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Joe Has A Heart,Boo Has A Soul,Whatever Happened To Nip And The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye trollops wull talk tae any clump o' cradle cap tha gimps ats way ain here, widn'ye? Noo email, noo communi-feckin-cado. Pillocks. Wha's tha bleedin' kannigets tha's supposed tae bae lookin' oot fer ye?

Joe, didn'ye hae sum sort o' duty tae attaind tae here?

One does try OGSF, one does try. But this lot is, let's be honest, a set of whiteboard markers with the tops left off if you get my drift.

The rules are, of course, quite explicit. NO EMAIL ADDRESS, NO LOCATION ... NO NOTICE TAKEN. One may, obviously, refer to the offending post in the third person, much as you'd refer to that glob of ... well, let's be generous and call it mud, though from the stench I think we both know better, cacked between your toes. Been running with the cattle again I see.

The only way to discipline these SSNs is through a steady and firm application of the rules by ALL CessPool members. They'll either shape up (unlikely though that appears at first glance, although YOU made it so hope springs eternal I suppose) or ship out ... or Sod Off I suppose.


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By JoeBob that has been sucked into here by mysterious forces...

I got a bump for ya there Harv ... all high and mighty now aren't we just ... all puffed up and CM Webring manager (whatever) aren't we now ... WELL IT WON'T DO LADDY!

We remember when you were a snot nosed ... okay technically you're STILL snot nosed but you're in Saskatchewan so what can you expect, SSN in the CessPool.

If you've time for a webring you've time to drop in on them as who welcomed you lad. Of course the same might be said of my turns but that's another story.


Blah blah blah. I'll have you know that it was just a mere 8 days ago that I posted all by my meselfs in this type of Pengish Challenge thread thingy.

I'd give some gamiest updates, but all of my e-steamed opponent's parakeets must've tooken the last week or so off....therefore, no turns.

Bite me.

Your loyal ex-squire,


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Originally posted by Harv:

{snipped some pathetic excuse}

Your loyal ex-squire,


There are NO EX Squires of The Shavian House, as that implies that one will have gone on to bigger and better things. No indeed, the time spent as a Squire in The Shavian House are among the best days you'll ever have (especially true in YOUR case, Harv, remember that I've seen Saskatchewan) and thus you should properly refer to yourself as a FORMER Squire of The Shavian House, as you may yet be called back into service of the House in time of need.


That oughta curl Berli's toes.


[ October 28, 2002, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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[administrative]Everyone to whom I owe a turn should now have said turn. If by some chance there is still someone to whom I owe a turn, sound off now. Anyone who owes me a turn (Andreas, MrSpkr, Jo Xia), send me a fecking turn.[/administrative]

Baby monitors are a wonderful thing. They let you know exactly when your child is coughing at 2:00 in the morning. This allows you to share in the experience and increase the strength of the child-parent bond. At least that is what I am going to tell the jury when, in a fit of sleep deprivation, I render myself a childless bachelor once more.

Feck off the lot of you.

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Some Updates:

Boo_Boo_ : We are heavily engaged, however he seems reluctant to move anything, after his first attempt to flank me failed miserably. I am moving in to crush him now.

Gaylord : Has not sent a turn in recent memory. He postpones the inevitable.

Speedy : It has taken my Commie juggernaut several turns to negotiate the moon-like landscape which is our battle map, we have not made contact yet, but it is coming.

Malanoma : Has engaged in a campaign of urban renewal, blasting every bulding in LOS of his Tiger tanks, because he has not yet discovered my main line of resistance, and he fears an advance to the VLs.

Noba : We have just now spotted each other, his crushing defeat by my Nordic hordes is inevitable.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

the blonde standing next to Lars at the end of the bar.

If anyone is looking for a fine restaurant in the Twin Cities to take a Lady with great gams to, may I recommend Ciao Bella in Edina.

We start with a cocktail at the bar. Try the Chocolate Martini. Vodka and Godiva Chocolate Liquor. Sets the mood for pleasant conversation.

Then it's off to a cozy booth in the back for a nice appetizer of Calamari and Mussels.

But wait! We need a bottle! The Barolo d'Alba should do fine.

And then it's on to the main course. For the Lady, the fresh Chilean Sea Bass. For Lars, the Wild Mushroom Lasagna. Oh, and another bottle. Waiter!

Aah, il pasto era eccellente!

And after a repast like that, what could be better than dessert? Two coffees and we split the Fallen Chocolate Soufflé with Vanilla Ice Cream.

Having won her affections, it's time to pay the check, hand the Lady into the car, and head back to the bachelor pad to ignore a movie...

{This date brought to you as a public service. I know you are all a bunch of tossers who have to live vicariously through other people. Especially you, Papa Kahn}

{Ladies excepted of course}

Turn out later tonight.


I'm still rather tired.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Finish other people’s crossword puzzles.

Now sod off.

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Hi kids! Just wanted you all to know that I survived the gem and mineral show with only my dignity wounded by The Evil Tots From Hell. I bought many wonderous things like Zambian amethyst and African tourmaline and I almost bought some Andamooka opal, but at $10 a gram, thought it a bit steep. From these rough stones, I shall craft beautiful pieces of jewelry, although I won't bother to show any to the lot of you as it would be too much like casting pearls before swine. In more than one way. (Ladies of the Pool excepted as always)

I'm taking the day off work today, so if any of you louts would like to send me a feckin' move...I probably won't return it just on general principles, but take a shot, you might get lucky.


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Originally posted by Lars:

{snipped a load of drivel that wouldn't fool a three year old}

Having won her affections, it's time to pay the check, hand the Lady into the car, and head back to the bachelor pad to ignore a movie...snipped a further load of drivel ...

Ah I think you mistate the case somewhat there Former Squire Lars, surely you mean
Having PAID for her affections, it's time to WIN the check ... etc.
No charge for the correction, lad, what's a Liege for if not to help out eh?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I think you mistate the case somewhat there Former Squire Lars, surely you mean </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Having PAID for her affections, it's time to WIN the check ... etc.

No charge for the correction, lad, what's a Liege for if not to help out eh?


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Originally posted by Lars:

...and head back to the bachelor pad to ignore a movie...

The movie in question was "Herbie The Love Bug" which Lars ALWAYS shows his dates, thinking for some strange reason that it will show his tender, caring side. The reason the movie is ignored is because the date spends all of it's two hour length trying to avoid Lars' sweaty handed clumsy groping, while both of them are enveloped in the thick cloud of the two or three ounces of cheap, mail order cologne that is as much Lars' trademark as is his faux leopard skin furniture covers and his white patent vinyl shoes.

So, which one of your right out of prison, pen-pals was this one?

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Originally posted by Boo_ Radley

I bought many wonderous things like Zambian amethyst (code word for peyote buttons) and African tourmaline (code word for methamphetamines) and I almost bought some Andamooka opal (code word for ecstacy) , but at $10 a gram, thought it a bit steep.

Now, now Boo_ with the miniscule amount of gray matter you have remaining in that wooden skull of yours, one would think that drugs would be the last thing you would want to take. Do you then pop a few "Buttons" and visit the pedophile chat rooms, looking to swap war stories with like minded demented sociopaths?

[ October 28, 2002, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>I don't get this part. Why put a movie in if you're not going to watch it?</font>

If you turn it up real loud, it blocks out their screams.
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Opens large wooden oak door...

Smells fetid air wafting up...

Looks at steps down to hell...

Takes a few...

Timidly shouts....

"Ohhhhh Berli, Ohhhh Berli...."

{Coughs nervously}

"Send me my turn!!!"

Listens to the mad rantings of those down deep...

Slowly turns around before the madness can take hold and returns the way he came from, up to the cold light of a winters day.

Breaths deeply and says, "Perhaps another day".

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Now, now Boo_ (All sorts of vapid, pointless guesses and Freudian fabrications <big>SNIPPED </big> because I felt like it.)

Shouldn't you be busy bilking elderly widows out of their savings with your incomprehensible cable scams? Or is your tiny cubicle far enough away from your Aqualung-ish shift supervisor so you can engage in petty white collar crime on a whim?
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Whatever Happened To Nip...

I don't think anyone here said that.....

Guilty as charged.... check the title of the MBT Nidan.

Wrong Nip though...

The Nip I was refering to is much more at home in the Peng thread and always has his name Bolded ........ Unlike Nippy.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>I don't get this part. Why put a movie in if you're not going to watch it?</font>

If you turn it up real loud, it blocks out their screams.</font>
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