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Why doesn't the Peng Challenge come with a printed manual?


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...Because we really don't give a rat's ass if you understand all the subtleties or not. The only thing you have to understand is "<big>Go Away!</big>"

&)We don't like you, and aren't looking forward to you becoming part of our club. When we think about you and our club, it usually has to do with your grey matter on a stick.

@)If you insist on trying to join our little clique of compatriots, you'd have better luck trying to breathe methane from your duodenum.

#)We'd prefer your challenge (the one that is above the everyday struggle to breathe, chew gum, or eat with your mouth closed) to not mention your unmentionables, and to include some panache (don't bother looking it up; you wouldn't understand the definition).

+)If you are dumb enough to still stick around, choose someone specific and challenge them to a game. Chances are you were stupid enough to choose someone above your station, and will then have to wait until the next SSN comes along. If you are unsure of your station, DO A SEARCH or somefink. Whatever the results, rest assured that your station rests somewhere below "pillock," "git," and "imbecile."

^)Though we don't like you (yes, <big>YOU</big>!), we particularly despise those with an axe to grind, whether it is racial, sexist, religous, or mineral. DON'T DO IT.

%) We'd really prefer not to talk to new chaps in general, and those without e-mail or location in particular.

*)The Ladies of the pool are to be bowed, kow-towed, and lovingly smooched to. Violate this, and OGSF will violate your pleural cavity with cold steel.

There are some other rules, but you need to be smart enough to figure them out if you want us to pretend you have something to say.

Your best choice is to go away. And read the MBT manual (available only via UBB).

Surely you're not still here? You are a daft dolt, what?

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


Nobody here??


"...and the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round,

The wheels on the bus go round and round, allll niiight looong!"


So, AJ. When you finally went completely bonkers, was it a long, slow process, or was it sudden, like when Daffy Duck loses it in a Warner Bros. cartoon?
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

How about this statement, Sparky? Get the hell out! You were never welcome here and your puny brain is wrong in making you feel you are welcome here now. There was never a moment in your insignificant existence where you were ever to be welcomed here. Your best bet is to go away and tell your family that you should be bludgeoned and eviscerated for the good of the community. Begone!

Hiram Sedai,

My first dip in the fetid, stinking waters of the Cess pool and this is the response I get?

You like me! You really, really like me!!

P.S. I'm sure that edit had something to do with your:

a) grammatical skills

B) spelling skills

c) social skills

d) hygene skills

e) all of the above


The only one who gets to call me Sparky is my therapist, get it?

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Where tha feck did all these stankin' whiney-arrrsed, snivellin', pouty, nostril-minin' Ooter-boarrrd BASTARRRDS come fraim????? Bastarrrds!

Guid rules Leeo, tha were som o' tha baist bile Ah've seen fraim ye ain a while. ("bile ain a while? Och, Ah'm a poet an' Ah didnae e'en knoo at! Mak oop a rhyme any ol' time! Each verrrse get's worrrse!)

Ye bastaarrrd.

Di' anywun notice hoo long at takes tae starrt a noo thraid when Joe Shaw as noo postin' regular? Just an' observashun.

Taday at lunch time Ah drew a wee face on' a green grape wi' a marker pen, put at doon an' STAMPED on tha poxy thang. An' Ah said as Ah stamped mah foot, "Ha! Ha! Hiram, ye shtyupid lookin' green grape haided bastarrrd!"

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Where tha feck did all these stankin' whiney-arrrsed, snivellin', pouty, nostril-minin' Ooter-boarrrd BASTARRRDS come fraim????? Bastarrrds!

Guid rules Leeo, tha were som o' tha baist bile Ah've seen fraim ye ain a while. ("bile ain a while? Och, Ah'm a poet an' Ah didnae e'en knoo at! Mak oop a rhyme any ol' time! Each verrrse get's worrrse!)

Ye bastaarrrd.

Di' anywun notice hoo long at takes tae starrt a noo thraid when Joe Shaw as noo postin' regular? Just an' observashun.

Taday at lunch time Ah drew a wee face on' a green grape wi' a marker pen, put at doon an' STAMPED on tha poxy thang. An' Ah said as Ah stamped mah foot, "Ha! Ha! Hiram, ye shtyupid lookin' green grape haided bastarrrd!"

You know that my feeble existence means nothing without you calling me Jimmy. How can you tease me so? I need something to tell my friends about. They are bored of my stories about how that girl is really a lesbian because she spurned my advances.
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AussieJeff's Magical Mystery Tanks -- A Subtraction Lesson in Twenty-Six Seconds

0:00 seconds-- See AussieJeff's tanks. Let's count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. FIVE tanks in a row.


0:07 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 4. FOUR tanks in a row.


0:09 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 3. THREE tanks in a row.


0:20 seconds) Subtract 0 leaves 3. THREE tanks in a row.


0:22 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 2. TWO tanks in a row.


0:31 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 1. ONE lonely little tank left in the row.


0:33 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 0 ZERO little tanks left in a row.


The End

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

AussieJeff's Magical Mystery Tanks -- A Subtraction Lesson in Twenty-Six Seconds

0:00 seconds-- See AussieJeff's tanks. Let's count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. FIVE tanks in a row.


0:07 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 4. FOUR tanks in a row.


0:09 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 3. THREE tanks in a row.


0:20 seconds) Subtract 0 leaves 3. THREE tanks in a row.


0:22 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 2. TWO tanks in a row.


0:31 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 1. ONE lonely little tank left in the row.


0:33 seconds) Subtract 1 leaves 0 ZERO little tanks left in a row.


The End


Ah'm soo generous, ah rally am!!


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Posted bah Boo feckin' Radley:

"Even if you could, what makes you think he's even remotely edible? Oh...right. You're Ozztralian. If you can eat batter fied onions the size of your head, I guess anything's fair game."

E'en Ah knoo tha' tha "Ootback Restuarant" as a clapboard piece o' Texas Steakhoose ****e wha widnae knoo a "bloomin' onion" fraim a hot damper. Noo bastarrrd ain Australia eats batter fried onions. Boot thain ye're fraim Ohio. Ye cannae bae expaicted tae knoo aboot much.

Och aye, Hiram! Ye kin kiss mah spotty arrrse, Jimmy!

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E'en Ah knoo tha' tha "Ootback Restuarant" as a clapboard piece o' Texas Steakhoose ****e wha widnae knoo a "bloomin' onion" fraim a hot damper. Noo bastarrrd ain Australia eats batter fried onions. Boot thain ye're fraim Ohio. Ye cannae bae expaicted tae knoo aboot much.

Ohmigod ! (Sorry Berli, Grandliege;)

I agree with the mad underwear-less madman....!!


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Some updates.

Aussie (tankless) Jeff has found out about my cunning "Ambush Mines". His first tank sails through unmolested....the rest try and follow...Boom, Boom, Boom....I laughed and replayed it many times.

Papa Kahn has learned that snow and M10's are a potent defense. Six Mark 4's and a few infantry fall to its eagle-eyed gunner. Who needs superior German optiks ? A total victory, 94-6.

Simon, (he's so nice) is defending grimly in another AJ abomination. He might win.

Athlatka, or however you spell it is meeting the wrath of my attacking Yanks with many exploding buildings courtesy of my 105 armed tanks. He's also trying to dig out his pillboxes and resite them......I love flank attacks.

Old Foul Joe... who knows IF he will ever send a turn. How can you not finish a 300 point battle ? I say we mark him as a Non-Finisher.

The females do already.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Fred is Dead! Long live Fred!

Check the last post. Now if we could only get PocketKnife90120 to follow . . .

I am not upset to see that guy go! He and I had it out a month ago over e-mails when he got a thread locked up with his high and mighty mouth. So long jerk!

Oh crap, I'm in the cesspool! I betta gets the hell outta here before these psycos gang rape me. :eek:

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