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Nur das tapfere würde Peng herausfordern

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It's Christmas and I always get a little sentimental this time of year *sniffle* thought I'd share with you *chokes backs tears* something I stumbled across today in a websearch for some memories . . . *coughs up hair ball* . . . I promised myself I wouldn't cry . . . a link to the post that got me officially into this . . . *cries hysterically* . . . wonderful place!!!!!!

I bring you . . . *snivel* Seanachi and Berli welcome me to the pool. =)



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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Are you STILL a squire?

If someone of your utter lack of any redeeming or qualifying quality has been elevated to the station, the my squirehood is indeed inexplicable.

Unless the worthiless are to be elevated last, in which case I'm in for a long wait.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Kitty is quite right that anyone who would torment or torture a cat is subhuman, and shows a despicable lack of both ethics and morals.

Besides that, it taints the taste of the meat.

Seanachi, look how I made you cry and you welcomed me to the pool though . . .<http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011566-50.html>

. . . *hugs you and gets teary make up stains all over your shirt*

And you've been crying ever since. >=)


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Originally posted by Leeo:

How's that, Mala-Cough-up-a-hairball-and-die-a-kovski?

Leeeo...how many times must I taunt thee, and make thee turn away, and show to all the broad yellow stripe that runneth down thy crooked back?

Thou art a skulker and a coward. A brazen-faced varlet. A pasty-livered muck-dweller with barely a nostril above the level of the pool. If in truth a cat has lowered himself to abide with thee, he balances precariously upon thy head, which must needs also be his litter box.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Besides that, it taints the taste of the meat.

<big><big>BASE SCOUNDREL!</big></big>

I would challenge you to a Blood Hamster Death Match A-Go-Go for that comment, if we weren't already playing a game. A game where you show your true colors (fawn yellow and puce) by skulking and tippy-toeing through the thickets like some nocturnal, goat hooved wearer of faux velvet leisure wear!

I serve ye notice, Sirrah! Consider yourself challenged to yet another match when this one is over. A match where I shall force you to take back your ill-chosen words AND EAT THEM like the like the week old pizza that closely resembles your soul!

MARK WELL MY WORDS, like the neighborhood cats mark well your tires.

This is not finished...

(There. Now it's finished!)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

. . . *hugs you and gets teary make up stains all over your shirt*

And you've been crying ever since. >=)


Why are redheads always so...difficult. </font>
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Ah haid a cat wunce. Shae buggered off tae live wi' a retired cricketer ain Glen Huntly. Noo Ah haeve a wee span'l. A lang teem agoo Ah haed a hamster. Ah wrote a song aboot at. Ah borrowed tha tune - "Ghost Riders ain tha Sky"....

(Sang ye bastarrrds!)

Rambo ran awah fraim hame wun dark an' windy day,

Hae saw tha open back door an' "whoosh" hae was awah,

Hae trundled off aintae tha worrld as fast as hae cud go,

Which widnae very fast cos hae had tiny legs ain toes.


Yippe-yi-yay! Yippy-yi-ohhh,

Rambo ran awah fraim hame,

An' hae'll noo bae back nae more.

Hae scampered doon tha back staips an' across tha uncut grass,

'Till Ah cudnae see nae more o' haim excaipt haes bobbin' hind legs,

Tear ain mah eye Ah watched gi an' wished haim all tha baist,

But Ah knew tha dog wid catch haim, an' tha cat wid eat wha's laift.


Yippe-yi-yay! Yippy-yi-ohhh,

Rambo ran awah fraim hame,

An' hae'll noo bae back nae more.

Hae ran oot on tha main road an' hae stopped tae look aroond,

Tha Mack truck didnae see mah littel Rambo on tha groond,

Eighteen wheels a-spinnin' roond, "Adelaide or bust",

An' Rambo just a guinea pig, wha' consequently crushed.


Yippe-yi-yay! Yippy-yi-ohhh,

Rambo ran awah fraim hame,

An' hae'll noo bae back nae more.

Ain baid a' night Ah hear tha sound o' paw staips ain tha hoose,

As tha' tha ghost o' Rambo? Or maybe just a mouse?

Tha's wha' at as, a mouse Ah guess, an' Ah gi back tae sleep,

But wake agin when Ah hear Rambo's tiny voice squeak....


Yippe-yi-yay! Yippy-yi-ohhh,

Rambo ran awah fraim hame,

An' hae'll noo bae back nae more.


Rambo ran awah fraim hame,

An' hae'll noo bae back nae more.

Bah tha way, di' Ah owe anywun a turrn? Eh?

(Edited tae note tha Ah'm doon-loadin' tha CMAK demo. Ha! 18% an' staill gwin! Ye faux freckled fondlers o' furry ferret's fiddly bits!)


(noo wait...)

[ December 15, 2003, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

But much can be done with the right cat.

Sit Down, Mace!





*mull overs*

OooooooooooH! OOOOOooooooooooH!!

I get ya.





*mull overs*

<font size = 1>Err, I think I need a cold shower now.</font>


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

But much can be done with the right cat.

Sit Down, Mace!





*mull overs*

OooooooooooH! OOOOOooooooooooH!!

I get ya.





*mull overs*

<font size = 1>Err, I think I need a cold shower now.</font>

Mace </font>

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Just a brief note to inform you all that the Swedish git known as Hortlund has sent me a bleedin' huge Cassino Operation.

And stuck me with the French.

***sniff***....Squires...sometimes they can make you so proud!

SSN Hint Of The Day: Hedge and waffle.

Now sod off.

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Ah yes... under your skillfull guidance I have come a long way from accepting scenarios with a bunch of Italians (me) attacking across a field towards a bunch of well-armed russians hiding inside heavy buildings (you).

Not all the fox-pee in the world will save you this time.

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