or desire for the players' passwords. By moving the files through me I can stop the flow for a BER check at the appropriate times should a player forget.

Treeburst155 out.

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

The game will go from 15 to 20 COMPLETE turns.

[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<hr></blockquote>

I am clearly not going to be one of the finalists, so I'm raising this question only out of curiousity and in the interests of competitive fairness.

The question is--are you sure 15 moves will be enough? That seems like an awfully short game, unless the map and forces are very small. I wonder if, say, 18-22 moves might not make more sense, or even 20-25, depending on the circumstances. It's for you to judge, given your knowledge of the actual scenario. But I think it's important that both sides have a reasonable amount of time to reach the flags. The knowledge that you MIGHT only have 15 moves might induce a fatal degree of undue haste.

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