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Open letter to non-CMMOS modders

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If you would like to have CMMOS versions of your mods created, but cannot (i.e. you use a Mac) or do not wish to, create them yourselves, we have plenty of volunteers willing to do the conversions for you. Your original graphics will not be touched, and any documented restrictions you have for you mod (e.g., "do not modify", "free to modify", "do not post", etc.) will be maintained.

So, if you are interested, just note in the documentation accompanying your mod that conversion to CMMOS is permitted, or send me an e-mail at "gordonemolek@poboxes.com" that you are interested and we'll take it from there.



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First of all I want to thank you for CMMOS-izing my weapon pack! Great job!

I'm actually very glad you come with such an offer. I was already on the lookout for someone(s) who could convert the occasional mod for me.

So here's a big thanks in advance as well for the 'plenty of volunteers' you mentioned. smile.gif

edoted: curz ai cant zpell. :(

[ December 11, 2002, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Juju ]

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Gordon, I agree that CMMOS is the way to go. The new version has some features that give it more appeal to me. I wouldn't mind some assistance with the mod I did to create the 250th Infantry Division. I can learn and take it from there on some others I have planned.

I will contact you tonight about the matter.

BTW, the feature to return the game to its "standard" condition makes a theater mod such as the desert one I worked on possible. I do like that idea.


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I may already have a Scout Car or two in there (or expected to be in there), and I have a growing pile of stuff the people might be interested in.

Ah, if only we knew what was and wasn't going to be updated in patch v1.02! Anybody need a new Nashorn/Hummel?

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Hey Gordon.

Looks like you've been extremely busy, eh? tongue.gif

So, did Phillippe ever pass along to you any of my files for the 21st Army Group insignia? Or was it just too much of a monster to convert to CMMOS? (which is what I suspect). ;)

Phillippe was relaying all of the info on his discussions with you about CMMOs considerations until about the time of the release of CMBB (which I have finally got around to purchasing). Was there any decision made on how best to work the mod into CMMOS?

Just wondering....the project consumed me for the better part of a year just with the research (ask my wife....she would just do this :rolleyes: every time she saw me on the computer)....although I'm not quite sure if the interest level is still there for my mod due to the timing.

Anyway....love that CMMOS....now I guess I have to start dl'ing the CMBB mods, eh....it never ends... :cool:

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