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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

...I shall then clothe my naked form in a shroud of thorns and barbwire. Be forced to attend the PoP Rock festival featuring "The Backstreet Boy Toys", "N'Sync, the unholy clones" and "Ms Spears aka Pepsi whore". Not only will I sit in the front row but I will force my throat to make a sound which rises above all others demanding multiple encores and "Whoops! I did it again!", over and over again...

Good God, we're not monsters! You needn't carry things this far.

The rest all sounds about right, of course.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good God, we're not monsters! You needn't carry things this far.

The rest all sounds about right, of course.

Now, now -- let's not discourage the lad, Seanachai. We must be supportive -- no sense in damaging that tender self-esteem.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In game related news, MrSpkr has chosen to delay sending turns in our game of Duelling Jabos! in favor of, so he says, responding to the (and I love this) "advances of his wife" ... {snort}, yeah right whatever Steve.


Hey Joe -- we don't all live in fabulous Utah. I don't get to have the same fun parties you do:


I simply have to take advantage of my opportunities when and where they arise, so to speak.


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M'Lady Kitty, A Modest Request.

Knowing your great skill with mods {loved the King Tiger, still use it}, I was hoping you could properly immortalize the Olde Ones for CMBB.

See, there is this little thing called Doodads that are being added. And, well, the game just won't be complete with out a Seanachai Lawn Gnome for the front yard.

I believe Persephone would gladly furnish you with the requisite art work or you may check Lorak's collection of her photos. I think the wee Bard can be found on Page Two.

Anything your talents could do in this direction would be greatly appreciated.

You Humble Servant,

Sir Lars

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I simply have to take advantage of my opportunities when and where they arise, so to speak.
To be sure, my friend, to be sure. However to blame it all on your poor, long suffering wife and her "Advances" ... don't you think that strains the limits of even THIS group's credulity?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I simply have to take advantage of my opportunities when and where they arise, so to speak.

To be sure, my friend, to be sure. However to blame it all on your poor, long suffering wife and her "Advances" ... don't you think that strains the limits of even THIS group's credulity?


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A query by MrSpkr:

How is this done? I haven't heard of such crass suckitude since the days of Lawyer.

Well apparently the gamey bastiche known as Fionn doesn't understand the basic concepts of attack and defend. I am supposed to be the one marching backwards towards him while he cowers in his holes in the ground, but he got it all backwards and launched his hordes of Americannot rodents towards me instead!!

At least he waited until turn 7 to kill my tanks.

A brief summary:


If I had any men left I might be able to actually tell where he was and shoot chickens or something in that general direction, but I don't so I won't. Surrendering could be an option in the very near future.

I'm starting to understand how Lorak feels now.

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Oh well done indeed Harv, not only a compendious (you can look it up) AAR but photos and diagrams as well! The trivial fact that you're losing in no way detracts from the wonderfulness (you probably can't look it up 'cause I don't think it's a word) of your report.

I bring to the attention of the CessPool as a Hole that THIS is how a Squire should function! Of course he would be less than nothing (nothing would be an American Squire after all, Canadians, and specifically Saskatchewan Canadians, are by definition less than nothing) without my firm hand on the rein and my benevolent yet stern guidance and lessons. But I knew before I took him to Squire that he would be a good 'un.

All of which brings us to my renewed call for Veto Authority over the appointment of all Squires. It's for the Good Of The CessPool, lads, how can we ignore that?

Harv, your paper for tonight (and this time DO try to wash up before printing it off, all that Saskatchewan dust and dirt and wheat ... stuff ... got all over my desk when I opened your paper ... Yuccckkkk!) will be 12 pages single spaced on the topic "Are ALL Irish gamey or do they just smell that way?"


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Oh, the shame of it all. Shame it is. Abject, dismal, run-away-and-hide shame.

Friends, zealots, Poolers old and new, I sound the call help heal the painful wounds from the arrows of shame that have recently been heaped upon one of our own, Goanna, who in a twofold fit of tactical misfortune and utter contempt shown to him by the AI scoring system, neither of which oft has been bestowed upon the Eldest of the Oz Kannigets and Kanniget-wannabes, has fallen in battle to the uberFrench Foreign Legion forces led by Moriarty, Knight of Hopeless Causes. (OK, so it was a minor vic, but a win's a win.)

Axis: 127/42 WIA/KIA; 1 captured; 3 guns KO; 2 vehicles KO = 28

Allies: 125/38 WIA/KIA; 3 mortars destroyed = 45

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Moriarty:

<font size=-1>Oh, the shame of it all. Shame it is. Abject, dismal, run-away-and-hide shame.

Axis: 127/42 WIA/KIA; 1 captured; 3 guns KO; 2 vehicles KO = 28

Allies: 125/38 WIA/KIA; 3 mortars destroyed = 45</font>

And shame there should be: those scores don't add up to 100, and therefore some flags were UNDECIDED at the end. In other words, you didn't even have the common decency to let Goanna lose EVERY SINGLE DAMN FLAG ON THE FIELD. For shame - it's his only skill, and we've got to let the little lizard play to his strengths.

Now, go ask The_Capt if you can borrow some of his sackcloth and ashes.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Oh, the shame of it all. Shame it is. Abject, dismal, run-away-and-hide shame.

Friends, zealots, Poolers old and new, I sound the call help heal the painful wounds from the arrows of shame that have recently been heaped upon one of our own, Goanna, who in a twofold fit of tactical misfortune and utter contempt shown to him by the AI scoring system, neither of which oft has been bestowed upon the Eldest of the Oz Kannigets and Kanniget-wannabes, has fallen in battle to the uberFrench Foreign Legion forces led by Moriarty, Knight of Hopeless Causes. (OK, so it was a minor vic, but a win's a win.)

Axis: 127/42 WIA/KIA; 1 captured; 3 guns KO; 2 vehicles KO = 28

Allies: 125/38 WIA/KIA; 3 mortars destroyed = 45

Faint praise ne'er won fair heart Moriarty (I recall my own early attempts by complimenting my date on the length of her armpit hair). I don't know what that means but I've had just about enough out of you.

Since I beat you like a filthy carpet draped over the washline in our last meeting you've been strangely quiet. I'd attribute that to fear on your part but I'm not certain that you're smart enough to feel fear.

For once I'm going to forego my usual call for seconds and my strict adherence to the Code Duello and simply challenge you to a match to make the Gawds Weep In Anguish. I do this for two reasons, first I'm certain that no one here would so much as lift a pinkie to help you so you wouldn't be able to find a second and next (third I believe) you're so unutterably stupid that I'd spend all my time explaining what Code Duello meant and we'd never get any turns in.

Therefore I'm going to make it easy for you. 1000 points, QB, small map, as random as we can make it with unrestricted forces and the computer buying everything. Assault, Attack, Probe, ME, I couldn't care less. What say you sir? Is honor STILL dead in your part of the world? Let me know and I'll ship a setup with JPEG of the selection screen.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For once I'm going to forego my usual call for seconds and my strict adherence to the Code Duello and simply challenge you to a match to make the Gawds Weep In Anguish. I do this for two reasons, first I'm certain that no one here would so much as lift a pinkie to help you so you wouldn't be able to find a second and next (third I believe) you're so unutterably stupid that I'd spend all my time explaining what Code Duello meant and we'd never get any turns in.


Wrong again, Joe. I'll be his second. He did show a modicum of compassion when I entered into this thread two years ago. His expectoration upon my unworthy head wasn't as tough to clean up as some others.
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For once I'm going to forego my usual call for seconds and my strict adherence to the Code Duello and simply challenge you to a match to make the Gawds Weep In Anguish. I do this for two reasons, first I'm certain that no one here would so much as lift a pinkie to help you so you wouldn't be able to find a second and next (third I believe) you're so unutterably stupid that I'd spend all my time explaining what Code Duello meant and we'd never get any turns in.


Wrong again, Joe. I'll be his second. He did show a modicum of compassion when I entered into this thread two years ago. His expectoration upon my unworthy head wasn't as tough to clean up as some others.</font>
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Wrong again, Joe. I'll be his second. He did show a modicum of compassion when I entered into this thread two years ago. His expectoration upon my unworthy head wasn't as tough to clean up as some others.

Anyone who shows compassion to Hiram deserves Joe.
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Wrong again, Joe. I'll be his second. He did show a modicum of compassion when I entered into this thread two years ago. His expectoration upon my unworthy head wasn't as tough to clean up as some others.

Anyone who shows compassion to Hiram deserves Joe.</font>
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Bum-Bum Bummmm... I bring you some games!

MrSpkr: Is of course writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. He has every German who ever pooped in feldgrau. I have three bewildered Home Guardsmen who are going through the D-Teas. (Get it? "D-Teas"! Ha ha, but I kid...)

Boo: Is of course writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. Apparently no one told this whelpster that bringing Hetzers into the game is very very rude. It upsets me, gastronomically speaking.

Dorosh: Will be of course writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play as soon as he can figure out how to spin his propeller beanie to the "GO! and SEND!" positions.

Panzer Leader: Is of course writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. Fear the 60mm Justice, PL, fear it!

Leeo: Is of course writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. If I can dig up a platoon or two from out of the 170mm shellholed landscape he left in his wake I might be able to mount a credible attack acros the river. Maybe all those bazooka guys could do it, since I can't seem to find any more targets for the poor lads.

OGSF: Apparently wants to be "Just Like Mike!" Michael Dorosh, that is, because the crazed Irishman is also putting off the inevitable experience of writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play.

Noba: Is still, of course, writhing in the crushing grip of my superior play. Same ME, same hellish exchange of fire, same body count that spins up faster than the U.S. National Debt.

And I was the first one to order books from the BFC bookshelf the other day and Madmatt still said I was a crappy sycophant. And I said "oh yeah?!?. See if I didn't.

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Dear God, what a horrible interface. I'm coming to you courtesy of some strange, local library web access.

Tonight I attempted to migrate my ISP account over to MSN.

Needless to say, I can no longer send or receive emails, nor access the Web except through this strange public library interface, which is just bizarre. Apologies on the lack of turns to all my opponents. Hopefully this will be resolved by tomorrow night.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Tonight I attempted to migrate my ISP account over to MSN.

Needless to say, I can no longer send or receive emails, nor access the Web except through this strange public library interface, which is just bizarre.

Since I work in the same building as those nice folks from MSN, I put in a Special Request. "Lock out Seanachai", I said, "for the sake of humanity".

Next I'm going to work on the public libraries.

No need to thank me.

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Joe, if I recall correctly, and I do, you did in fact win that abomination visited upon your own self by your own vassal, MrSpkr. When it was over, I asked what sort of game you wanted to do and I never heard back. And as for your Code of Jell-O, that morass of rules and regulations is the prime reason I'll act as second for anyone opposing you at any time.

Joe says:

Therefore I'm going to make it easy for you. 1000 points, QB, small map, as random as we can make it with unrestricted forces and the computer buying everything. Assault, Attack, Probe, ME, I couldn't care less. What say you sir? Is honor STILL dead in your part of the world? Let me know and I'll ship a setup with JPEG of the selection screen.

Your terms are acceptable. Probe. I'll defend. Don't care which side. No need for jpeg.
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