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Missing In Action? Those who were designing operational / strategic overlays.

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Several months ago there were a few enterprising lads who each on his own was going to try to develop operational formats from which CM battles could be generated. A terribly ambitious task.

But I must ask: What has become of them?

"Let's split up and look for the monster" -- Toad

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Somebody announced they would do that?

I don't think this is technically even possible without breaking BTS' requirement of not reverse engineering the file format.

A few campaigns started which use a human umpire who generates battles in the editor.

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There were some lengthy posts about this. I especially remember discussions about movement and area coverage, zones of control, supplies and so on.

I know about the refereed games of which you speak. But these folks thought they could develop something, using the AI. That was my impression anyway. Not being fluent in coding and all, maybe they were just lobbing smoke shells, but they (individually) seemed motivated and knowledgeable.

What can I say? My solution was to use a board game to generate the battles. --- Avalon Toad

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Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

If you could get BTS to combine Strategic Command, CMBO and CMBB you would be set! ...


Considering that the smallest unit in SC is a Corps, that would be one hell of a scenario you're contemplating...

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I am head down and bum up working on one now.

I wanted to be able to remove the requirement for a referee and management of a campaign so anyone can play one of any size (within reason) against one or more people. My real aim is to produce battles with more realistic objectives, wildly varying force balances and a penalty for excessive loss of men. Supplies, reinforcements, Arty availablility to be handled. I am not intending doing an AI but I have designed it so that a 'player' is just a COM object that controls via some COM interfaces so anyone who feels capable (assuming I ever get this finished of course) will be able to write their own.

I have made reasonable progress so far. I can automatically generate battles from my program complete with force selection. I have the map largely done (from a programmatic point of view - you can have any map design) and I am a long way through the LOS/spotting issues. I use a super sized map based on CM design and a battle is just a small section of that map.

There was a Swedish guy who was doing one as well and I wouldn't mind getting hold of him to exchange some ideas.

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Originally posted by Caesar:

I wanted to be able to remove the requirement for a referee and management of a campaign so anyone can play one of any size (within reason) against one or more people. My real aim is to produce battles with more realistic objectives, wildly varying force balances and a penalty for excessive loss of men. Supplies, reinforcements, Arty availablility to be handled. I am not intending doing an AI but I have designed it so that a 'player' is just a COM object that controls via some COM interfaces so anyone who feels capable (assuming I ever get this finished of course) will be able to write their own.

So are you going to machine-generate *.cmb files?
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I'm the Swedish guy........

Real life caught up with me.....

I have a substancial amount of code and have generated map and units. You can move around those units and yada, yada, yada........

Then a number of questions arose.

So i halted that and began to work on the game format and mapmaker. The MapMaker is almost finished, but thats my education to. Im about to do the final examwork(X-jobb in swedish) and their is no spare time what so ever.......

If anyone know a "X-jobb" in Sundsvall or Stockholm in Sweden please mail me.

I finish the mapmaker as soon as i have time.


Björn Elfström

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My Triple Battle system works on a semi-operational scale.

The players have to deploy their troops divided into three maps.

It's still only a moderated game form that require a referee in addition to the two players.

I'm open to applications from pairs of players right now! For more info READ THIS THREAD.

Bamse: Tjena, jag bor också i S-vall, men gjorde mitt x-jobb för några år sedan...



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So are you going to machine-generate *.cmb files?

Yes, I can remote control the scenerio generator and build a scenerio file. I am able to do almost anything you can do by hand but I cannot (yet) place flags or fix the positions of the forces. This probably doesn't matter too much except perhaps in the case of fortifications. If two battles are fought over the same area and a pillbox survives the first then it may have moved for the next. Oh well, such is life.

Bamse, when are you going to be finished with the exams? I would like to exchange a few ideas and see how you handled some aspects. How does your map maker work and what format do you generate the maps in?

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