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Originally posted by poppy:

If this dosent concern you then dont reply

It's 'doesn't'. And 'don't'. At least, it is if English is your first language.

Now, who has so angered you that you have been driven to this almost magically half-witted post?

Name names, lad. Everyone likes a good brawl, but no one likes people mumbling and cursing under their breath in a corner. Especially when they drag their corner to center stage. Oh, yes, we're not supposed to 'abuse and insult other posters directly'. But it's easier to work out your problems with someone than it is to look like an idjit cursing parties 'unacknowledged'.

Is it me? Please tell me it's me. You can safely abuse and hate me. In fact, have I informed you of the option of sending me a card, postcard, or letter filled with hatred for me?

Don't mumble, lad. Speak up.

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A liberal amount of Makers Mark@ this from Dalem,[in other words, it is emptyheaded, provocative bull feces, and almost Fionn-like in its utter tastelessness given the proximity to the very anniversary of the event.]

A bit of childishness on my part all went together to prompt this thread. Take a look at my Pearl Harbor thread for the full text of Dalems response. My appologies to everyone except Dalem. poppy

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Poppy - May I humbly suggest if you have a problem specifically with anyone, try e-mailing them instead of posting in a CMAK dedicated part of the forum as you may be mistaken for a troll cum popshotter.

I would do as I speak but you have no e-mail address in your profile.

Originally posted by poppy:

A liberal amount of Makers Mark@ this from Dalem,[in other words, it is emptyheaded, provocative bull feces, and almost Fionn-like in its utter tastelessness given the proximity to the very anniversary of the event.]

A bit of childishness on my part all went together to prompt this thread. Take a look at my Pearl Harbor thread for the full text of Dalems response. My appologies to everyone except Dalem. poppy

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Hi Mom!

I won't be home for Christmas, so you can breathe a sigh of relief. They have me chained to this desk and I apologize all day, every day to women across America. I would say that I've gotten good at it, but then again, I'd have to apologize for bragging.

Enjoy your Christmas and have a happy new year. I hope you got my request for some new undies.

Your hirsute son,


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Originally posted by poppy:

My appologies to everyone except Dalem. poppy

You should have said something earlier. Dalem only lives about 20 minutes away. I could have gone to his house and kicked the snot out of him for you.

Too late, now. I mean, he won't even remember whatever it was he did that irritated anyone. Punishing him now would be like hitting the dog with a ball bat today for peeing the rug last month.

Dalem is a busy man. He's already annoyed 20-30 people since he angered you.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I am beginning to suspect that dalem is one of those Crypto-Neo-Somethingorothers who is looking to start World War III just because he thinks the fireworks might be interesting and life bores him anyway.



Thank you James Blish. ;)


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Angered? He hasn't angered the community. The community is merely shaking and seething with rage and righteous indignation. Quite an accomplishment, actually.

When I first saw this thread I thought of suggesting that we start a new one in which you were only allowed to post if you were seeing double. But quickly dropped the idea lest it draw posters away from the MBT. And then realized that worrying about such things was outside my province as a nuclear attack submarine.

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Come now guys.

Are we so frustrated about our lives that we need to beat up on eachother?

Are we so far sunk into the IKEA sofas facing a thousand channels with sitcom replays and reality TV? Have we all grown weary with trodding the local mall in search of Something to replace Nothing, long since heavydrinks with wives that have found a thousand ways of expressing our disclosed inadequacies. Are we finally realising we will never become rich, nor famous, or even beautiful. That the train has already left and we never even got to the station? That a lot of other people are actually are rich, famous and beautiful and their lives are wonderful, or at least wonderfully unlike our own? That it doesn't mean anything anymore being from New York or Amsterdam or Vienna, even being French, as we're all just part of that obese, apathetic "West" anyway and even Norwegians say Ciao these days, and people from Utah prefer Café au Lait. Are we closing in on the soft bellied middleage, buttocks dropping and bellies prohibiting visual inspection of our dearest organ even in the ever more seldom appearing erected stance? Do we despise our jobs and our managers, do we feel guilt about not visiting our boring parents and are we quite pleased we live too far off from our nieces to ever have to babysit them again? Do we feel guilt about being too absent in the lives of our children, and guilt about being American/German/British/French/Iraqi-whatever? Is this it? This is all there is?

Well, I don't know about you guys but I sure have got a frustration the size of the Eiffel tower and if I don't get it out, I fear I'll have to bring a machinegun to work. Or follow the local custom here of killing a tax collector. Or send very, very angry letters to Britney Spears. Or buy something really expensive that I don't need.

Dalem, I have no idea what it is that you did this time but I immensely enjoy being an anonymous party to a drunken armed mob in the process of lynching you (I hope you have the shade of skin, or hair, or religion, or sexual orientation most suitable for lynching victims in your local part of the world, whichever that might be), and I thank you kindly for providing this opportunity of letting off some steam by victimising you. In the end, I hold you responsible, for everything, including your own imminent demise. You make me do this. Its your own fault.

Or, if it is in fact Poppys we are after, I address the same message to him.

In fact I'd go for Seneachai as well, if it turns out to be him. Or anyone else as long as it's not me.

So. Anyone got a rope or is this all gonna end in just small talk?



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