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PBEM Game Template

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Greetings CMer's

I am designing a PBEM template and would like to hear your comments and suggestions.

This Template will not suit everybody. However if you like it, give it a go smile.gif


The template replicates the Quick Battle setup screens. but also adds version control and a method for tracking e-mails (thanks Karch).

The template works like this:

1. Player 1 thinks up a scenario that would be fun to play for either side. Then Player 1 chooses the setup options and deletes the unused options.

2. Player 1 then e-mails the template to player 2. As matter of courtesy, give player 2 the choice of side.

3. If player 2 agrees with the options then player 1 sets up the quick battle and e-mails him the first file using the e-mail naming convention. If there is some disagreement, then work it our for yourselves.

4. Start playing!




Your choice of side.

Let me know if you agree with the situation and setup and I'll send through the setup file. Alternatively please e-mail me any changes or clarifications.





(background to the clash) for example:

A British battle group is conducting a deliberate reconnaissance in force towards a key village in this sector. The village is vital to the Germans as it contains a well-camouflaged POL dump they have been unable to move due to the lack of suitable transport. At the moment it is only lightly guarded by third line troops. As a result, the Germans are using the overcast weather

to despatch a covering force to secure the POL dump properly...

SETUP OPTIONS (example below)

CM Version: Demo / 1.05 / 1.1

Axis Force Type: Combined Arms / Infantry / Mechanised / Armour

Allied Force Type: Combined Arms /Infantry / Mechanised / Armour

Axis Force Composition: No Restriction / Army / Waffen SS / Fallschirmjager

/ Gebirgsjager / Volkssturm

Allied Force Composition: No Restriction / American / American Airborne / British / British Airborne / Canadian / Polish / Polish Airborne / French

Axis Quality: High / Medium / Low / Random

Allied Quality: High / Medium / Low / Random

Axis Purchase: Automatically / Human

Allied Purchase: Automatically / Human

Battle Type: Assault / Attack / Probe / Meeting Engagement

Force Size: 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1250 / 1500 / 2000 / 3000 /5000

Map Size: Small / Medium / Large

Attacker: Axis Attacker / Allied Attacker

Handicap Attacker: None / -67% / -50% / -30% / -10% / +10% / +25% / +50% /

+75% / +%100 / +200%

Date: Jun 44 / Jul 44 / Aug 44 / Sep 44 / Oct 44 / Nov 1944 / Dec 44 / Jan45 / Feb45 / Mar 45 / Apr 45 / May 45

Time: Day / Dawn-Dusk / Night / Random

Weather: Clear / Overcast / Rain / Fog / Heavy Fog / Snow / Random

Game Length: 20-60 turns (30 is default)


Map Type: Town / Village / Farmland / Rural

Tree Coverage: Open / Light / Moderate / Heavy

Hilliness: Flat / Gentle Slopes / Small Hills / Moderate Hills / Large Hills

Fog of War: Full / Partial / None


Armour Restriction: None / 76mm/Panther 75 Rules / Short 75 Rules

Artillery Restriction: None / 155mm or less / 107mm or less

Detailed Armour Hits: On / Off


E-mail Turnaround: 1 per day / 1-2 per day / 2-3 per day / 3 or more per day

Time Zone: +12 to -12 GMT (Note: for Windows 95/98, you can find you your

time zone under the Date/Time Properties).

E-mail file naming convention: player1_player2_CMversion_filenumber,

sender's inital

When you send a pbem file, increase the filenumber by 1 and add your

initial, for example:

Tony sends the file tony_scott_105_001t to Scott. Scott then sends the file

tony_scott_105_002s to Tony and then Tony replies with tony_scott_105_003t

back to Scott. This way you can tell by looking at your list of files if you

have any files to reply to. Just find the highest number for each game, if your initial is not on it... play it. (thanks Karch)


1. My gaming philosophy is that I PLAY to win, not play to WIN. I play CM because it is fun, and I get to meet a lot of people with similar interests. I like to win but I'm not interested in grinding people into the dirt. If winning is ALL you care about then let's stop here.

2. I will accept any reasonable ceasefire if you ask for one by e-mail.

3. If I haven't received a reply within 24 hours of e-mailing a PBEM file, I

will send it again.

4. If I can't finish a game (ie. I'm either dead or in the Intensive Care Unit) then I will let you know as soon possible and either ask for a ceasefire or I'll surrender.

5. After the warm glow victory (or the cold, sludgy depths of defeat) we'll have debrief session of how the battle went. I find the debrief is as fun as the game - especially when you get to see the end game map.

6. Feel free to e-mail me your questions and comments before, during or after the game.

7. Most of all, have fun!

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Looks like a good idea, I hate when people send blind QBs, and I have no clue what the battle conditions are.

I usually just take a screenshot of the QB setup and include that along with my first email. That works just as well, and is usually going to be simpler than filling in the template.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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