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CM Mod Database is going retro!

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I'm going back to the original purpose of this database... a free place to u/l and d/l mods and maps without a lot of hassles.

No more popups. No more begging for funds. Just mods and maps, plain and simple. I'm going to let the database run until my ISP says otherwise. They haven't said anything yet, so maybe they don't care or aren't checking (knock on wood).

Please feel free to u/l & d/l the mods at your pleasure.

For those of you who did donate, I will, as promised, be getting a new UPS within the next week or so.



P.S. Now that I have time to play the game, anyone care to give it a go?

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No worries here.

I still remember when you proposed setting up your site. I, like I'm sure lots of others, said to myself, "Self, I hope he makes a go at it and the best of luck but it will probably last as long at a T-26 in a QB."

Well, here we are and it's still going strong.

Kudos for all your work in making a fantastic CM resource for the community.



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COG .... Leave the paypal link up and dump

the pop-ups. I dont believe many people make much from the pop-ups anyway !

The site is excellent ...... I hope you have lots of webspace available .... it think you'll need it if it continues to grow as its current rate - that and the bandwidth.

Thanks for all yr work


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Having discovered CMMOS, is there any chance you could allow searching for mods that are CMMOS compatable? As oppposed to having to search through each and every modder to find them.

BTW, from this point on all my mods will work within CMMOS.


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Originally posted by MikeT:

Having discovered CMMOS, is there any chance you could allow searching for mods that are CMMOS compatable? As oppposed to having to search through each and every modder to find them.

You can do this already.

Go to the All (Sortable) view form the left-hand menu.

Then click on the ' dblsort.gif' next to the CMMOS? header. Click on it again to reverse the sort. You should have what you want now. Thanks.


[ December 12, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: ColumbusOHGamer ]

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