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Welcome Beer....mmmmmmm.....beeeeeerrrrr!

The Pengers and Cherry Wafflers are the BF.C forums darkest secret.

Even darker than the fact that Eric Young is the designer of the next Combat Missions game.

We don't like to talk about them, sort of like that crazy aunt the family keeps chained in the basement.

However, it is not unknown for fresh mea....I mean new members to wander into the pools by accident, so I'll give you this one warning.

The Peng and Waffle threads are sort of a combination of the Bethlem Royal Hospital for Hysterical Fallen Women and a CDC level 4 containment unit.

You have been warned.


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Dont listen to A.E.B. He´s one of them.

Every forum has its idjits. BFC managed to stuff the most active ones here in these two threads. They rarely venture out which is very good.

Ignore them.

And I really mean it, if you see one of them free look the other way.

It might be contagious...

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Originally posted by Beer:

I see, I fear my question has ventured into undesireble territory. But I persist, I'll get to the bottom of this!

Your question is about undesireable territory!

Don't worry, all the secrets of the Forums will be revealed to you after your initiation.

Now where is that paddle.............


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Cheers to Beer!!

I've been wondering these forums for a while and have always wondered about the nuts in the Peng/Cherry Waffles threads. The posts always seemed kind of like an inside joke so I stayed away--and typically their post's aren't full of very much substance. I've also wondered, wouldn't personal email be a better way for friends to rant and rave at each other? The purpose of the forum is to create a community, not cliques. Right? Oh--right, in every community there has to be cliques.

Take that Peng/Cherry Waffles!

Cheers to cold carbonated beers,


In my opinion, sarcasm isn't the lowest form of humor.

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Originally posted by Biochem can be fun:

I've also wondered, wouldn't personal email be a better way for friends to rant and rave at each other?

Who said they're friends? Half the people in the Peng thread have restraining orders out on each other. They could get arrested for invading someones in-box.

The purpose of the forum is to create a community, not cliques. Right?
Some people aren't fit to be part of the 'community'. That's why we have special places for them to live. Why don't you show some compassion and pay them a visit? Bring flowers, newspapers, porn videos, and while you're there challenge one of them to a game of CM. They will thank you for it.
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Everytime I enter and start to read the thread my eyes will cross and there's ringing in my ears but it's a pleasant sound and leaving you wanting more. That's why I'm convinced these are aliens who've created these threads to scurry us along a certain path that is already planned for us by a higher form!

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Originally posted by Beer:

Hey guys, I'm new to the board and have noticed some thing where I have no idea whats going on. For instance, what the hell is a Peng?? And Cheery Waffles? Can someone explain?

- Beer

To get back to your original question, and to ignore the half-wits who have answered previously, here's the true story. Long ago, shortly after the earth cooled, the fabled Seanachai challenged the equally fabled Mr Peng to a game of CMBO, which became the birth of the Peng challenge thread. Originally it was used for a very limited group of old geezers to taunt each other. Somewhere along the line the heierarchy of knights and squires and serfs was grafted on. They even have a queen, the thoroughly delightful YK2. The point of the thread has now drifted away from Combat Mission challenges and is now primarily a thread for Elvis to call everyone "wankers".

A lttle over a year ago, the forum witnessed the arrival of a new member named MasterGoodale (the maggot). His enthusiasm for Combat Mission was so extreme that he started creating a multitude of threads to extoll the virtues of the game. In order to keep him from pushing all of the other threads back a page or two, Abbott created the Cheery Waffle thread, where MasterGoodale (the maggot) could post to his heart's content. A few of us began posting in his thread, mainly to egg him on and see how outrageous he could be. Let me tell you, MasterGoodale (the maggot) was something to behold! Sadly, he became the victim of mold or ants or some other infestation of his home.

Anyway, BFC has been generous enough to allow both of these threads to continue. The Peng thread is home to a very exclusive and organized club, where the long time members delight in abusing new people who wander in unawares. The Cheery Waffle thread has remained fiercely disorganized, and welcomes anyone who cares to drop in, as long as they don't take themselves too seriously. :D:D

One other difference - in the Cheery Waffle thread the use of graemlins is encouraged, while the Peng thread members (or <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>) abhor graemlins. tongue.gif:Dtongue.gif:D

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I like to think of them as wild animal sanctuaries. The inhabitants have been contained equally for your protection and theirs.

In the interest of full disclosure, I must confess that I do drop by the Peng thread from time to time. The Carbon12, or whatever his name was, saga was some of the most entertaining fare I've read in a long time.

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Originally posted by Dave H:

One other difference - in the Cheery Waffle thread the use of graemlins is encouraged, while the Peng thread members (or <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>) abhor graemlins. tongue.gif:Dtongue.gif:D

Somewhere, in the depths of the archives, is the ORGINAL Peng rant against graemlins. Once upon a time, the BFC board didn't allow graemlins, and when we got them, we went nuts.

And so did Peng.

His rant is truly a classic.


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Originally posted by Hans:

The waffle and peng are like public nudity, you cannot do it without a public.

Best avoided or viewed from afar. while thanking your parents for not dropping YOU on your head.

GRRAAAAEGHRGHAAAARGHH!!!!!! They said it was a game!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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