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BFC, a bad batch of CMBB CD discs?


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The issue has been resolved. BF has graciously decided to mail the replacement CDs direct to whoever needs them. Great service once again.

The question wasn't about accepting certain risks but whether or not BF could possibly send replacement CDs direct, as there is no sale/purchase taking place. Apparently they can or they chose to, so.... this discussion is pretty much moot.

Thanks very much Battlefront!


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What if I get a "bad" CD, but my current reader will read it. However, 2 years from now, when I have a new CD/DVD drive, and this drive wont read the CD, will it then be too late to get a replacement CD?

Or has this been answered already...maybe I should read all the posts in this thread first or somfink.... tongue.gif

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The issue has been resolved. BF has graciously decided to mail the replacement CDs direct to whoever needs them. Great service once again.

The question wasn't about accepting certain risks but whether or not BF could possibly send replacement CDs direct, as there is no sale/purchase taking place. Apparently they can or they chose to, so.... this discussion is pretty much moot.

Thanks very much Battlefront!

Does this also count for European people who ordered their version through the US? If so, then dang that a noble thing to do.



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To certain people who like shouting down others.

I love the empathy being shown here...


Just goes to show some people have no regard for others not in the same situation as them.



P.s. I am waiting for the CDV version but that might change and will be paying my cash straight to BTS and a postman if this delay continues.

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Originally posted by Terence:

And when you buy software, you know it might not run right the first time...so stop wasting bandwidth whining about it.

No, you yourself should stop whining about us Euros whining.

If I'm paying nearer to 50 euros for software, I damn well expect it to work. Should it fail, then I think I'm entitled to being annoyed. It's also well and good for you CMBB-owners to insist that us poor bastards w/o our own copies shut our mouths...

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Amazing isn't it? People post reasonable threads about reasonable concerns and perhaps expect reasonable responses. Can't quite figure out why, for those whom it is not an issue, clog the thread with their 'Well I don't think you should be moaning anyway'. Like I said before, if they don't have an issue with it fine, duck out!!

BTW: for those waiting for US/UK orders and who are worried over the duff disc issue, FWIW mine arrived from US today and loads/plays fine. Hopefully the numbers of 'wrecked discs' are few. My order was placed with BFC (to deliver to a VERY obliging forum member) on 21/9/02.

[ September 28, 2002, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: Apache ]

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Excuse me while I interupt the bickering, but I would like to publicly thank John (aka Tiger) and BTS for their help and support, firstly for getting me a US copy (albeit unfortunately faulty) and then having the consideration and excellent after sales service to then send a replacement copt directly to me.

Thanks very much guys, it seems my faith in human nature is growing stronger by the day (with the exception of certain individuals ;) )

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Try holding your CMBO disk by the edges as you would to insert it into the drive. Then, do the same thing with the CMBB disk. Is it my imagination, or is the CMBB disk a little more flimsy, lighter weight, more flexible, etc.. There is no noticeable difference in disk thickness. The CMBB disk just feels....less substantial. BTW, I have some oddities on my disk, but it seems to work just fine. On the label side are two small bumps about 1/32" in diameter. On the reflective side, there is a very strange looking area on the extreme outer edge about 1/2" long. It's difficult to describe. Anyhoo, it works with the CD player I'm using now.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Yes, the views expressed by a certain 2 previous individuals basically along the lines of I've got my copy Jack so the rest of you can whistle Dixie smells just a tad of smugness in the extreme. Unbelievable!


Jim R.

Hey Jimbo-

My extreme smugness just wants to make the following clear for you:

1) I was pointing out clean business practices and what I feel to be realistic expectations. In other words "You bend the distribution rules, you accept the risk of extra postage". My personal, and as it turns out on this topic, professional opinion.

2) As I stated, I don't understand the degree of impatience and it seems a little excessive to me. Not understanding something doesn't necessarily mean I've passed some sort of judgement on it.


[ September 28, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Dalem, with all due respect mate, how can you not understand? IMO you first post did have an "I'm alright Jack" ring to it.

Sure it's just a computer game, heck I'm not gonna lose any sleep over a delayed release date. Does it irk me? Sure, like all good things in life it wouldv'e been nice to have CMBB sooner rather than latter.

If the tables were turned and you got the option to get CMBB a little quicker for a few extra bucks I bet you'd give it some thought. Being only human I'd also wager that you'd be a tad pissed off if the said product was faulty. After all, you still paid good money for it.

Personally I think I'm gonna wait, to much hassle for a lazy SOB like me, but full credit to BFC (and the US boys for giving away more of their time) for sorting these lads out, I doubt you'd find many companys (or people) willing to do the same.

[ September 28, 2002, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: Londoner ]

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Originally posted by Londoner:

Dalem, with all due respect mate, how can you not understand? IMO you first post did have an "I'm alright Jack" ring to it.

Sure it's just a computer game, heck I'm not gonna lose any sleep over a delayed release date. Does it irk me? Sure, like all good things in life it wouldv'e been nice to have CMBB sooner rather than latter.

If the tables were turned and you got the option to get CMBB a little quicker for a few extra bucks I bet you'd give it some thought. Being only human I'd also wager that you'd be a tad pissed off if the said product was faulty. After all, you still paid good money for it.

Personally I think I'm gonna wait, to much hassle for a lazy SOB like me, but full credit to BFC (and the US boys for giving away more of their time) for sorting these lads out, I doubt you'd find many companys (or people) willing to do the same.


I apologize if my first post had that tone. That was not my intent. As far as my own feelings, I would not be very upset about having to wait for an overseas game. In fact, someone in Africa had the thing before I did, and I was one of the first few pre-orders. My original CM pre-order got F-ed up a few years ago and I had to wait for the second run of CDs to come out. A private email to BFC and all was sorted out. So that's why I don't understand.


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