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Ghastly Mud Bale's Throat of Weary Truffles

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 86smopuim:

So you @ss munches could win even with my HUGE donation to the cause?

Next game, I'm going a-viking. It was fun stealing all their money, pisses them off and making them show their teeth.

Mopi!!!!!! *hugs* You helped us finish second though! And second is as good as first against 12 - 1 odds!!! EEEW! I hugged you! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Kitty </font>

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My inbox was sorely lacking in Bitter, Furious, Mentally Deranged TNT this morning you bunch of Maggots! IIiiiii hate you all!!!

:mad: :mad:


Oh, and the reason I scored so low on fiefdom is because, unlike most of the bridge-dwelling trolls who frequent this thread, I have a full-time job and don't fill my day rootling through bins and begging for pennies. So I went to bed, and when I came back, my invincibility had been suckaged!!

:mad: :mad:

That made me MADDDD!!!

I'm so angry, I'm going to go home and get ****faced and make some really furious, TNT-laden scenarios!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Yes... I was Casanova. :eek:

DaveH was with us for a while too. At least when he left this time he didn't take all the alliance money with him like last game. =)

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by YK2:


Next game I shall bring my army of Pengers and we will kick your weary arses from here to kingdom come.. oh yes... I think Dave H would be a trustworthy addition ...He had the sense not to join you lot and should be congratulated on getting to the Top 5 Independent list..if he accepts then I would be happy to have him alongside my army...


YK2, I'm blushing. What did I finish, eleventh? I missed the end, being busy watching "The Wild Bunch", which is much cooler than Fiefdom. I must warn you, I play chaotic rulers and I play them as VERY chaotic. As Kitty mentioned, I did briefly join the Cheery Waffle alliance this time. I "borrowed" a few thousand gold from the bank, and when I left the alliance I told them I was repaying them by leaving their gold in the bank. :D:D

In all seriousness, I left the Waffles because they had allied with the Holy Rollers. When everyone joins alliances, and then the alliances merge, I feel like the game has been destroyed. The game doesn't depend on any individual's strategy or anything else. It all comes down to which member the alliance decides will get all the money. Even though I was just out of the top ten, any alliance could have vaporized my fief at any time. My army never was bigger than 2,000 units, because I didn't spend the whole game fighting. Next round I plan on making no attacks at all, to see what happens. If one player was only a Reeve and made it to the top five, that tells me that the military path isn't the only one to be successful. :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H:

If one player was only a Reeve and made it to the top five, that tells me that the military path isn't the only one to be successful. :D:D

Unless I am reading it wrong that Reeve was part of an alliance which had Dukes Counts and everybodys brother helping him/her along.. :eek: and so wasn't named on the final list of winners...

You on the other hand.. all on your lonesome made the final list of winners...

I know which one I would rather be..... :D

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YK2, maybe when I told everybody I preferred playing Sim City to playing Lord of the Flies, they decided to lay off. :eek: :eek:

I figure if I don't build any armies then nobody will get any prestige by attacking me. Then I'll do what I did this time, build universities and cathedrals and let my population balloon. It certainly worked pretty well this time.

The down side is that I would still survive or not survive at the whim of the alliances. The Yoricks/Holy Rollers/Whatevers seem to think of Fiefdom as their own private game. When you look at the rankings and see 10 of the top 15 fiefs are from the same alliance, you know they control your fate. :(:(:(

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Originally posted by Dave H:

The Yoricks/Holy Rollers/Whatevers seem to think of Fiefdom as their own private game. When you look at the rankings and see 10 of the top 15 fiefs are from the same alliance, you know they control your fate. :(:(:(

Indeed. not exactly "fair play".

Let's see how they fair against a BIGGER STRONGER alliance next time.. :D

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Listen up Maggots ! I come to you out of sheer desperation :( and that makes me :mad: ! Axe-sis (read Axis) of Evil666 has lured me into a scenario in which he has a platoon of t-34s(which he has parked on a flag in some scattered trees :mad: )and i have nothing that can kill them :eek: :mad: .

Its not what you think.I didnt lose the armor battle,quite the opposite,i was winning until these bad boys showed up(yep,early war,all i have are PzIIC and Pz38(t)s).I was left having to pray that the luftwaffe were not complete idiots.I mean when you see the whole german army engaging like 5 frecking tanks in a small patch of scat.trees,with a giant flag sticking out of it,you would think that they would do their job well,am i right?What would you do if your plane failed?He has most of the flags,and i think that i have killed alot more of his armor.I am trying out an ingenius scheme where i send my PzIIs toward the enemy tanks in the scat.trees.I have them exposing themselves at just the right spot so that they will "pop smoke"(before dying)and provide cover for my advancing infantry.Will it continue to work?Should i even bother with trying to close assualt the tanks?

I am not going to say the outcome of the bombing raid just yet,since Axe-sis hasnt seen it.Let me just say,it was beautiful to see ;) :cool: :D

I also saw my other opponent DIED SOM ON PUSS (I swear to god,that is what you get when you put "PseudoSimonds" into one of those anagram thingies)came in here the other day.I gotta tell you folks hes a tough opponent.Somewhere along the line of him "offering up" the bodies and souls of around a company of infanrty+support weapons to 120mm mortars(in scat trees,and woods no less) and a flamethrower HT,in addition to a few AFVs,he said this to my question of(something like),"What do you think so far?" or something(since i am one of his first human opponents).

Here's my AAR so far:

infantry moves forward - infantry meets flamethrower - infantry =


plane sees tank - plane destroys tank - other tanks scared - tanks move

forward - plane sees tanks, AT gun sees tanks, panthers see tanks, they all

laugh giddily, plane+AT gun+panthers = a lot more "I regret to inform

you..." letters.

Did I miss anything?

Needless to say i rolled around on the floor for awhile when i read that.Especially the "other tanks scared" part(i would insert the following Graemlins here if i werent so horribly oppressed by the limit of 8 of them:

Stick out tounge

Big smile

Big smile

Big smile





Sorry for the long post,but its kinnda like when you have diarrhea,its wants to flow,it needs to flow,and you just cant stop it(big smile,big smile,mad,mad....)

That is all Maggots

[ January 27, 2004, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Nevermind, class just oozes out of every pore of your body, doesn't it? Send me a setup, maggot. CMBB or CMAK, your choice. Something reasonably small, not one of MasterGoodale's 4,000 point extravaganzas. :rolleyes::D:D

Dave ,i accept your challene. :mad: In keeping with my "theme" of posting today,i will now recite the opening line in my german briefing:

"Welcome to the ass of the world,Major"

Looking forward to it,i'll get the setup sent just as soon as im done with it.I'll see you in hell soldier ;):D :mad: :mad:

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nevermind and axe will be briefly spared their destruction tongue.gif while my e-mail server does its best impression of one of my T-34's that just became acquainted with one of nevermind's Panthers. I spit on your Panthers!! :mad: :mad: Really, I do, because that's about all I've got left to throw at your uebertanks. :(Axe, I'd spit on your troops too but it's too friggin' cold! Now I'm going to warm myself up with a freshly-brewed T-34.

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Can't you Canadians keep this cold air up where it belongs? I'm getting tired of having to make a running start up the driveway to get my car into the garage every afternoon. Enough with the freezing rain and ice already! Axe, I blame you for this! GRARGHRARGGRAHRGGHRARRGH!!! :mad: :mad:

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Ahhhhh. So much hate and anger. It warms my icy heart and saves me on a trip to Cuba.

Not necessarily in order of suckatude:

Snarker -- be careful, you might just get what you wish for. :mad: I'll send you something tonight.

Nevermind -- I think I may have used my best zinger on you. To his rantings and ravings in game about the dozens of ricochets off my T-34: "Pardon?!? I can't hear you through all this armour!!"

PseudoHuman -- at least we are suffering through this misery together. Much like your troops no doubt will experience very soon. :mad: :mad:

And last and certainly least -- I am responsible for all the ills in your life Dave. Mwahahahahahaha!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Nevermind -- I think I may have used my best zinger on you. To his rantings and ravings in game about the dozens of ricochets off my T-34: "Pardon?!? I can't hear you through all this armour!!"


Not funny then,not funny now :mad: :mad: If it were someone other than me,it would be funny,but not me :mad: :D

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