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**** ROW V (Part 3) ****

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JonS, “My apologies to Dawg for the misunderstanding, and to the rest of ROW V for the fallout from it”

Apologies accepted Jon. I sent you a separate email detailing the issues that concerned me. You answered more clearly what it was you were trying to say. Thank you. I have only respect for you and all members of Group 7. Thanks for the fun PBEM games.

Thanks to all the others posting to clarify the NABLA fairness discussion. I do not disregard your NABLA scoring concerns as unimportant. I don’t know enough about the mechanics to even question the scoring. I am sure any scoring system can be refined but the timing of that fairness inquiry would be healthier, in my opinion, after the ROW V tournament is concluded. Regardless of disclaimers, questioning the fairness of how a sporting event was conducted immediately after the event resembles a protest of the scoring. This may be only my misunderstanding of the mechanics of CM forum discussion. Sorry. In cycle racing, fifteen minutes after the event with no written protest, results stand. At this point it is end of discussion and move to the next event. It is considered unsporting to review fairness issues around the next event start line. Sorry.

Synchronicity. The timing of the post game scoring comments and our oldest dog’s symptoms progression may have colored and amplified my misunderstanding of the fairness discussion. I apologize. Despite our thoughtfulness and meticulous medical management our fifteen-year-old dog is getting closer to his end of life. Our Veterinarian agrees with me that his end of life may be as much as a few months away but my sense is it will occur sooner. I will not meet the deadlines on the AAR so King please judge this as my official default.

CM is a leisure activity for me. Our 1st dog is family. It would be wise for me to enjoy his unique personality while I can. If he were to die in the ROW finals I would be incapable of pressing the ‘GO’ button. Group 7 has very proficient CM players. It would be best for one of them to move ahead into the finals.

Have fun in the fights and enjoy every challenge, every day.



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Originally posted by Sivodsi:

Come back Dawg! You're being too sensitive!

Hello fellow CM Warriors, I am also a member of Group 7 and agree Dawg was damn good and he fought me hard as I did him. He needs to move on to the finals.

Dawg, stop this craziness or I will make a short trip to New Orleans from Houston and get you right!!! Get ready to fight for the wine!!!


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I'd just like to add the fact that being a replacement sucks, and is total pot luck as to what you are handed. The only game I played from the start was Highlanders and I consider it a truer reflection of my ability than the total dross that I was handed as a stand in. Apart from that 1 game I came in at at least the 1/2 way point and sometimes later. I have been away for a while and havent submitted any AAR, but then again how can I, what will I say, got the game on turn 15 and the guy who was originally playing had lost already?

Cant say I was chuffed, but thems the breaks, good luck to the winner of group 11 and hope you do well in the next rounds.

Oh well, maybe next time eh?

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Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

5) Push to Maleme.... slow, dull, and included aircover :rolleyes: I move that aircover be banned in ROW scenarios.


cant say that, the luftwaffe gave me a helping hand considering i was playing allies :D

my list

1)highlanders in hell - i played it somewhat slolwy but really enjoyed the scenario

2) Wet triangle, great and very tense especially when you have 2 tanks dueling, this scenario got me the mood to play more simlar scenarios ...

3) st edwards/ moltke bridge liked them both

4) Push to Maleme, i just didnt enjoy it as much as the others ... may have been down to the fact i got massacred but we'll never know tongue.gif

i have to say considering these where my first 5 pbem games i dont think i did that bad smile.gif

[ June 13, 2005, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: the_enigma ]

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Just got an email that made me re-read the ROW notes. I failed to mention my sincere apologies to Sivodsi as well earlier today. I have only respect for you my friend. As noted in my email to you, my misunderstanding of the NABLA fairness issues expressed made me question what was being said. I am not too adept at computer discussion mechanics “typical grog critical analysis of the methodology” and certainly not math. I now understand how computer folks don’t perceive intellectual scoring discussions in the same manner that we do in physical sports. You have nothing to feel guilty about Svidosi. You played very well in that Wet metal bar used as a percussion instrument a/k/a a Triangle and throughout your 1st tournament. Congratulations.

I failed to see your post when I came back with our oldest dog this morning because I was a sadly shaken seeing our 15-year-old presenting additional signs of strain on his limited organ reserve. I know to well what is coming. Knowing our oldest dog’s demise may occur during the ROW V finals, it would be unfair to all finalists for me to even start. When he passes I won't be able to finish any computer game.

Thanks to all of you who posted and emailed your encouragement to remain in the finals.

JonS: A fine sportsman and talented tactician.

Sivodsi: 12th in top scores overall as a rookie tournament player! No greenhorn by your name.

Kingfish: I don’t envy your workload but I admire your patience and what you accomplish.

Ace: Thanks for you guidance and I will get all AARs to you over time.

WineCape: Thanks Charl, Your generosity supports healthy challenge and growth.

Malakovski: You forgot more maths than I ever knew.

Melnibone: You did see Vombatus ursinus Lasiorhinus latifrons in Evil too didn’t you?

Dieseltaylor: You know more maths than I can forget.

Stikkypixie: Wine? What makes you think I drink?

GreenAsJade: the maths and rationales involved are complicated especially for a Dawg.

Kanonier Reichmann: A nutter? I think there is medication for that?

Nidan1: Good eye as the JOY and excitement was and is genuine.

(FGM) Panzertwat: Sorry I missed you score of 1.86 in G10. Congratulations and good luck.

Jbertles: your posts torment the English language… I got a D in French you know.

BigMik1: We will need to discuss this wine thing over seafood and drinks.

I am sure I missed others but your collective comments and actions are uplifting and very much appreciated especially after this morning. The scoring misunderstanding has been cleared up. The issue for me now is with my dog’s remaining time. We want to enjoy these days, offer what we can for his happiness and keep him pain free.

You guys get in there a have fun. I hope to check in as I can to read what kind of mischief Kingfish has in store for you. I will listen for those screams a/k/a FOW game banter.

Enjoy the ROW V Finals.

Dawg … to Sleep…

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Final AARs finally sent. Whew! Now, if Platehead will just forget to do his I might have a shot of making the cut ... tongue.gif

Actually, it is only fitting that Platehead edged me out in the scores for the group since that is what he did in our head to head game, the evil St. Eddies. Way to go Platehead!

My ranking of scenarios:

1. Highlanders. Loved the force mix, the map, the situation. I love attacking with mechanized forces and lots of tanks and was fortunate to have the Axis in this one.

2. Moltke. I thought I'd hate it. I was defending in a city with just a bridge to watch. But it was great fun. I too failed to notice the reinforcements on the far side, but only for a few turns.

3. Wet Triangle. Again, lots of tanks, say no more.

4. Maleme. I won, so I can't put it last. I enjoyed setting up the defensive fields of fire and actually seeing them work. Plus there was that great bombing run that foiled his attempt to take a flag in the rear with one of those toy tanks.

5. St Eds. The one I love to hate. I may never get over this one.

Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers, and to all my fellows in Group 11. Honorable mention to GSX for taking over some tough games in progress. Looking forward to playing in the next round, even if it isn't for the trophy, though I think I would have Walpurgis Night's number this time.... :D

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"Grumblings of War"!!!!!!!

OOOOOooo Kanonier! Good customer feedback trashed! : ) In my varied careers getting decent feedback has always been a problem. That people care enough to write is a positive even if the remarks on the face of it are complaints.

From reading the thread would you feel that anyone would not leap at the chance to play again? Absolutely not - and I suspect most people would even pay to play in the tourney [a modest amount for sure : )]

The killer in feedback is where people write and says things like " It was fun" "Nice scenarios" etc which provide no clue to possible improvements and may be purely a mark of the senders politeness rather than real feelings.

For noobies like me to RoW, and someone who rarely plays scenarios it was an education and great fun. That some scenarios had some quirks and the scoring system also does not stop me from considering it the best thing since sliced bread and I am honoured to have been allowed to play in it.

I am fully aware of the tons of man hours put into the scenario designing and choosing, the hours put in by administering it etc. Everyone associated with it on that side should proudly add it to their by-line.

And as for reviewing things ............ I come from a chess background and you may know how obsessive they are in going back and re-examining games and all : )

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Well said Mr Taylor. What a tornament, as ever. A varied and interesting bunch of scenarios. KingFish, Carrot and the lads, please consider another ROW before CMX. An admin fee also doesn't seem unreasonable either.

Thank you gents, beers are on me if you ever frequent London!

(AARs will be with you tonight Ace)

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Originally posted by Londoner:

...An admin fee also doesn't seem unreasonable either...

That has been sorted out. KingFish will visit Jeff Weatherspoon's 3rd CMVention in less than a months time. Single Malt Scotch - I have Irish too - will be send to Fishy in particular for this and past RoW efforts. Cpl Carrot apparently does not drink :eek:

MadMatt will also attend the CM South Carolina get-together with some special behind the Battlefront scene news. Don't miss it. For this reason I'm sending 10-15 year single Malts as a donation.

KingFish, please pick your Single Malt poison below (I have them in my shop @ the moment) and I'll include your choice in the shipment for Jeff:

10-year Aberlour (Speyside)

10-year Bushmills (Irish)

10-year Balvenie (Speyside)

10-year Talisker (Skye)

10-year Springbank (Campbeltown)

10-year Benriach (Highland)

10-year Glenkinchie (Lowland)

12-year Dalmore (Highland)

12-year Glen Ord (Northern Highland)

12-year Highland Park (Orkney Islands)

12-year Caol Ila (Islay)

12-year Cragganmore (Speyside)

12-year Glenfiddich Special Reserve (Speyside)

12-year Strathisla (Highland)

12-year Glen Moray (Speyside)

14-year Oban (West Highland)

15-year Dalwhinnie (Highland)

15-year Longmorn (Highland)

15-year Glenfiddich Solera Reserve (Speyside)

18-year Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve ( " " )

I also have

12-year Johnnie Walker (Black Label)

12-year Chivas Regal

12-year Jameson (Irish)

15-year Johnnie Walker (Green Label)

Dawg Bonz has e-mailed me and explained the actual reason for his withdrawal, as posted above. I respect his decision.

Sergio, please nominate the 2nd best in his group (according to the NABLA score) to take his place in the RoW Finals.

Many thanks to all the particapants. Thank you Sergio and management for the hours, energy and cool heads. Lastly, and most importantly, the SCENARIO DESIGNERS: Thanks for making RoW another success with your creative input!


Charl Theron



Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


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Today’s the day, gentlemen! AAR submission deadline is here.

Thanks to all of you that have already gotten your AARs submitted. That being said, I’d like to maximize the amount of feedback for the ROW scenario designers, so if anyone could submit AARs – if given a little more time – please let me know immediately.

I don’t want to be the reason for holding up the finals round, but there might be a little wiggle room. Please get back to me as quickly as possible.

Format for AARs reminder:

Use the following file naming convention for your AAR:

[Your screen name-opponent's screen name-scenario]

Include the following at the start of each AAR:

Scenario name: [scenario]

[Allied/Axis] Player name: [screen name of AAR author]

Opponent name: [Opponent's screen name]

Score: [AAR author score - opponent score]

Group [X]

Email: [AAR author email]

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This one is going to hurt.

To be honest, they all hurt, but this one...

If one was to ask who has ever been given the opportunity of choosing from a list of fine liquors, and having his choice sent to his doorstep free of charge, one would be hard pressed to find one individual that has ever had that opportunity.

I've been given three.

And I've had to pass on all three.

Yes, it hurts. :mad:


I am sorry (really) to do this, but I have to pass on your extremely generous offer yet again. The reason being that about the time of Jeff's get together I will be here in WPB, in court, as a witness and a representative for my mother (all I can say about this).

I would like to take this opportunity (again) to tell the entire Florida legislature to kiss my hairy ass for passing the assinine liquor import laws.

I will now go off to cry... :(

18-year Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve ( " " )

sob... :(:(:(
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Originally posted by Kingfish:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Other Means:

Kingfish: kenfederof and my scores seem to be transposed on St Edouards. He got the 77, me the 23. Makes no different to the tourney AFAIKS but he won quite handsomely.

Fixed </font>
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Good lord! Why are we playing for wine when scotch is available?!

‘cause wine are for mere mortals like winning participants. Single Malts are single for a reason:

1b x 18-year Single Malt = cost of 6b x excellent SA wine

1b x 18-year Single Malt = for 1 single person

Or do you wanna banckrupt me 18 years before my retirement age?

Charl Theron



Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments:


[ June 14, 2005, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by Ace Pilot:

Include the following at the start of each AAR:

Scenario name: [scenario]

[Allied/Axis] Player name: [screen name of AAR author]

Opponent name: [Opponent's screen name]

Score: [AAR author score - opponent score]

Group [X]

Email: [AAR author email]

Ace Pilot, um ... if we haven't followed exactly that format, do you want us to resend? I have all that info (except group number) in the AAR, but not all at the beginning. I thought it would be more suspenseful to put the score at the end. The file naming convention has been followed to a T however.
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