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Brummbar Blues

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I recently started a QB PBEM in which I am attacking a British held town with a German force. Wanting to try a try some new things I picked 4 Brummbars for armor. Now to my horror I see that there are only six HC shells between all of them - the rest of the shells are all HE. To add to the trouble - the Brummbar that had 4 of the HC just bogged. My only other vehicles are 2 251/17 halftracks and one 250/9 halftrack. Should I just surrender now or are there any tactics to salvage this?? So far I've seen 2 enemy Wolverines that have done no damage yet.

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Well, you picked an HE-heavy force and you've discovered the weakness of it.

I would suggest your best course of action is to use 'area fire' to level everything as fast as you can. 150 HE will easily disable a tank if you hit the ground close to it, and it's good for getting gun damage aswell.

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It's a bit of a problem but nothing you can't handle, given some luck.

It all depends on your opponent's dispositions. If he picked an infantry/ATG force, he's ROYALLY screwed.

If he picked tanks, you're pretty safe from most with 6pdrs/75mm, but 17pdrs will, as always, chew you to pieces. Your 150mm HE is going to be less effective than AP might be, but not useless. It can easily immobilize a tank and damage a gun. Crewers under veteran status are also prone to being shook up by the explosions and may bail outright despite the lack of damage to their vehicle. Any open-top or thin-skinned hardware is going to be mincemeat - provided you can hit.

Don't forget that Brummbars have very strong armor. Your opponent likely has some 17pdrs, but on-map mortars can pin them while the Brummbars deliver the killing blow.

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What sort of terrain are you in? Most likely you will beat the crap out of him if you have a fair LOS across a fair distance. Like everyone else said, level EVERYTHING. Don't leave an inch uncratered! Make sure those Brummbars have 0 HE by the end of the battle (but don't needlessly waste it, put it in estimated positions)

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If you think those are fun, try a SturmTiger! I was playing one scenario which name I forget but the Sturmtiger killed like 3 JS-2, one of them with a near miss and about 200 infantry. Was real interesting. Was the first time I ever tried one of those.

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Just ran some tests. Tanks are very susceptible to gun damage from 150HE. Commanders are very vulnerable. I set up a QB, me with 8 Brummbars, AI with 12 Shermans and 4 Wolverines.

Turn 3, 4 salvos from a Brummbar at a momentary contact. I then saved and ended the game to see the result. 2 tanks had gun damage, and 4 had lost their TCs.

Your ROF is slow - 2 to 3 shots per turn. And 17pdr AP will go through that front armour without a problem at close range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I went out of town a few days but I'm back - the Brumbars are basically moving forward on "hunt." My stuck Brummbar unbogged (whew). When they come in LOS of any building, I'm leveling the building. I've now identified three Wolverines lurking around - no other AFVs yet. My infantry is moving forward about 300m ahead of the Brumbars, halftracks are hanging back out of sight for now. I hit the village with incendiary rockets and there are a few fires going. I blew up one house a Wolverine was hiding behind but it was not apparenty damaged. Thats about it for now -no AFVs lost on either side so far.

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Well, if it helps at all, I've killed T-34's with 88mm HE before.

I may have been a Muzzle Velocity thing, but hey, you don't know until you try!

Oh, and no one mentioned this, but your enemy doesn't know you only have X amount of HC (well, unless he's reading this thread). Use that to your advantage.

Good luck. Looking forward to see how this pans out!

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