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CM is so good but it is crap online :(

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This game is soooo goood. But it has made me really disapointed that a game that is so good is crap at mp.

Basically this happens, load tcp/ip game do set up etc, opponent drops, the game locks my internet connection. After to reboot to get back online. I can play medal of honour and Il-2 online but not this game

windows 98 1st ed

amd T-bird 1 ghz

gigabyte 7iex-4 mb

386 Ram (133mhz)

pci 128 sound blaster card

Geforce 2 mx

with 23.12 drivers

25 gb hard drive

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I'm not sure what is causing your internet connection to 'lock up'. CM works fine with TCP/IP, it just has some bugs when it comes to games in progress (captured crews typically). What connection is your opponent on ? What kind of connection to the internet do you have (cable/DSL/modem) ? Does you opponent always find you or are there issues in just making the initial connection ? Are you always hosting ? Have you tried it the other way around ? Do you have any other internet utilities loaded up at the same time (ICQ, AOL Messenger, etc.) ?

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:


yes I have msn messenger, icq, zonealarm, antivirus software, natscapre, winamp, Mb monitor


Hahaha... So many memory resident programs and allot of them are TCPIP active, that I'm amazed you can think there is a problem with CM MP that have been overlooked by all of us in the last 2 years :D

Nice line of thinking, its always the others fault ;)

In my system specs, CM MP is so bullet prove that I can even play it and play 2 other CM games at same time... think on that.

Zonealarm --> Phobia (total system resource waist)

Antivirus --> Phobia (total system resource waist)

MSN --> Total waist

MB Monitor --> Not needed and not precise

ICQ --> It should give you no trouble if properly setup

Winamp --> Dangerous... why do you need it always on ?

natscapre --> Don't know what it is and don't want to know it tongue.gif

This is obviously my very own personal opinion :cool:

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:

I can play medal of honour and Il-2 online but not this game

If you turn off your memory resident programs your communication and overall game performance should be better in both these games… (Yes, I admit it, I’m a speed freak regarding computers redface.gif )

CM is very different from these games regarding TCPIP... Unlike the others, CM sends a file back and forward in the NET.

windows 98 1st ed


with 23.12 drivers

Win98 1st ed is no problem IF you applied the 40+ MB of upgrades provided by Micro$oft...

This has nothing to do with your CM MP problem, but there are new drivers available for your GF2mx.

[ April 03, 2002, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

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thanks for the reply.

I have shut offf all the programs

and it still does not work. I have uinstalled zonealarm and its still does not work.

MO monitor, yeah worth it, why well is saved my pc from melt down over week and told me my fan was dying, well now my pc is ok


is a good software program and i have had people hacking into my system.

Msn i use it for my friends

icq i use it for my freineds

As for u get a life.

If u cannot help go away. There is a lot of buggs in mp and it certainly is not my fault.

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Muliplayer TCP/IP does work in CMBO. There are bugs (as previously mentioned), but not in making connections. It may not be as convenient as other programs, but there is no known bug with the TCP/IP connection code. Do you ever get a connection with your opponent ? The game utilizes IP Port 7023, is this cleared with ZoneAlarm ? I assume that your router is port forwarding this port to your computer's IP also ?

CMBO can work with other TCP/IP applications loaded up, but you may want to turn them all off initially to see if this helps make and maintain a connection in CMBO.

[ April 03, 2002, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:

I have shut offf all the programs

and it still does not work. I have uinstalled zonealarm and its still does not work.

Hmm... Well this was my best bet for your port lock up (7023), but since you are sure you turned off “Zone Alarm” … No go area then...

MO monitor, yeah worth it, why well is saved my pc from melt down over week and told me my fan was dying, well now my pc is ok

If have read the readme file that comes with that windows MB monitoring software, you knew what I was talking about. :rolleyes:

Since you obviously didn’t, I will do you a favor and resume it here for you…

That peace of windows software is far more imprecise then the one that comes in your system BIOS… If you have a more precise and non system resource consuming “program” in your BIOS why use a less precise and resource consuming one ?!?

The windows version is more beautiful…must be that :cool:


is a good software program and i have had people hacking into my system.

No doubt zonealarm it self :D

As for you the “hacker” word probably means what you heard saying in the afternoon TV news bulletin, I fell that I’m preaching to the fishes here… never the less, I will give you a hint. Contrary to what you may have heard, “hackers” don’t eat their own children :eek:

As you didn’t said what INET connection type you have, analog phone line, ISDN, ADSL, DSL, XDSL , Cable, Network, mail pigeon or what ever … there is no away of predicting how easy it would be to access you hard disk from a remote computer.

I can’t imagine what would happen if some one paid a visit in the interior my PC… ohh horror, the horror … the HORROR! :rolleyes:

As a meter of fact, I don’t check it for quite a long time… my PC must be full of guests, all walking inside with total freedom and having their fun… hahaha

So many things about my live… sniff … they would find out my secrets… sniff … for only 50$ CM have been there for last 2 years… :D

I here invite every one in the INET to my PC, the only thing I ask is for them to leave every thing as it was after the party ends… :cool:

As for u get a life.


Hold on there junior, don’t crack… don’t CRACK !

If u cannot help go away. There is a lot of buggs in mp and it certainly is not my fault.

Damn junior… you continue going down that line. The world has more then 6000000000 people and not all of them are less smarter then you… got it ? Not yet ? It is NOT always the others fault ! Please grow up and do share some blame with us…you are welcome

CM MP has a few minor bugs… as the crew one (but don’t read the rest of the board, as it is bed for your young and already phobic mind)… (now read well) but nothing as your are describing… got it now ?

In a last information give away spirit:

- make sure your win98 1st ed is updated

- update your GF2 graphic card drivers

- make sure your are not behind a strong firewall

- make sure your OpenGL settings are good

- make sure all MRP are off, isolate the problem, don't work with more then one variable

- and at last but not least, next time do share some blame with us common mortals :rolleyes:

See you around junior

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Originally posted by Tanaka:

No doubt zonealarm it self :D

As for you the “hacker” word probably means what you heard saying in the afternoon TV news bulletin, I fell that I’m preaching to the fishes here… never the less, I will give you a hint. Contrary to what you may have heard, “hackers” don’t eat their own children :eek:

As you didn’t said what INET connection type you have, analog phone line, ISDN, ADSL, DSL, XDSL , Cable, Network, mail pigeon or what ever … there is no away of predicting how easy it would be to access you hard disk from a remote computer.

I can’t imagine what would happen if some one paid a visit in the interior my PC… ohh horror, the horror … the HORROR! :rolleyes:

As a meter of fact, I don’t check it for quite a long time… my PC must be full of guests, all walking inside with total freedom and having their fun… hahaha

So many things about my live… sniff … they would find out my secrets… sniff … for only 50$ CM have been there for last 2 years… :D

I here invite every one in the INET to my PC, the only thing I ask is for them to leave every thing as it was after the party ends… :cool:

I can live with hackers having a party in my PC, but I'll tell you what's not funny. When those pedofiles use your PC to store pictures of 3 men raping a 6 year old boy and the government find out it's no longer fun. They take your PC, you're in the local newspapers (although not with a name but in a small town most people will find out), you're part of a big investigation (risking 3-8 years) and you end up as a witness in court before you get your PC back (with a brand new HD). [Edit]Foul language removed.[/Edit]

Oups, sorry, but someone had to say it.

[ April 04, 2002, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Cani ]

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Umm, guys, why don't we get back on the topic and try to help this gentleman out with his problem so he can enjoy Combat Mission online.

Abuse and foul language are not tolerated here.

Sarge Isa, please drop the attidude, CM isn't the problem here. You came here for help, let us do it but there are thousands of people that play TCP/IP day in and day out so I can assure you problem is not on our end however we will try and work with you to resolve the issue.

Tanaka, you need to relax as well, he has a problem and came here looking for help, let us provide it.

Cani, you best just drop the issue as you are not helping matters at all!

Let me say that CM's TCP/IP implemenation is VERY stable and fault tolerant. We are aware of of least one bug during TCP/IP play but it ONLY occurs once a connection has already been made and is triggered by a specific game event which have nothing to do with the physical TCP/IP connection itself.


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Sargeant_Isa, read well what Cani as typed, because it is a fine exemple of a Phobic Senior mind. Do avoid if you can, it is never too late...

As for you Cani... one sentense: Too much TV

PS- Do notice I never used rude language in my posts, I just don't need it, and after all it’s just a board...

Although I do advice, that as come to my attention in the last few years on this board that this kind of faulty language (f word up) is not permitted here…

One member, and a far more contributing one then both of us together, at least as I remember well was banned from the forum because of it…

I’m not saying a I agree or not with it… I’m just saying it is the “house rules”, and as we both are guests here, we all should follow the “house rules” or risk being kicked out.

So far I’ve done my part, just try a little bit harder and do yours ;)

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As for my last post... Obviously I started the post earlier and finished it after MM

Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:

This game is soooo goood. But it has made me really disapointed that a game that is so good is crap at mp.

Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:

... There is a lot of buggs in mp and it certainly is not my fault.

I'm sorry Madmatt, but this kind of attitude just put me in "sarcastic" mode...

Anyway, even with sarcasm or not, I tried to help this obviously young gentlemen to put is computer in a more conflict free and faster mode ...

I defy any one here to prove what I typed (not the sarcasm part, the sarcasm was an authors divagation for the less enclosed minds) is wrong or will in any way downgrade CM performance...

As for me I’m moving out of this topic…no need to close it ;) … best of luck for the ones staying on it.

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My apologies to Tanaka and the CM community for the language I used. I've had a lousy day and Tanakas sarcasm hit a rather soft spot. Let's just say that I didn't get my experience from TV.

To add (sort of) anything to the topic I'd say Tanaka is on the right track. Just because other games run well it doesn't mean CM is faulty. Tanaka knows this better than me, but there probably is a conflict between CM and another TCP/IP program or your ISP.

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:


yes I have msn messenger, icq, zonealarm, antivirus software, natscapre, winamp, Mb monitor



Hahaha... So many memory resident programs and allot of them are TCPIP active, that I'm amazed you can think there is a problem with CM MP that have been overlooked by all of us in the last 2 years

Nice line of thinking, its always the others fault

In my system specs, CM MP is so bullet prove that I can even play it and play 2 other CM games at same time... think on that.

Zonealarm --> Phobia (total system resource waist)

Antivirus --> Phobia (total system resource waist)

MSN --> Total waist

MB Monitor --> Not needed and not precise

ICQ --> It should give you no trouble if properly setup

Winamp --> Dangerous... why do you need it always on ?

natscapre --> Don't know what it is and don't want to know it

This is obviously my very own personal opinion

Hi it was the above post that insulted me. Sorry but i am veteran of computer games online and the first think a developer does is the blame the user. Now the guy above was partronising and quite insulting and arogant. I only told him to get a life and i get down to go away with attitude. The abve guy is a prat and his post that follow are the same, even though some it is help full.

Again I am on cable 512k khps. I came here for help not instults or to be partronised or told off.

Anyway thanks for all the guy out there who have posted

How do i check if the port that cm use is blocked, how do i get zonealarm to unblock it

how i open a port. Please do not say "contact" ur cable company becaue i have done that many times and with different comapanies, in effect no comapany wil open a port just for one user, and quite right so.

So how do i change it myself what are the procedures?

Thanks in advance

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Opening ('forwarding' actually) a port on your router is done via the configuration software for your router. Often this may be a webpage configuration or sometimes it will be a terminal window with command-line instructions in the router's 'OS'.

I'm not looking at my ZoneAlarm setup (since I'm at work), but I believe the setting is under the 'Programs' button. Combat Mission should be listed among the applications here. You'll want to 'Allow Server' for CM. I can't see any setting at the moment for indicating the actual port number in the freeware version of ZoneAlarm.

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No offence but i have go a clue what u are on about.

I am not on a router

I get cable set top box that gives me my cable channels and my broadband connection. My cable comapany will not give me access to their port configuration. They will not release information on how do it . I do not have operation manual for it. I do not know how it works other than the on/off button.

So no hope there. I do not have a website i can access to change it. So what now.

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Then you need to add CM to the allowed programs, otherwise ZoneAlarm will not allow it to communicate with another user via TCP/IP. If it isn't in the list it is considered 'blocked'.

Does your 'set top box' have an RJ-45 ethernet connection coming off of it to hook up to your computer ? What info does your cable provider give you regarding your internet setup. In other words do you have to run a 'setup' program from your cable provider in order to use the internet ? Are there any configuration options at all or did a technician come out and setup everything ? Was a card added to your computer to hook up via cable ?

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Thanks for the reply and for doing it so quick.

Then you need to add CM to the allowed programs, otherwise ZoneAlarm will not allow it to communicate with another user via TCP/IP. If it isn't in the list it is considered 'blocked'.

"Does your 'set top box' have an RJ-45 ethernet connection coming off of it to hook up to your computer ?

Ans: Yes it does and it use an x over cable conection (i think)

What info does your cable provider give you regarding your internet setup.

Ans: None

In other words do you have to run a 'setup' program from your cable provider in order to use the internet ?

Ans: yes I have to put a PID Number and a password on my pc as soon it connected, then I fill in the details and then I have to reboot the setop box and my pc. I have to live the set tox off for about two minutes before I can get a conection. I think it it is the the signal is routed and travels etc.

Are there any configuration options at all or did a technician come out and setup everything ? Was a card added to your computer to hook up via cable ?"

Ans: I set it up, put the ethernet card in plug the cable in both ends and did as the above.

Then I can connect to the net.

As for Cm not being listed in Zonealarm how do get zonealarm to find it and allow it to pass? In other words I do I get zonealarm to recognise CM. The zonealarm help pages says to do this I must start the game in a window, but how do i do that, CM does not have that option. How do I do this from windows?

Oh by the way if i leave CM on and play a single player game my internet connection goes to sleep and i have to reboot to get it online again. what gives?

Thanks for the help.

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What brand and model number is the 'set top box?' Just because your cable operator does not give you instructions does not mean the manufacturer's website lacks a white paper.

Zone alarm, at least the freeware version, does not open and close individual ports, that is the router's job. It merely gives or denies access to the internet for programs and processes.

I suspect your next-generation set top box is the root of your problems, pass along some info about it and I might be able to look into it.


PS: answers to you post which was posting while I was posting the above:

Combatmission.exe should be on the list of programs, presuming you have attempted to connect while ZA is running. Look for it, and check the "allow connect" and "allow server" options.

[ April 04, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]

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