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CMX2, The Peng challenges The Justicar, Round II


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This, actually, is an interesting project. C'mon, you lackwits! There are roles to be cast! Say your piece! Cast your vote!


Rick: Berli (they're both misanthropic bastards with a heart of gold...at least, in the movie they have a heart of gold)

Captain Renault: Myself. But, if the crowd is against me: Peng (it pains me to give this up...but...well, it is Peng)

Ilsa Lund: Emma

Yvonne: Kitty

Sachsa: Mace

Carl: Old Foul Joe

Major Strasser: Rleete (Red state hugging bastard...)

Ferrari: ?

Ugarte: Some have suggested another short, dominating figure...

Sam: ?

C'mon! Round up the usual suspects!

[ December 28, 2004, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Kitty as Yvonne, of course, with Mace then as Sachsa...

I more see myself playing a part in Wuthering Heights, as Kate Bush.

*skips around, waving his arms in the air and every now and then giving a high kick*

Out on the stinky, stinky cess

We'd talk about some foooO-Oood.

You had a recipe for great Chilli:

Too hot, too spicy.

How could you leave me,

When I needed in-gredients?

I hated you. I loved you, too.

Indigestion in the night

from substituting wrong contents by slight,

I really need, really need,

need this recipe!


It's me, Macey

I'm hungry!

get me some haut cuisine.


It's me, Macey

I'm hungry!

get me some haut cuisine.

*skips down the road singing*


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Kitty as Yvonne, of course, with Mace then as Sachsa...

I more see myself playing a part in Wuthering Heights, as Kate Bush.

*skips down the road singing*

Mace </font>

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Proving that CM can still be a challenge, my esteemed opponent just pulled off a brilliant maneuver and decimated my entire Stuart platoon and bagged a Sherman to boot. All in one turn.

Of course, it wasn't any of you lot, but there you go.

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Originally posted by Lars:

my esteemed opponent just pulled off a brilliant maneuver and decimated my entire Stuart platoon and bagged a Sherman to boot. All in one turn.

Lars never did quite get the hang of 'showing off'...
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Originally posted by Lars:

Proving that CM can still be a challenge, my esteemed opponent just pulled off a brilliant maneuver and decimated my entire Stuart platoon and bagged a Sherman to boot. All in one turn.

Of course, it wasn't any of you lot, but there you go.

Yeah, the AI can be pretty tough, eh Lars?
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Seanachai you may be on to something here ...

As ****e Floats By

You must remember this

The pool is full of cess, a sigh won’t make it dry.

The Peng Challenge rules apply

As ****e floats by.

Elsewhere it is taboo

To speak out well and true

Or even craft a lie

But here we have our taunts to fling

As ****e floats by.

Seanachai and Berli

Always gibe and bait.

Jim Boggs and Mace,

Full of bile and hate.

Boo sneers at Noba

And both of them await

Their Justicar’s reply.

The Serfs are getting pissy

The Squires are acting prissy

The SSNs can die.

The MBT will WELCOME no one.

As ****e floats by.

Thank ya', thank ya' very much ...


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Well I’ve been gone a few days & I think it’s safe to say that I’ve been missed* but now its time to get back into the saddle, check out the view from the crows nest & grasp the viper…

We have the Justicar quivering in fear, soiled, crumpled up into a foxhole & crying out for ‘his mummy’ (Seanachai?)… this of course ain’t right and a resolution of some sort will be needed… heck it could be my (& therefore Peng’s) new year resolution…

We have a whole bunch of people sending me ‘Christmas greetings from the front’, people I’ve never even fecking heard of… and d’ya know what? There is probably a very good reason I ain’t ‘eard of ‘em.

I pay for the Lord of the Rings special editions & what do I get?

Do I get to see the hobbits go back to the shire & start kicking ass?

No, do I ‘eck!

And everything’s different from what I remembered, I’m sure Sauron won in the book… my he kicked ass… bit stupid not guarding the volcano & all but hell you win some & you lose some.

In the lab the mice have enjoyed Christmas & gotten all uppity… the fools don’t realise what I’ve got installed for them next year.

My inbox is disturbingly empty of HE… the dear lady & my liege have sent turns & that’s it… worse I have to send that Paddy some AK set-ups as he ate his BB.

My spirit is racked with doubt I realise Peng himself is watching my every move & yet I haven’t even gotten him a single choir boy … how can I call myself a proper Messiah if there is no one to teach? On the plus side I have been threatened with auto-de-fe… martyrdom here I come!

My what an interesting year it’s going to be…

• Six pages of nicety, hugs & sing-along’s hardly Pengish is it?

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Originally posted by Nightwatch:

The sodding Irish Buggewr is keeping his head down in embarressment after realising that his copy of CMBB is sitting 150 miles away at my parents house, and It will be at least tomorrow beore I can respond to your most excellent setup, Mi'Lord. *cries*

Don't call me 'Mi'Lord' I ain't no fancy pants, lawyer-type... I'm a squire I actually do some work.

You CAN call me your grace however...

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And another thing… are Swedes even allowed in the cesspool?

I’m pretty sure Fins… Finns… Finnians… Feckheads are banned (as it should be) so the identical Swedes shouldn’t get special treatment*…

* Unless its 'heavy duty' special treatment

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