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Yes, yes, it's ALSO been posted before, but it's so ... topical!

Twas the Night of Delivery

by Joe Shaw

‘Twas the night of delivery,

and all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring,

‘cept his trusty mouse.

His wife had departed,

with a steely cold glare,

Said she’d be at her mother's,

like he’d really care.

The game had arrived,

via afternoon mail,

He tore up the wrapping,

with tooth and with nail.

He lunged to computer,

popped in the disc,

And started installing,

with a flick of the wrist.

Now ten hours later,

'twas awfully late,

But he hadn’t determined,

that damned Stuart’s fate.

He had twelve games in email,

three ICQ,

A scenario brewing,

he called “M4 Et Tu.”

The manual was read,

by monitor’s glare,

To miss out on the action,

he just couldn’t dare.

And as he perused,

the wisdom writ there,

He mumbled and babbled,

gripped by software.

“On Nashorn, on Tiger,

on Sturmgeshutz III,

On Puma, On Hetzer,

and Panther ausf. G,

Panzerfausts, Mausers

and MG42,

Surely will save me,

from this terrible stew.”

His ISP chimed,

his email he clicked,

A turn there from Iggi,

the guy was a dick.

He fired up the program,

and ran through the turn,

OH NO, yet another,

of his Panzers did burn.

His eyes welled with tears,

his sobs choked his chest,

Despite all his faults,

Iggi’s luck was the best.

But wait, ‘twas a chance,

and he took it with glee,

His airstrikes surely,

would make Iggi flee.

And so through the night,

he plotted away,

In the hands of BTS,

he was nought but clay.

Stephen, and Charles,

with unbridled ambition,

Created this evil,

called ... Combat Mission.

Merry Christmas


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And to Mrs Shewhomustbeobeyed...(you won't believe how hard that was to type without leaving a space)

No need to be so formal in here... come in.. kick off your shoes, put your feet up and relax...

See..... nice isn't it?

OOps.... And Merry Christmas


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Just so's you know, to make it a might bit easier on your pointy little pinheads (the fair Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course), just as fair YK2 is called fair Emma and as fair Persephone is called fair Patch and fair Kitty is called...er...Kitty, so may fair SheWhoMustBeObeyed be called fair Rose.

Oddly enough, because it is her name.

p.s. Joe, I loved your rendition of "Twas the Night Before Christmas". I laughed, I cried, I got up, got another beer, came back, got up again to rearrange my shorts, sat down, typed this.

How intense is that?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Just so's you know, to make it a might bit easier on your pointy little pinheads (the fair Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course), just as fair YK2 is called fair Emma and as fair Persephone is called fair Patch and fair Kitty is called...er...Kitty, so may fair SheWhoMustBeObeyed be called fair Rose.

Oddly enough, because it is her name.

I do believe that the expression "Fair" is trademarked to moi... YOUR QUEEN ...

Mrs Boo can be anything she wants... Lady Rose has a nice ring to it don't you think?

But not FAIR ROSE!!!! It's just not... well.. it's just not fair.... it's mine I tell you... all mine.... my precioussssssssssss...

*Stumbles back to her throne*


[ December 25, 2003, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

I do believe that the expression "Fair" is trademarked to moi... YOUR QUEEN ...

Really? Did I miss out on a memo?


How the feckin' feck can I be expected to get protocol right when I don't have the right scorecard???

Incompetent nimrods!

I blame Joe Shaw!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

I do believe that the expression "Fair" is trademarked to moi... YOUR QUEEN ...

Really? Did I miss out on a memo?


How the feckin' feck can I be expected to get protocol right when I don't have the right scorecard???

Incompetent nimrods!

I blame Joe Shaw! </font>

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Stop the bloody singing!! I gots somfing to say. I would like to announce that I have as far as i can tell, killed the BFC Man (person if you want) of the Year Award thread, and on account of that, I now proclaim myself The Battle Front Man of the Year and the honorary threadkiller of the year for my feat of destruction. That is all, please return to your singing and jovial what not. Happy Christmas now that its all over.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Only a Rose knows how good mud feels between the toes.

Still haven't got the floor in, eh Boo?

No, see, when we bought the house it already had a floor in it. This must be a concept foreign to you and the cheesebox hovels you rent out.

BTW, did you go door to door to your tenants yesterday, demanding rent money and if they didn't have it, you took payment with the gifts for their children?

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It was never my intention to neglect a 'Merry Christmas' to the Cesspool's own Justicar. No, it was simply that it took a few days to round up the proper libation with which to toast him.

Here, Joe, take this tumbler...never mind the colour, you know what they say, 'absinthe makes the heart grow fonder'. No, no, don't drink yet!

Now, half this little vial goes in your glass, thusly. Yup, something new out of the rainforest...heard about it from a friend who's a Xenobotanist...stir it up good...it'll actually cover that nasty anise flavour, believe it or not.


You've got about an hour of coherency, so you might want to run around and disconnect the phones and lock the carkeys up somewhere complicated.

Oh, and don't worry about buying libations for New Year's. You're probably set now until sometime the morning of the 2nd.

You've done a fine job, Joe. Say hello to Don Coyote for me.

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To Mr Pemble Penger , Thank you kindly for my long awaited Christmas Cheery Slap..i have waited ALL year for it. Then again...i have patience..as well as suffering from the odd long bout of Logic-itis from time to time ;)

Happy Christmas Stevie ;)

regards ( or distain if you prefer ;) )


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