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The Peng Challenge Remembers Jim Boggs


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

who wants to have the first poke?

Never trust anyone that is willing...

Hmm... bit verbose...

Never trust anyone.

Much better that </font>

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Originally posted by rleete:

In a move designed to confuse all, I have reformatted my HD, and installed XP. In the process, I have wiped out any and all games in process.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce default surrenders in each cesspool game. Wins go out to dalem, Mrspkr, OSGF and Nidan 1. I also finally give up trying to see just how long Boo will hold out waiting for a turn.

Congratulations, you all win, and you still all suck.

We were playing a game?

You poltroon, send me a setup.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, look, Joe! Look at those big, limpid eyes! Look at that expression of longing, and the quivering of that lip!

Could be DTs.

Joe, I know it's wrong of me to simply want to make him a Knight. But when an outrageously gay Belgian with flashing blue eyes follows you home, and starts trying to do the nasty mambo with Cardinal Boo's leg...well, you can see how I'd want to keep him, don't you?
Isn't it about time you were hit by a taxi driven by a Jamaican illegal whacked out on ganja and trying to untangle his dreadlocks from the rear view mirror?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Believe me, you don't ever, ever want to make me angry, and face the Monkey Death Grip of Shrieking, Big-Eyed, Long-Tailed, ****e Flinging Dance of Death!

Oh, is that what it is? I thought it was just some leftover "special moves" from your disco days.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SturmSebber:

Sadly, i'm an immoral degraded, knighthood stealing low-life who's main goal in life is to be recognised as a Knight in the POOL . So there you have it... who wants to have the first poke?

Oh, look, Joe! Look at those big, limpid eyes! Look at that expression of longing, and the quivering of that lip!

Clearly the Power of the Justicariate can't simply accede to his elevation to Knighthood. But couldn't we jump him up to Squire? I mean, he's pretty jumped up as it is! I mean, look what he's doing to Boo's leg!

Joe, I know it's wrong of me to simply want to make him a Knight. But when an outrageously gay Belgian with flashing blue eyes follows you home, and starts trying to do the nasty mambo with Cardinal Boo's leg...well, you can see how I'd want to keep him, don't you?

But I await the decision of the Justicariate. The Olde Ones, of course, are above all mortal concerns and judgments. We are ruled, simply, by the dictates of Fate, the need to Open the Way so that the Folk may Create the World, and the imperative of Who the Bottle Passes to Next.

But I, Steven Hunter Pemble, the Seanachai, await the decision of the Justicar.

Oh, look! He's got a really good grip! Who'll give me odds on whether Boo can get away without soiled pants? </font>

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My fellow denizens,

I come to you today, hat in hand, with a humble question to put before your eminences. I wish to know where I should turn for a ruling on a finer point of MBT etiquette. While I may risk appearing stupid for asking, I figure it's better to check the rules than barge ahead and end up with egg on my face, don't you think? So who is it to whom I should put my delicate question?



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Originally posted by CMplayer:

I come to you today, hat in hand, with a humble question to put before your eminences. I wish to know where I should turn for a ruling on a finer point of MBT etiquette. While I may risk appearing stupid for asking, I figure it's better to check the rules than barge ahead and end up with egg on my face, don't you think? So who is it to whom I should put my delicate question?

There are no stupid questions... only stupid people. Ask away
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

My fellow denizens,

I come to you today, hat in hand, with a humble question to put before your eminences. I wish to know where I should turn for a ruling on a finer point of MBT etiquette. While I may risk appearing stupid for asking, I figure it's better to check the rules than barge ahead and end up with egg on my face, don't you think? So who is it to whom I should put my delicate question?



We already think you're stupid and frankly the egg on your face would be an improvement.


p.s. And thanks for serving up that softball, man it looked like it was just FLOATING there over the plate, almost like Tee-Ball.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

My fellow denizens,

I come to you today, hat in hand, with a humble question to put before your eminences. I wish to know where I should turn for a ruling on a finer point of MBT etiquette. While I may risk appearing stupid for asking, I figure it's better to check the rules than barge ahead and end up with egg on my face, don't you think? So who is it to whom I should put my delicate question?



You want to know if it would be all right for you to continue to wear women's underwear...hey its fine with me..no problem....you should probably ask the rest of tha lads....I'm sure they will be as fine with it as I am.

Don't know about the Ladies though, they might get jealous.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai it has NOTHING to do with the claimant ... claimee ... person at question. I have nothing against Stormsewer... well, he's from a goober nation but so is CM Player and HE'S a Knight.

No it's about the process, the procedure, the TRADITION of the thing. For see you Seanachai when Boo Radley, Lars and so many others have had to tread the path from SSN to Serf to Squire BEFORE reaching Nirvana ... the Knighthood of the CessPool ... then surely it is RIGHT AND PROPER that ALL should follow the same path. Well ... not US of course, we got Knighthood because we DESERVED it.

I've no objection at all to the lad being made Serf of the CessPool and, after a reasonable amount of time to judge the quality of his bribes ... uh, of his posts, he can be taken to Squire and will progress from there ... or not progress, given the quality of instruction I've seen recently from most of the latch-key Lieges around here.

But it is and has always been YOUR decision and that of the Olde Ones met in conclave. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has always followed your lead ... weaving, falling and distracted by bright colors though it frequently appears.

It is not easy, you know, to be the conscience of the CessPool. It's not easy to remember and without partiality enforce the many rules, most of them either unwritten or made up on the spot. Must I be the bad guy all the time, must I be the ritalin to the ADHD impulses of the Olde Ones? I shall have to think on this, a change may be overdue.

As my good buddy, Latex P. Catsup told me in a personal email just today, I needn't hassle with the cost of OEM software when I can download it for a massively discounted price. Words to be considered my friends.


(Drums fingers on edge of bar, performing a complicated back beat, with a perfectly executed paradiddle, ending with a rimshot...)

As you all know, The Justiciar and I have had some differences in the past. We didn't always see eye-to-eye on some things. Many times it was more like tooth and claw, but as a former Assistant Deputy Pro Tempore Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, on this issue, I must stand with Joe.

I have nothing against Stormcellar. I'm sure that he's a wonderful person with a winsome smile below touseled hair, but I think just bestowing Kaniggethood on him without having his mettle tested does not only a disservice to the odd, yet unremarkable traditions of the MBT, but also a disservice to Sturm-und-drang.

Without the tempering that comes with the various ranks, he will have no base, no core from which to draw the needed strength for when the time comes that HE desires to raise a poor, drippy, hygenically-challenged Serf up as his own Squire.

Before you can teach, you must learn.

So, as the most senior Knight present of the House of jdmorse, I say let the lad earn his stripes.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Right then, I'll beseech the Olde One. Now that I'm a knight, may I throttle my ex-liege and cannibalize him? The bastard was a slave driver. I'll offer the best bits in tribute. Is that the done thing?

That would depend on who your ex-liege was. Who was it?
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Boo Radley I take back a quarter of the bad things I said about you ... the least quarter but still a whole quarter. I also renounce my previous statement about your "service" as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread in which I characterized it as ... "Et Tu Boo?"

I also think the lad should earn his stripes, the only question is how many stripes and for that we need look no further than the Old Testament, specifically Deuteronomy 25:3 in which we are given the guidance:

Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed: lest, if he should exceed, and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee.
Pity that it has to be limited so but we shall just have to make everyone count won't we! I mean I wouldn't want to be "vile" because I miscounted ... mind you I don't much cotton to being called Stormsewer's brother but I think it's one of those allegorical things ... maybe a parable ... somefink.

Hmmm, you know they don't specify what kind of whip we are to use so I see no reason why a Cat-o-nine can't serve our function. Nine times forty ... yes, that might serve us well.


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Are you dolts proposing that Sturmy be stripped of the Knighthood he was given by Royal Decree, and approved by the recently departed Sir Jim Boggs? I move to have the Justicar declared unfit to fulfill his duties on grounds of insanity and permanently replaced with Moraine Sedai. If he manages to prove that he is actually sane (not likely, but considered for completeness), the bugger should be put on trial for treason.

From here :

Originally posted by YK2

Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Oh.... sod it...

I Queen YK2 do hereby declare that the loyal and brave SSN v42below and the Loyal and Heroic VSSN Sturmsebber (both bolded out of respect)are to be recognised as Knights Of The Pool..

There will be no neccessity for these brave Knights to go through the usual Formal ritual as laid down in the sacrilegious scripture held by the Justicar General ..

It should also be noted that the stonemason is busy at this very moment amending paragraphs 107a-109b "Proceedure of Elevation To Knighthood" where it will now read...

*Unless waved by Queen YK2 * after each rule...

Waves all the rules

I trust everyone including the Justicar will have no quarrel with this decision, and receive both these Loyal Knights in the way we of the one true MBT have done so in the past...

Let the merriment begin...

*Passes around the Lagavulin, beer, and wine*


Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


*Waives with both hands*

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Come now V42below, anyone with at least half a brain (not to fret lad, you were given a waiver since you live in Australia) will note that the Late Sir Jim Boggs (may his AP always penetrate and his HE always detonate) was shouting huzzah not at the elevation of some SSNs to Knighthood but rather to THIS statement:

*Passes around the Lagavulin, beer, and wine*
It was much the same reaction that I got when I announced a trial ... with Stenographers.

But this is the sort of constant abuse and hectoring I get ... not that I understand what the siege of Troy has to do with it.

I tell you lads you'll be sorry indeed when you lose the firm, guiding hand of your Justicar and are forced to put up with weak willed, lily livered,yellow stripe down the back, please the crowd with more bread and circus Justicar ... iate ... ness, stuff.

THEN you'll be sorry. THEN you'll cry out, "Oh where, oh where is our OLD Justicar," you'll cry, "We want our OLD Justicar back." But one day he won't be there ...


p.s. You'll also note, if you look carefully, that Dame YK2 did not "Waive" requirements as she doubtless intended, but rather "Waved" them ... then note what Sir Jim Boggs wrote ... that lad was clever, funny and I'll give him the ultimate Southern compliment ... he was a Good Ole Boy.

[ April 17, 2005, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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[clears throat]


[collapses into a coughing fit, hoicks up a gigantic floogie and spits]

Ahem...as I was about to say...I would like to proffer a solution to the Sturmsebber [spelt but not bolded] problem. I think this will dovetail neatly with the Divine Guidance Joe, acting in the Office of Justicar, discovered in the text of Deuteronomy. And that is that instead of aforesaid Sturmsebber [spelt, etc.] being made a Knight of the Pool, he be named Permanent and Official Whipping Boy. There is every reason to believe that this should prove mutually satisfactory for all parties involved.

Sturmsebber [spbnb], because he is so desperately hungry for any form of attention that he would submit to torture and indignity a thousand times over just to be noticed and raised from the totality of his insignificance.

And as for the rest of the Pool, well, everyone needs someone they can feel superior to, and I can think of no one else who is so perfectly equipped to fulfill that role for an entire community.

Furthermore, and even more vital, every political body must have an object of blame. As is well known, the first instinct of every bureaucracy is to find a fall guy...er, guilty party, on whom to attach responsibility for failure when the system upchucks, as it frequently does. That the object of collective contempt may have had no powers whatsoever to avert said departure from copacecity...er, copacicity...er, good times, is entirely irrelevant. This is well known. All that matters is that some hapless figure be made to suffer as the repository of all the unhappiness of the community. In this way, he or she functions in much the same way as the garbage collector. It's a nasty job, but someone has to do it and better you than me. Much better you than me.

In summation then, I see this as the perfect solution to our current dilemma resulting in the gratification of all parties.

Now where did I leave my thumbscrews...


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